by Katrina Sawa | Dec 23, 2021 | Networking, Social Media, Speaking
Yes I said which, not both. As entrepreneurs we have to do so much more than ever to attract clients, market to clients, nurture clients etc. in order to build our business. Social media alone is a full time job. And if you don’t know what you’re doing...
by Katrina Sawa | Oct 14, 2021 | Business Success, Social Media, Tips
Guest article by Jennifer Darling Q: Jennifer, I’m making posts on LinkedIn each week, yet I’m not getting any leads. Why isn’t this working? You’re sharing your knowledge on LinkedIn through posts, memes, articles or videos, but you aren’t seeing any inbound leads...
by Katrina Sawa | Jul 27, 2021 | Business Success, Networking, Social Media
Here’s a great article by one of my amazing Live Big Mastermind clients, Jennifer Darling, an expert in Sales Coaching & Getting Clients from LinkedIn. Enjoy! – Katrina A question I’m asked all the time is “How to get business leads on LinkedIn?” One of the...
by Katrina Sawa | Apr 2, 2021 | Business Success, Jumpstart Your Biz, Social Media
Are you Ready to Increase Your Cashflow by Next Week? I thought I would share a jumpstart your biz tip with you about 13 Ways to Run a SALE! Nothing gets people buying products or programs like a special promotion to your email subscribers. And, no, it’s not cheesy...
by Katrina Sawa | Mar 5, 2021 | Business Success, Jumpstart Your Biz, Social Media
This article is from one of my amazing Live Big Mastermind clients, Susan Glusica – enjoy! ——————— GUEST ARTICLE—————— 7 Prosperity Principles in Practice What we focus on, expands. When we embody the essence of prosperity through our actions and intentions, we...
by Katrina Sawa | Feb 10, 2021 | Business Success, Jumpstart Your Biz, Social Media
This is an article by one of my friends and short term coaching clients, Jake Ballentine… he wrote this in an email recently and it was such a great list of tips that he said I could share it on my blog. He really is “all in” with this ONE strategy to really building...