5 Simple Steps To Maximizing Your Networking

I woke up early today thinking about some of my clients (as I do often, can’t help it) and many of them right now are struggling with getting enough people to talk with in 1on1 calls (like sales conversations).

Are you struggling with that also? šŸ˜¬

One of the things that gets us all more people to talk with is NETWORKING.

I’ve found networking to be the 2nd best marketing strategy next to speaking. Whether you enjoy networking or not, you have to agree that when you do it, and you do it with intention, you can find prospective clients and/or referral sources pretty much anywhere. Am I right?

If you’re NOT seeing results šŸ’° from the networking you’re doing then you want to check out this Networking Guide that I just revised for you.

I haven’t had time to put it on my blog yet, so you’ll have to just download the PDF here now if you want to read it. (It would be WAY too long of an email!)

I’m a master at networking. I’ve been doing it for the entire time I’ve been in business and most of my jobs before that. I have laid it all out for you in this guide, step by step. Even if you think you’re good at networking, you’ll find a couple things missing from what you’re doing I’m sure.

(Just click and it will prompt to auto-download to your computer, not sure if it will download to your phone or not, let me knowšŸ™„)

Then I did want to remind you about a couple things too… šŸ˜œ

1. If you want to see where you could have holes in your business structure, sales, systems, marketing and backend, then I urge you schedule a call with me. No pressure, but why not chat with me? I always find 3-20 things entrepreneurs can do to grow, market, and profit easier and faster. Schedule direct with me here.

2. Or you can join me NEXT WEEKEND in No CA for a retreat OR in August in Colorado! These are super fun and productive!Ā Join me at one of my Lifestyle & Business Growth retreats this year, learn more here!

Interested in one of the Lifestyle & Business Growth Retreats that I’m hosting this year? Join me and 6-8 others in Colorado this August – there’s still a 7 month payment plan for this – you CAN afford it and it WILL change your life!

We’re going to the Estes Park Resort in the Colorado Mountains on a lake in August.

I want to invite those who are ready to GO BIG and stop settlingĀ for mediocre income or overworking yourself and those who want to design this business around the lifestyle you desire now… not 10 years or 5 years from now.

I will show you HOW to make this happen and help you PRIORITIZE what’s important and UPLEVEL everything so you can be and do at a newer, higher level.

Learn more about both of them here!

PS – Did you take advantage of that Visibility Challenge that my friend Alina was doing this past week?

I did the first couple exercises then sort of bowed out. HOWEVER, I know that challenges work for those who LOVE to do them!Ā (I don’t.) I do know though that many of YOUR IDEAL clients might love it if you did a challenge. And they can make a great LEAD GENERATOR, right? If you need more people to speak with then you might consider learning about this marketing strategy more.

Great news – my friend and colleague, Alina Vincent, has mapped out the EXACT steps to take before, during and after your challengeĀ to ensure you get the results you want in herĀ 3 newly updated ChecklistsĀ that you can get ALL right here:

1. ā€œProfitable 5-Day Challenge Checklist.ā€Ā Get your free copy of this here!

2. “The 3 Things All High-Converting Challenges Have in Common” Get this checklist here.

3. And, in case you’re wondering how you will FILL your challenge, get her “31 ChatGPT Social Media Prompts To Fill Your Next Online Challenge,” which is packed with expert-designed prompts to produce original eye-catching content.Ā Get Your FREE copy of this guide here


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ā€œKatrina gave me the push I needed to implement changes in my business and helped my marketing take off with her ā€œjump start your businessā€ bootcamp. IF youā€™re not happy with how your business is going, itā€™s not going to get better until you gain the right knowledge and learn the right way to proceed. I had been listening to different teachers, a little bit here and a little bit somewhere else. But no one gave me the methodology Katrina has. Hire Katrina and watch your results!ā€
Kay Smith

Energy Dressing Coach

ā€œIn just 3 short months in your Live Big Mastermind, wow, you helped me get clarity around my entire planning schedule, and how to make sure I keep the balance in my own business and life, especially since thatā€™s what I teach. Iā€™ve simplified my website, and lead generation systems so things run a lot smoother now which is taking a lot of stress out. Iā€™ve taken advantage of more speaking opportunities, online summits and am collaborating a lot more with other experts that are growing my reach tremendously. Plus I finally created and launched the high-end mastermind that I have been called to lead for years now and filled it with 5 new people in 30 days! I canā€™t wait to see what else we create as Iā€™m on target for my best year yet!ā€
Dr. Heather Tucker

Founder & Ceo, AnotherLevelLiving.com