Jumpstart Your Lifestyle: How to Build a Dream Business, Making Plenty of Money Doing What You Love,  plus, Have the Freedom for What Matters Most

LIVE TRAINING has been recorded, you can access the replay below.

Are you ready to unlock the keys to growing your business faster and with more ease?

I’ve been an entrepreneur for 21 years and I’ve invested heavily in mentors and trainings to learn exactly what it takes to build a consistent money making business – and I’m going to share with you the most important things you want to focus on!

Why? Because I can and I care, that’s why… you deserve this.

Get access to the replay below – the countdown to faster results and easier growth begins!

Stop being so busy in your day-to-day that you no longer see the BIG picture and what’s possible for you!

What you’ll experience on this masterclass:
    1. You’ll get much clearer on your big why, your big vision, and your big goals
    2. You’ll see what else is possible that you may not even believe yet
    3. You’ll either get highly motivated to build the life and business you want, or you’ll realize it’s time to get a job (seriously!)
    4. You’ll get a good sense of realistic expectations and next steps you need to take in the next 6 months to get to the next level of you

Whether you have a coach already, I guarantee, I cover more than just about every business or marketing coach out there. On PURPOSE. There is a lot to know and master as a small biz owner these days and you want to be prepared and do things in “order of importance” to you can see results faster, right?

This will be valuable for you no matter what type of business you have or what stage you’re in. It’s for you if you are so tired and overwhelmed of attempting too many things – you’re stretched too thin and out of time.

Sign up for free access now! 

Fill Out the Form for Access!

This masterclass is perfect for you if you:

  • You’re Eager for Sales Growth: If you’re ready to see those sales figures rise and your business flourish, this masterclass is tailor-made to provide you with the insights and strategies you need.
  • You’ve Been Trying Different Strategies but are Seeing Limited Results: If you’ve been working tirelessly but not seeing the results you deserve, it’s time to uncover the missing pieces that could be holding you back.
  • You Want to Simplify Your Business: If the complexities of your business have you feeling overwhelmed, our masterclass will guide you through streamlining processes for maximum efficiency.
  • You’re Ready to Turn Ideas into Action: If you have a bunch of fantastic ideas but struggle to bring them to life, we’ll show you how to transform concepts into concrete strategies that generate sales!
  • You’re Passionate but Not Profitable: If you’re passionate about what you do but struggling to turn that passion into profits, we’ll help you make your business a revenue-generating machine.
  • You’re Ready to Level Up: If you’re motivated to take your business to new heights and are open to learning fresh approaches, this masterclass is your golden opportunity.
  • You Want Real Actionable Steps: If you’re tired of vague advice from good marketers who don’t “get you” or seem to care,  and you are hungry for straight forward, easy & actionable steps you can implement right away, you’re in the right place.
PS:  I’m not one of those slick webinar marketers with the fancy powerpoint and 14 slides for their offer at the end. I’m a down-to-earth, tell-it-like-it-is business coach who wants every entrepreneur she meets to live their HAPPIEST LIFE EVER with more love in your life and money in your business…. 
If YOU want that also… then show up and let’s do this together!

About Katrina

Katrina Sawa is known as the Jumpstart Your Biz Coach because she lovingly kicks her clients and their businesses into high gear, online & offline, and fast. 

Katrina helps entrepreneurs make more money doing what they love. She is the creator of the Jumpstart Your Marketing & Sales System, a tell-it-like-it-is speaker and International Best-Selling author with 22 books including: Jumpstart Your New Business Now, the Jumpstart Your _____ (blank) compilation book series, and Love Yourself Successful

She has been featured on the Oprah and Friends XMRadioNetwork, ABC and TheCW and she was awarded the National Collaborator of the Year Award by the Public Speakers Association and a 2-time Nominee for the Wise Woman Award by the National Association of Women Business Owners. She speaks to groups of all sizes, holds live training events annually.

Katrina is also the CEO of where she helps 30-70 authors each year get their books published and become best-sellers.

Hear What People Have to Say About Kat’s Coaching, Mastermind, Events and Programs!

For over three years, as a member of her Live Big Mastermind, Katrina’s coaching has increased my confidence as a business owner, productivity and sales. I now earn more than I ever dreamed and have more offerings than I could ever imagine. Her marketing strategies produce real results and it’s why I recommend her coaching services to colleagues and my own clients. I know, trust and believe she can make a big impact on a person’s business and life.

Alicia White

Branding Strategist & Graphic Design Expert

I have been working with Katrina Sawa for over 6 years now and can say she is a fantastic coach. She has a great mind for marketing and developing your business and she's even gotten me outside of my comfort zone by putting videos on my website, doing lives and even speaking.

Angela Hall

That Helpful Chick

I was just on my website and it looks fantastic!!!  My opt in looks good, and when I put in my info I see that you changed the thank you message and it is perfect!!! Thanks again for your help and advice, it was badly needed! There’s more to be done, but you have taught me to at least do some of my back end stuff!

Sally Domingo-Laughlin

Women Wealth Mastery

I got a ton out of your coaching. Many times with coaches, it’s just the same old ideas. I have enough material to implement from the next several months.

Robert Plank

Internet Marketer, Podcaster & Speaker

I’m really excited about what I'm learning.  You can add me to your list of people who wish they had found you 10 years ago.  When the student is ready the teacher appears.

Deborah Chelette-Wilson

Coach, Speaker, Author, Artist