Have you ever thought that the reason you struggle to find new clients comes down to a marketing problem, only to realize that you have leads and potential buyers, but they aren’t turning into paid clients? Well, that endless flow of dream clients CAN become a reality...
Free Marketing & Business Planning Session Join me on my 2022 Business & Marketing Planning Session (it’s free) happening on Zoom Friday, December 16th from 9:00 am to 10:30 am PST. It’s being hosted by the Int’l Speaker Network and...
Scale Your Biz & Profit with Ease Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of skipping over basic and foundational business strategies in hopes of growing their business faster. However, in today’s virtual-run business landscape, it’s essential to shift...
How to Enjoy the Holiday and Still Reach Your Goals With the holidays in full swing, there is no doubt that we all want to relax, reflect, and enjoy time with family and friends. But it can be challenging to do this without feeling guilty about letting go of our...
I have something to share that’s a bit controversial right now in the “event space”. You see, you may wonder why everyone and their brother or dad or cousin is hosting a virtual 3-day event… most of them are also doing it for FREE. Why? Because...