I wanted to share a quick snippet from my NEW chapter that I wrote in a new book coming out on August 16th called Women Gone Wild: The Feminine Guide to Fearless Living… my chapter is entitled: The Power of Focus.
Now, of course I can’t share the whole chapter with you here but I wanted to share a quick snippet so you could get excited about grabbing your copy of this book plus two other books I’m launching this month. (Yes, that means a few extra book launch emails – please open and support the authors and myself if you could! This is what happens when you own a publishing company!)
Mark your calendar for the following book launches this month:
8/10 – The Complete Manager Makeover: Transforming the Human in Human Resources by Lisa Perez
- 8/11 – Step Into the Spotlight to Expand Your Influence and Attract the Right Clients Compiled by Colleen Biggs (I’m in this one too!)
- 8/16 – Women Gone Wild: The Feminine Guide to Fearless Living Compiled by Rhonda Swan
Here’s the Focus chapter snippet (with added commentary on the bullets by me of course)- Enjoy!
I would say, that there are certain personality characteristics that make it easier for some than others, but this can also be a learned skill. You can practice and have accountability partners to help you stay focused, it doesn’t all have to rely on you.
In an article by the US Chamber of Commerce, published December 8, 2020, it revealed the Top 6 Personality Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs, which are:
- Persuasiveness – oh yes, that helps with the marketing and sales aspects of the job!
- Flexibility – but of course! We certainly have no control whether our technology will work or not, right? Or if something like Covid-19 hits… we just have to pivot!
- Creativity – that’s what keeps us up at night with the next big idea!
- Self-Motivation – this is where the ability to stay focused comes in really handy so we can get more done in less time or with less effort.
- Tenacity – another trait to help you hold yourself accountable, become more driven and unstoppable.
- Passion – sure, if you’re not passionate about what you’re doing, you’re doing the wrong thing.
Where do you lie with those 6 traits? They pretty much describe me to a T.
If they don’t automatically describe you, never fear. You’ll find your way to get and stay more focused while staying creative, flexible and fulfilled.
I wasn’t always this focused. I think I had short-term focus back in school. I was really good at taking and passing tests with flying colors but then not remembering much of what I studied. I would cram for my tests the night before, focusing of course on the most important aspects of what I thought I needed to know, then I’d take the test and not a day later I couldn’t remember hardly any of the information taught. Cramming isn’t the best solution mind you, especially if you need to retain a lot of information for your profession such as a Doctor or Attorney would.
1) Aug 11-13 – The L.E.A.P. Event, which stands for Lead with Enhanced Acceleration to Reach your Peak Potential! It’s time for you to be the CHAMPION of your business and LEAD with an UNSHAKEABLE belief in the growth you desire. At the event, you will find UNSTOPPABLE support from a tribe of women that will lift you up. There will also be time for you to network and build relationships in breakouts and Colleen Biggs who is hosting this event is a good friend and powerful business-woman, you want to learn from her for sure! Register Here Now and I’ll see you there!
2) August 16-18 – Top Talent JV Mastermind Event – this event could easily go under networking events above but what you walk away with is so much more than that because my friend, David Fagan, who puts this on with his wife, Isabel Donadio, share a ton of great tips and training on how to get more exposure, publicity, influence and joint venture partners during this 3-day power-packed event. I will be at this event too and would love to introduce you around the room! If you show up, make sure you PM me in the chat so I know to call attention to you. Register here right now and come however much you can during this time, it’s not required to come the whole time. (It’s by invitation only, so you do have to mention my name but then you can get in for free.)
3) August 20, 9 am PST – Int’l Speaker Network webinar and networking call. Guest speaker is Tish Times speaking on the topic of Stop Playing with Your Sales. The ISN is a very interactive group of new and seasoned speakers and business owners. Anyone can join, it’s FREE and all topics are covered that relate to being a speaker, getting booked, developing your talks, to getting paid from speaking, and even business topics such as developing new online courses, how to close more sales plus a plethora of ways to market and grow your business. Info at: https://ispeakernetwork.com/.
4) August 30th I’m hosting a one day “finish your book” virtual event… have you had your book “in the works” for many months or even years now? Do you have one in your head and want to get it out? Are you ready to get it done, published and start getting people to buy it or get speaking gigs around the topic of it? If so and you’re not getting that far on your own… learn more about this one day event that will definitely help you! (Includes my Author Training to DIY too! And only 15 seats total – this is a very “work on your book” type of call hands-on with me.) “The first book to publish is the one you can get done the fastest!!” – Katrina Sawa
5) Registration is NOW OPEN for the October Jumpstart Your Biz Event!! Go sign up now while tickets are only $97… that price won’t last long! This is my bi-annual business and marketing 3-day training event that always has new content, new strategies and I give out new templates and resources too. Plus receive a huge bonus of my entire Jumpstart Your Sales online course when you register! (This bonus is a $297 by itself… you get it for just $97 when you register for the event!)
Let’s make this YOUR BEST YEAR ever!
I know how to show you how to tweak what you’re doing to get really BIG RESULTS in 2021!
Here’s to creating and enjoying a life full of lots of Love & Money!

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