by Katrina Sawa | Jul 3, 2023 | Business Strategy, Speaking, Success Secrets
If you’re not SPEAKING in your business you’re missing out on thousands of $$$ in sales. I’ve said it before, if you are not going out there and spreading the word about your biz through speaking, you are missing out on a loooot of sales. You know that, right?...
by Katrina Sawa | Jul 1, 2022 | Business & Money, Business Strategy, Business Success, Jumpstart Your Business NOW, Money
How I use my intuition to grow my business Entrepreneurs pay thousands of dollars for training, coaching and consulting to help them figure out how to grow their businesses and earn more money. I know, I’ve done it as I’m sure you have too… Yet we...
by Katrina Sawa | Feb 15, 2022 | Business Success, Gift Giveaway, Giveaway, Love Yourself Successful, Online Summit
The Love Yourself Successful Live Online Summit And Gift Giveaway It’s today! The 2nd Edition of that book is here! I revised it this year for the 10 year reunion of it first coming out. The BOOK LAUNCH IS TODAY AND WEDNESDAY!! I’m doing this in...
by Katrina Sawa | Feb 4, 2022 | Business Success, Gift Giveaway, Giveaway, Love Yourself Successful, Online Summit
The Love Yourself Successful Live Online Summit And Gift Giveaway I finally did it… I am hosting a summit. But because I couldn’t do just a summit, I’ve also added a Gift Giveaway! Oh AND a book launch too LOL. All around the topic of my most...