Are you ready to Jumpstart, Grow, and Scale Your Business to Create Your Happiest & Most Profitable Life Ever?

If you know you need more direction, accountability, and instruction on HOW to get it all done, delegated, and systematized…. (Scroll down to enroll now!)

Then you’re in the right place!

As a 22-year seasoned Business Coach, I know a lot about a lot and I LOVE to teach hungry and motivated entrepreneurs HOW to do everything that’s required to build a consistent, moneymaking business doing what you love! 

NEXT CLASS STARTS October 28, 2024! Only 24 seats, enroll now!

Entrepreneurship is not easy no matter what ANYONE SAYS.

You’re Not Alone. And I’m Here to Help!

  • It will be difficult to make certain decisions needed in a timely manner but this is critical to do because MONEY FOLLOWS SPEED you know.
  • It will take time to build up a qualified list of loyal subscribers, prospects and customers who will buy from you, once and over again, so you MUST GET MARKETING & SALES SAVVY.
  • It will be uncomfortable at times having complete faith and believing in yourself and not listening to the head trash that ‘you’re not good enough’ or ‘who do you think you are? I know about this too, heck, I wrote the BOOK about that!

If you’ve been told it will be easy then good luck to you but REALITY CHECK HERE, it won’t be. A lot of the hype on the internet is false. I know because I’ve been led down some wrong paths, some inauthentic paths and done what people said would make me millions….and frankly it isn’t that easy.

The GOOD NEWS is that I tell it like it is, I don’t teach BS or “fluff”. I do and teach EXACTLY WHAT WILL WORK so you can stay FOCUSED, PRODUCTIVE & MORE PROFITABLE FASTER.

If you want THIS, then check out the new Jumpstart Your Sales & Systems Bootcamp!

Being a very creative right brained Astrologer, Intuitive reader, healer and silk painter, I had no clue on how to promote my business. I now have a beautiful, functional website, I am doing teleclasses and newsletters monthly and I have learned how to promote myself. My business is growing steadily and I cannot tell you enough good things about Katrina and her style of coaching. I would not be where I am today without her expertise! Her coaching style is so nurturing and she gives so much! Her knowledge of marketing just blows me away! Joining Katrina’s mastermind group was one of the best decisions I could have made for my career. Through this program I have gained the confidence to see success for myself.

Debra Sholly

Astrologer, Intuitive Healer, Florida

It’s time to finally learn how to build your business the right way from the start. (Even if you’ve already started… it’s never too late to Uplevel.)

Most small businesses and entrepreneurs go out of business because they don’t realize what all it takes to successfully run their own ‘profitable’ business and they get in over their head quick and struggle for years instead of ‘going all in’ with a good coach 1:1 from the beginning. 

With this bootcamp, you can get the help you need now but without the 1:1 investment!

  • Get more confident to charge what you’re worth and get it!
  • Stay focused on what moves the needle in getting clients and making money, not getting squirreled with bright shiny, fun things!
  • SAVE money on things you don’t need to do right now to get where you want to go (but you’re doing them because you don’t know what you don’t know)!

It’s time to finally invest in the ENTREPRENEURIAL TRAINING that can help you create the life and business that you want.

The Jumpstart Your Sales & Systems Bootcamp is a business development and marketing implementation program like NO other out there. I know a lot about a lot of different types of business models, marketing strategies (online and off), techy tweaks, and so much more that literally NO one out there is teaching. (not all in ONE program)

I will share this all with you in this comprehensive 5-month group program. Spoon feeding you just what YOU need to know to start, grow and market your business so you can reach YOUR GOALS faster. We’ll work closely together over the first 2 months so there is NO CONFUSION on what you need to do and how to do it. Then you’ll get 3 additional months of accountability group calls with me to help you IMPLEMENT.

One-Time Payment of

Only $997

(Save an additional $194 + bonus “Pricing Clarity” call)

Start Today for Just


(Plus 2 more easy payments of the same amount)

Start Today for Just


(Plus 5 more easy payments of the same amount)

Bonus “Pricing Clarity” Call to anyone who pays in full for this program! This is a 30 min 1:1 with Katrina where she will review and give you feedback on what you’re selling, how you’re priced, what else you can sell or how else you might be able to monetize in your biz.

The best part is that it’s totally 100% GUARANTEED.

I’ve included all the specifics about the program and what you’ll receive on this page  but it’s just an outline of what you’re going to get; you have no idea what you’re in store for really. I am so confident that this program will be EXACTLY what 99% of small business owners and entrepreneurs need to learn how to start, grow and market your business effectively and FAST that I even include my PERSONAL HAPPINESS GUARANTEE!

If you you attend the first call of this program and participate fully and then simply don’t feel like it’s a good fit, you can receive a full refund and be released from the program and payment commitments. There will be no refunds however for NO SHOWS.

Now I’m not saying it has to be all hard work

or long hours because it doesn’t.

You just may not know how to build and scale with less effort. There are a LOT of “Hats” we have to wear as Entrepreneurs and you’re not expected to be masterful at all of them!

But you do have to have the right systems, business structure, offerings, pricing, plan, technology, and sales strategy in order for you to create a more smooth-running business machine.

And I happen to be really good at honing in on the ‘holes’ or ‘what’s missing’ in your business as well as much bigger money-making opportunities for you or any business pretty quickly; this is a huge specialty of mine. Then I can also pretty quickly show you EXACTLY how to fix, tweak or change up your business in order to attract more clients faster and make more money sooner! AND… give you the WORDS!

Because it’s the smooth running business machine that’s going to allow you the lifestyle you want to live, give you the freedom and love you want to enjoy. So many entrepreneurs don’t make this a priority however until something DRASTIC happens, then it’s just too hard to scramble and put it all into place quickly.


Embracing Systems & Structure in Your Business
Embracing Systems & Structure in Your Business

The Jumpstart Your Sales & Systems Bootcamp Happens LIVE on Zoom with me, Katrina Sawa, for 5 weeks This Fall/Winter (October – December) – Calls are on Mondays from 1-3 pm PST, then there will be monthly accountability calls in January – March.

We’re going to spread out the trainings and accountability calls so you no longer are overwhelmed or confused on WHAT to do to generate clients, get organized, and have more time to get it all done (with my help!).

5 Training Calls are all on Mondays from 1:00 - 3:00 pm PST, October 28, November 4, November 25, December 2 & December 9

Plus, 3 Additional Months of Monthly Group Calls for accountability, completion of implementation. January 13, February 3 and March 3 from 11:00 - 12:00 pm PST.

Training Topics for the 1st 4 Classes are as Follows

(5th is bonus Q&A and Laser Coaching!):

# 1: Establishing & Setting Course on Your “O.O.I.”

=> how to tap into your deepest internal driving force so you become unstoppable, passionate and irresistibly attractive to your ideal clients

=> determining your unique “order of importance” of what you want to focus on, develop, create, and/or how to market in order to reach your big money and lifestyle goals is critical (many entrepreneurs DON’T see things in the best order and avoid other things due to not knowing how)

Business Models Chart

# 2: Clarity & Confidence with Your Offerings & Positioning

=> fine tuning and adjusting your business models and pricing so that you’re making offers people want is critical and sometimes you can’t see the tweaks in the messaging or packaging that could make people want it more.

=> understanding the perception others might have of you based on what you look like and are projecting online is important as you’re too close to your own stuff

# 3: Marketing, Lead Gen & Sales Systems for More Profit

=> how to deeply connect with and inspire the people you originally created your business to serve, AND making them WANT to learn more through automated nurturing systems.

=> make it so YOU are always the first person they think of when it comes to your product or services, this alone will separate you from everyone else in your industry, NO ONE does enough follow up

=> Learn my 8 Ways to Improve Your Closing Ratios & Sales Presentations so that when you do get into conversations with people who want to buy your stuff you know what to say to enroll them

# 4: Website / Tech Tweaking & Delegating for Growth

=> There’s a lot of things and places you can definitely waste money on when you learn more about online marketing, websites, blogs and shopping carts. This program will share with you the good, the bad and the ugly about everything out there involved with technology and online marketing so you know EXACTLY what to do or NOT do online

=> sharing the backend operations for efficiency!

=> how to set up the systems and support teams that take care of all the boring ‘hard work’ in your business for you, so you can just show up & do the fun stuff (that pays you the most)


What You’ll Get Out of This Program:

Most entrepreneurs find that they learn new ways to build and market their business after the very first call. During this training you’ll experience the following:

  • You’ll feel much more confident and clear on what you’re providing, offering, selling and doing
  • You’ll be a lot more confident to charge what you’re really worth, spending time with people for free too much and you’ll stop undervaluing yourself overall
  • You’ll have a clearer understanding of how to monetize better what you’re already doing
  • You’ll learn how to systematize things you’re already doing so you can get more done and reach more people faster and more consistently
  • You’ll understand where to focus you’re time every day, week or month and on which money-making tasks so not to waste time on things that will not lead to success or profits
  • You’ll create a roadmap for your business success, for reaching your desired goals in income, lifestyle and even your give back needs
  • You’ll have less stress about what to do and how to do it
  • You’ll know where to find resources and people to support you along the way, ones you can trust
  • And so much more!

This is a fast paced business building and marketing training program where you’ll learn everything about setting your business up the right way from the start (whether you’ve already started or not) including learning about specific technology and online marketing you’ll need, regular marketing and follow up, systems, outsourcing, and automation needed to leverage your time as well as ways to tweak what you’re already doing to increase sales immediately.

4 live 90-min trainings

We’ll be walking you through each step along the way and sharing actual strategies, steps, templates, and the WORDS too that you can use in all areas you’re expanding. I will help do things with you not just tell you what to do live on the calls. (And of course you’ll get all the recordings.)

Private Facebook Group

You will have access to me and the group participants of this program only from Day 1 throughout the entire process and 5 month period. You will be able to share resources with just us privately for ample and quick feedback and improvement.

More Bonuses Coming..

There are additional resources, templates, samples, and perhaps recordings given out throughout the entire process, just take notes and save them. You may need the recommended vendors for example, they are PRICELESS!

One-Time Payment of

Only $997

(Save an additional $194 + bonus “Pricing Clarity” call)

Start Today for Just


(Plus 2 more easy payments of the same amount)

Start Today for Just


(Plus 5 more easy payments of the same amount)

Bonus “Pricing Clarity” Call to anyone who pays in full for this program! This is a 30 min 1:1 with Katrina where she will review and give you feedback on what you’re selling, how you’re priced, what else you can sell or how else you might be able to monetize in your biz.

The best part is that it’s totally 100% GUARANTEED.

I’ve included all the specifics about the program and what you’ll receive on this page  but it’s just an outline of what you’re going to get; you have no idea what you’re in store for really. I am so confident that this program will be EXACTLY what 99% of small business owners and entrepreneurs need to learn how to start, grow and market your business effectively and FAST that I even include my PERSONAL HAPPINESS GUARANTEE!

If you you attend the first call of this program and participate fully and then simply don’t feel like it’s a good fit, you can receive a full refund and be released from the program and payment commitments. There will be no refunds however for NO SHOWS.

About Katrina

Katrina Sawa is known as the Jumpstart Your Biz Coach because she lovingly kicks her clients and their businesses into high gear, online & offline, and fast. 

Katrina helps entrepreneurs make more money doing what they love. She is the creator of the Jumpstart Your Marketing & Sales System, a tell-it-like-it-is speaker and International Best-Selling author with 22 books including: Jumpstart Your New Business Now, the Jumpstart Your _____ (blank) compilation book series, and Love Yourself Successful

She has been featured on the Oprah and Friends XMRadioNetwork, ABC and TheCW and she was awarded the National Collaborator of the Year Award by the Public Speakers Association and a 2-time Nominee for the Wise Woman Award by the National Association of Women Business Owners. She speaks to groups of all sizes, holds live training events annually.

Katrina is also the CEO of where she helps 30-70 authors each year get their books published and become best-sellers.

Read What People Have to Say About Katrina Sawa’s

Coaching, Events and Programs!

For over three years, as a member of her Live Big Mastermind, Katrina’s coaching has increased my confidence as a business owner, productivity and sales. I now earn more than I ever dreamed and have more offerings than I could ever imagine. Her marketing strategies produce real results and it’s why I recommend her coaching services to colleagues and my own clients. I know, trust and believe she can make a big impact on a person’s business and life.

Alicia White

Branding Strategist & Graphic Design Expert

I have been working with Katrina Sawa for over 3 years now and can say she is a fantastic coach. She has a great mind for marketing and developing your business and she's even gotten me outside of my comfort zone by putting videos on my website, doing lives and even speaking.

Angela Hall

That Helpful Chick

When Katrina promises to deliver, she OVER delivers! When I attended her JumpStart Your Business in 90 Days Virtual Bootcamp, I received more resources and help from her than I’ve ever gotten from any other coach, course, or seminar in my life!

Not only that but I also worked 1on1 with Kat in her VIP Coaching and she gave me everything she has. She helped me get crystal clear on how to develop winning programs and I am pleased to say that I earned more money this past September than I have in any month in the past 9 years! How do you spell business success? 2 words: Katrina Sawa!

Linda Allred

The Bad Habit Breaker, Certified Hypnotist

I just wanted to say thank you for guiding me on what to sell from the stage this weekend. I converted about 40% into the no brainer offer which I'd never done before. 😉 It made me excited to do more live speaking engagements!

Amanda Abella

Sales & Money Coach

Working with Katrina for just a few months, my own motivation to succeed has sky-rocketed. The results have been great so far:  last month I brought in the most income ever! In addition, I got my first ever TV interview for my piano teaching business, on Good Day Sacramento; started a new blog; intensified my marketing to my database; and started going to a networking events I had only thought about going to before. Katrina helps lay out a clear path to success.  Her suggestions about my particular business are always relevant so that I constantly know what I have to do next.  And even if I get confused or stuck, she will guide me to consider new options and ideas.  Overall, great ongoing support from a very down-to-earth and practical coach.

Chris Goslow

Piano Lessons Company CEO, Musician

I wasn't sure what to expect and I was pleasantly surprised by the wealth of information Katrina shared throughout the event. I have a solid plan of what I am going to implement. When other participants say they keep coming back to her events because they either learn something new or they are finally able to hear and implement something she's presented before I GET IT! Thank you Kat!

Sonya Williams

Success Coach

When COVID hit, I was unexpectedly furloughed from two jobs and thrust into a position of uncertainty.  I met Katrina and knew, immediately, she was the one to help me launch the business I've always wanted.  As a Doctorally prepared Nurse Practitioner, I have wanted a business on my own for many years yet unsure where to start.  Katrina has helped guide me from day one!  In four short months, I went from a panic state of, "I'm not working!" to effectively running my own business and generating nearly $5,000 in just one month! Katrina helped me discover my true value and has encouraged me to charge an hourly rate which is definitely what I am worth--which is much higher than being an employee.  Her work has guided me to grow a business very quickly from simply an idea to reality. If you are considering starting a business or looking to take yours to the next level, jump now!  Katrina is the one to jump start your business!  She truly is a gift and is one of the best business decisions I have ever made!

Dr. Jody Jones

Nurse Practitioner

Katrina gave me the push I needed to implement changes in my business and helped my marketing take off with her "jumpstart your business bootcamp". If you're not happy with how your business is going, it's not going to get better until you gain the right knowledge and learn the right way to proceed. I had been listening to different teachers, a little bit here and a little bit somewhere else, but no one gave me the methodology Katrina has. Hire Katrina and watch your results!

Kay Smith

Energy & Image Coach

“Jump Start” are the perfect words to describe your coaching services. But not just “Jump Start Your Marketing.” The 1-on-1 VIP coaching you gave me Jump Started my entire business! Because of you, I took my passion from “hobby” status to actual money-in-the-bank “business” status!

For me, getting my book written provided the entry I needed to work as a professional speaker and mentor to college women. I knew my passion. I knew my message. But how to organize the most salient points into a book? I needed a hook that would be the foundation of not only my book format but also my workshops, presentations, products, and services. You asked the right questions, actively listened, and quickly understood the fundamental message I was poised to communicate. Then you synthesized and brainstormed with me until we teased out the strategy. That process — on top of the myriad and germane marketing pearls you imparted along the way — empowered me to forge ahead.

As a result of your expert guidance, my path became clear and there was no stopping me from that moment on. I simply couldn’t have done it without you. You have all the requisite characteristics of a perfect coach: Your enthusiasm and support never wane. Your knowledge and skill are ever-present. And your recommendations are spot-on. I cannot say enough about your versatility, professionalism and positive energy. You obviously care immensely about your clients and are invested in our success. You’ve no need for time-filling fluff. You roll up your sleeves, get on board, and provide insightful resolution. Any time I need another “Jump Start,” you’re my coach, Katrina!

Lauren Salamone

Author, Mentor to College Women

I am amazed at how much material we covered in such a short period of time. You didn’t waste any time getting down to business. You focused like a laser beam and the direction you provided was right on target, practical and specific. Everything we discussed could and should implemented in a matter of weeks, if not hours. In fact, I began rethinking several of my marketing strategies the minute we got off the phone. It all made perfect sense. Often as entrepreneurs we can be our own worst enemy and you need someone like Katrina to push the levers you can’t or won’t for yourself. 

Veronica Mayo

Founder, Vemayca Cosmetic Bag Company

I realized I wasn’t truly ‘in business’ until I learned how to automate, systematize, and delegate. And I was giving away my "genius" until Katrina showed me how to sell it!

Stone Fauer

Stonology's Coaching & Author

Since coaching with Kat, I’ve got 100 members in my membership program, have scheduled a live event and even got another high-end mentorship program started too!

Marilee Tolan

Young Living Essential Oils

I’m excited to get a refresher on how to delegate, automate and restructure some things in my company, it was fabulous information!

Norma T. Hollis

Authenticity Expert, Speaker, Author

I’ve learned so much about Facebook and follow up marketing, it was incredible.

Deborah Downey

Life Coach

Thanks to Katrina’s Jumpstart Your Marketing tools and training I now know what to do to get started in my business.

Linda Gillman

Life Coach

I have 2 businesses that I run and I needed to get some systems in place to make my business more fluid. She has taught me more than I could have ever known on my own and I love the way she challenges me and "kicks me in my butt" to get me moving in the right direction. I know that's exactly what I needed! I could not be where I am today with over 6-figures in BOTH businesses, a for profit and non-profit, without Katrina and her business savvy guidance. The one-on-one calls she offers are super helpful and she always keeps you on track. I would highly recommend Katrina if you need an extra "kick" in your business and if you want to make a lot of money doing what you are passionate about!

Darla Gale

LMFT and CEO of a Non Profit

I got a ton out of your coaching. Many times with coaches, it’s just the same old ideas. I have enough material to implement from the next several months.

Robert Plank

Internet Marketer, Podcaster & Speaker

I’m really excited about what I'm learning.  You can add me to your list of people who wish they had found you 10 years ago.  When the student is ready the teacher appears.

Deborah Chelette-Wilson

Coach, Speaker, Author, Artist

I was just on my website and it looks fantastic!!!  My opt in looks good, and when I put in my info I see that you changed the thank you message and it is perfect!!! Thanks again for your help and advice, it was badly needed! There’s more to be done, but you have taught me to at least do some of my back end stuff!

Sally Domingo-Laughlin

Women Wealth Mastery

"Katrina is the first business coach I met who cut right to the chase on how to improve my business. There was no wasted time, and no wasted investment. You get a return on every penny you spend with Katrina. For people looking to improve their business quickly, Katrina is the answer."

Karin E. Bauer

Marketing Agency

I decided to work with Katrina after her 3-day event, even though I went to the event with no intention of hiring a coach. I liked her business knowledge and her desire to help her clients succeed in their business. I have found while working with her for the last year, I continue to learn an incredible amount. She is constantly learning the latest business techniques and she freely gives this knowledge to her clients. My confidence has increased substantially since I have worked with Katrina and I consistently stretch out of my comfort zone. My business has transformed in ways I could have never imagined and she continues to help me with new ideas. I encourage anyone who is interested in growing their business and making their business more sustainable and fun- call Katrina.

Kim McLaughlin, MA

Therapist & Emotional Eating Coach

When I joined the Live Big Mastermind with Katrina Sawa I knew that I would have the support I needed to put the systems in place to be successful! In the time that I have been in LBMM I have created a steady stream of 1-on-1 clients, speaking opportunities, written 1 book myself and been a co-author in 3 others AND created an online course. I relied on Katrina's clear instructions each step of the way to create a foundation for success. I've been able to hire 2 VA's to delegate the things I don't want to do to be able to do all things I love to do! I am on my way to a 6+ figure business and this would not have been possible without LBMM.

Michele Mariscal, PhD

Energy & Grief Coach, Author, Speaker

Since working with Katrina... business income more than doubled, confidence skyrocketed and business thriving, scarcity mindset eliminated. I'm working smarter, not harder. I thought a new car and phone were out of my budget... I followed Katrina's guidance and obtained both within 3 months of working with her.

Dusti Garside Branecki

Housekeeping Fairy Godmother

I only worked with Katrina for a short time to have her give me a jumpstart from where I was in my business. I realized I needed better marketing in place, more systems and possibly some new programs and offerings so that I could really amp up my revenues and in just three short months she helped me do all of that. Now I have a much more up-to-date marketing and business plan that I clearly understand what to do with and how to accomplish it. Oh and in that time I also attended two of her live events and they really were chock full of useful marketing and sales strategies that I’m also already implementing to get more higher paying clients.

Tyra Jarvis

Life Coach

When I came to a point in my business where I felt stuck and unsure about the best ways to move forward, enroll more clients into my programs, and utilize the opportunities and events that I had lined up, I knew I needed the support, guidance, and expertise of someone who was already at the level in their business where I desired to be. That’s when I contacted Katrina Sawa about her 1-on-1 coaching. My primary desire was to get targeted and strategic advice that I could immediately implement in my business to start seeing results. Within our first session, Katrina provided me with the information that I needed to begin transforming my website to more clearly express the value that I offer through my work and then strategies to increase my visitor rate and client interest. Each coaching session added tremendous value to help me immediately move forward to the next step that I needed to take. I highly recommend Katrina Sawa to entrepreneurs who are ready to take action NOW and move their business to the next level fast!

Lisa Hromada

Personal Branding Strategist

I spoke with Katrina twice in two weeks and as a result I have some new ideas that I’m very excited about regarding how to market my business and how to structure my services and products. More importantly, Katrina helped me get focused with an action plan and defined goals. Plain and simple, saying that my experience with Katrina was “worth it”, does not nearly do it justice. This was an invaluable experience, one that potentially could completely change my business.

Kevin Harris

Small Business Owner

After my daughter connected me to Katrina, I just signed up for her emails, which I was getting for probably a year. But then I met her at a Conference, and I had already decided that my focus for the next year would be on “Marketing”. That’s where I would invest. I signed up for her Jumpstart Bootcamp. The best investment I had made to date! And I’ve invested 10’s of thousands of dollars in programs and coaching.

After the first call with Katrina, I realized two things, one she could be charging a lot more for the information she provides and two she gave a lot of great information. And Katrina holds you accountable, which I needed because life does happen.

Then after attending Katrina’s 2-day weekend Intensive, more great content. I decided to work with her 1 on 1 for coaching. This is where the magic really happened. She held me accountable, and helped me gain clarity, focus, and take action. And it’s been great to have someone to bounce my ideas off of and get some course correction along the way. I’m making more money, I’m no longer overwhelmed because Katrina gave me templates, step by step processes, help with implementation, we mapped out a plan and strategy, and I have access to her resources. I can’t express enough the impact Katrina has had on my business and my life.

If you’re thinking of working with Katrina in her group program or 1 on 1 coaching, either way you have access! A lot of coaches don’t give you access like Katrina does. If you need help with your Marketing then Katrina is the best I know out there, you won’t be disappointed.

Felicia Streeter

Million Dollar Mentor

Katrina has a vault of information for you for your marketing, website and so much more for start-up business or those who want to take your business to the next level too.

Marie Wallace


I love the way Katrina lays out how to develop a marketing plan, step-by-step.

Carol Pilkington

Spiritual Mentor

Katrina speaks from the heart and gives you everything you need.

Linda Hunt

Interior Designer