You CAN Reach Your Money Goal for 2022-Here’s How
When it comes to achieving your financial goals, consistency is key. This may seem like common sense, but you would be surprised how many small business owners and entrepreneurs fail to take this simple advice.
One of the biggest blocks to reaching your money goals is mindset. If you keep telling yourself, “I can’t afford it,” or “I’m not good enough,” then guess what? You won’t be able to afford it, and it won’t be good enough. Instead, try refocusing your mindset on abundance and possibility. Ask yourself, “How CAN I afford it?” and “Who do I need to learn from or get held accountable by?” When you change your mindset, you open yourself up to new opportunities and possibilities. I’m here to help you through these struggles!
Setting and achieving business goals is essential for any entrepreneur who wants to create a successful, sustainable company. But all too often, well-intentioned business owners find themselves falling short of their targets. If you’re struggling to reach your 2022 money goal, there’s a good chance one (or more) of these three blocks is holding you back.
- You’re not clear on what you want.
The first step to achieving any goal is to get clear on what, exactly, you want to achieve. That might sound like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many entrepreneurs haven’t taken the time to really think through their goals. What does success look like for your business? How much revenue do you want to generate? What kind of impact do you want to make? By getting clear on the answers to these questions, you can set specific, measurable goals that will move you closer to your vision for your business.
- You’re trying to do it all yourself.
One of the biggest mistakes small business owners make is thinking they have to do everything themselves. The truth is, you can’t (and shouldn’t) try to go it alone. Reaching your 2022 money goal will require help from others, whether it’s hiring additional staff, outsourcing certain tasks, or partnering with other businesses in your industry. Don’t be afraid to ask for assistance when you need it; doing so will free up your time and energy so you can focus on the most important aspects of your business.
- Your website isn’t working for you.
In today’s digital world, having a strong online presence is crucial for any business that wants to succeed. If your website isn’t user-friendly, informative, and consistent with your branding, chances are it’s not doing its job. Luckily, plenty of resources are available to help you create a website that accurately reflects your business and drives results. Investing in a well-designed website now will pay off in the long run as you continue working towards your 2022 money goal.
If you’re not on track to reach your 2022 money goal for your business, don’t despair! Chances are, one (or more) of these three blocks is standing in your way. But by getting clear on what you want, seeking help when you need it, and investing in a strong online presence, you can overcome any obstacle and achieve success in the years ahead. That’s what I’m here for! To help you get clear on which obstacle or obstacles are standing in your way! Let me help you find the things that you CAN TWEAK right now to help you make your goal this year and get 2023 off to a great, consistent start!

Let’s make this YOUR BEST YEAR ever!
I know how to show you how to tweak what you’re doing to get really BIG RESULTS in the next year! Book a 1on1 strategy call with me here now! Here’s to creating and enjoying a life full of lots of Love & Money!
Katrina Sawa, The Jumpstart Your Biz Coach
“Katrina gave me the push I needed to implement changes in my business and helped my marketing take off with her “jump start your business” bootcamp. IF you’re not happy with how your business is going, it’s not going to get better until you gain the right knowledge and learn the right way to proceed. I had been listening to different teachers, a little bit here and a little bit somewhere else. But no one gave me the methodology Katrina has. Hire Katrina and watch your results!”
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