My 72-year-old client said to me one time, “I don’t want to do videos because I don’t like the way my neck looks on video.” (she thought it was too wrinkly) And I replied, “put a scarf around your neck and do it anyway!” She did and that was the start of her using...
How will you go into this year’s “Being”? How will you stay “Focused”? A lot of folks pick a word for the year, a phrase, or a focus… Last year, mine was “Focus on What Matters.” Last year, I held a virtual summit with...
Today I wanted to talk with you about your business, specifically about how much follow up you’re doing (or not doing). The fortune is in the follow up. Do you believe that’s true? I hope you don’t think it’s just something that us marketers or...
Have you hired a mentor and have it not work out? Have you felt a little underwhelmed by one or two of the mentors that you’ve hired in the past? Whether they’ve been to help you start or grow your business, do some marketing, website designers, other...