Look at What’s Going On and How YOU Can
Get Involved in this Amazing Sisterhood! Become a Member Locally Today!
I’m glad you decided to come over and check out what we’re doing here in the greater Placer County and surrounding areas in Northern California!
Polka Dot Powerhouse is a women’s connection company that I’ve been a member of since Sept 2018. I have started a chapter here near me NOW because I was longing for more deeper connections with like-minded, successful and positive women like you!
We have all sorts of events each month anyone is welcome to attend for free to see what you think. We do ask that after you attend a brunch meeting and/or one other coffee connect or social, you decide if it’s a fit and then join.
Please register for an upcoming event…they are all on the page here and fill in the form to the right to get event updates and invites via email!
Monthly Brunch – Connection Meetings: 3rd Friday from 10:00am-12:00pm PST held at the Oak Leaf Cafe in Granite Bay. No fee to attend as a member or guest, buy your own food and drinks.
Monthly Coffee Connects: 2nd Saturday from 9:00-11:00 am (Locations Vary): These are casual get togethers with no formal agenda. No fee, buy your own food/drink.
Random Virtual Open House & New Member Orientation Events: These are free for current members and guests to come together and connect, learn about our local group, etc. We will do introductions and talk about benefits of membership.
Monthly Dot Socials: Dates and locations vary, typically at a restaurant or bar, open connecting, informal agenda, casual, fun and welcoming environment.

Please send me an email if you have more questions: katrina@jumpstartyourbiznow.com or text/call 916-532-4142.
Want a LOT more info on WHY Polka Dot might be a great place for you? Read stories from members here:

Want More Motivation to Join Us? Read Some Amazing “Dot Stories”
Our Founder Shannon Crotty’s story of the first PDP member: Many of you have heard the story that when Polka Dot Powerhouse began in 2012, that we only had ONE paid member for several months – it looked like a failed idea.
When that one member joined, she said “I don’t understand what this is, but I trust you.” ☺️ She didn’t know she was the only one. I often tell the story of this first member, but I’ve rarely mentioned who she was, so very few other people knew. This past weekend at Eau Claire Sisterhood Summit, she was in attendance. At that event she was acknowledged and thanked. As I gave her a gift, we hugged, and she whispered in between a light sob “I had no idea”.
If she hadn’t joined, I truly don’t know if we would have continued forward. It was due to her trust and belief that we were able to push through and persist on until we were able to find our feet. Today we stand at just under 3,000 members across the globe with new members joining every day. But it all started with her, that first amazing member.
I hear a lot of thanks given to us for keeping on past that rough start and we appreciate that more than we can express. But PDP would not be here if we hadn’t had the first member who believed without evidence until evidence existed.
So thank you Cora Rohrbach Sandstrom ! I know you did not know but you have literally impacted more lives than you know without knowing it 😘 Thank you.
And for all of the other DOT sisters thank you for your belief and trust as well. This community is built and evolved with each new member – you are ALL so important to us. Each one of you is equally valued and loved in this family.
Finally, keep in mind — it’s a blessing beyond measure to have an idea and it only takes one to light the fire! 🔥
Bobbette: Here is my Dot story, and why I Rock The Dot with Polka Dot Powerhouse.
I joined this awesome group of loving, kind, giving and fabulous women almost 6 years ago as part of the San Mateo, Ca Chapter in the SF Bay Area.
I am so grateful that I was invited by Donna Lynch Bloom and encouraged to attend a meeting by Mindy Van Vleet. Previously, I attended a variety of network groups, and I was looking for a group that was interested in building relationships and truly getting to know each other. I was looking for a group that wanted to support each other and help each other be successful both personally and professionally.
I knew this was the group I had been seeking, because when I walked into the room filled with 30 women and the energy was off the charts! The women were so welcoming and inviting.
I fell so in love with the women, the community and the concept of Polka Dot Powerhouse, not only did I want to be a member I wanted to part of the organization. I joined the leadership team, and then a few years later launched the Fremont, CA Chapter as the Managing Director. This June we will celebrate our 4th anniversary as a Chapter!
Our monthly Zoom meetings are fun, interactive, and we have awesome speakers who are experts in their field. We encourage everyone to connect and get to know each other and not just in our chapter, but in all chapters.
We collaborate together to create more opportunities for everyone. We have members that work for corporations, that are entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and some don’t even have a business they just want to be part of a community.
During 2020 we have become stronger via Zoom attending meetings worldwide and developing personally and professionally. We have come closer to each other in our friendships, and we have become each other’s biggest cheerleaders.
Jade: On this I Rock The Dot Day – I want to share the Incredible 1,000 mile Dot Connect story on soon to be year anniversary of how my nephew broke his collar bone on the last day of hockey. When we were facetiming, I asked him what I could do for him. And he said a Domino’s pizza.
Now I live in a small town in Colorado and he lives in WI where the nearest Dominos is 30+ miles away and does not deliver that far.
I contacted the nearest Dot chapter (Wausau) asking if anyone could pick up the pizzas and deliver them to him. I even offered to pay big money to make this boy’s day brighter.
The Director of the Wausau chapter Jenifer Wilhelm-Draeger said she would help, and Operation Pizza via Facebook Messenger was in motion.
I ordered the pizzas online from Colorado. Jenifer’s husband in Central Wisconsin picked them up and drove them 30+ miles to my surprised nephew’s house.
He still doesn’t understand how that all happened because all I will say when he asks is “Magic.”
That’s what I love about this group of women – it’s the one “networking group” where it’s ok if your business comes second and being a kind human comes first.
The world needs more of that right now. Thank you all Dots for being you. #irockthedot2023 #nocodots
Denise: I know it is new member Monday and I do not know if I ever officially introduced myself way back in January of this year when I officially joined. I also became Managing Director in July 2018 for my chapter of Menomonie, WI amazing ladies. The reason I am sharing today is because this is my Dot Story.
In April of 2017 I announced publicly for the 1st time at PDP Sisterhood Summit that I was going to open my own Boutique. When I said those words I did not 100% believe I could do it.. But that day because of the amazing ladies I sat with and met they kept encouraging me to pursue my dream and not give up. I was not even an official Dot yet. So, thru the entire year of 2017 I received amazing support and encouragement from Dot Sisters all over the U.S. so I finally became an official Dot Sister in January 2018.
I have not only been encouraged thru this year but supported when the times got tough. Thank you to all my amazing, and I mean amazing Dot Sisters who believed in me and inspired me thru their actions and words.
I have now purchased and closed on a building to open my boutique in Spring 2019. Tin Roof Boutique, LLC will not only be a dream anymore but a reality. Words can not express the gratitude I have for all of your support! As Shannon encouraged us at Celebration to say “I am a Mountain Climber” I can truly say I have reached the top because of you Dot Sisters!!! Love you all