6 detailed tips around effective follow up
Many of you wanted the tips that I shared on a recent free masterclass – the one about jumpstarting your follow up!
So I thought I’d give some of the highlights for you since I wasn’t offering a replay.
First of all, one tip about doing FREE calls and webinars is NOT to give a replay – you tend to get more people who are highly interested in your topic and show up. And we know that when they SHOW UP, they are more engaged, get to know, like, and trust you faster and take advantage of what you have to offer sooner than later. (Something to consider if you’re doing free calls for lead generation…. but if you’re NEW to business, I would still give the replay, you need everyone and anyone to listen in for the first few years!)
What do you really need to know and do these days?
- First, it’s important collect ALL CONTACT INFO from those you’re interacting with. Either do that right away (if in person this is easier) or do it in subsequent emails and offers once they get on your list with just email and name. Offer to give 10 free books out for all who enter to win – use a form with name, email, phone and address all required for example, or give some other juicy piece of content. I usually add full contact forms to all my free masterclasses these days too, because if I’m going to actually TEACH something. I think that’s fair.
- Sort and segment your database. Segment marketing is a very good way to get noticed more by those on your list. This email for example is going to everyone, but yesterday I sent one just to a group of people who were interested in my in person speaker conference this summer with a call for speakers. I also send pertinent info about events I was at with people, or virtual calls, that only they would know about, to follow up.
- Come up with 3-5 ways to consistently pull your friends, followers, connections, etc. off of social media and onto your email list. Usually the free stuff is what they’ll click over for so keep coming up with new webinar or masterclass topics/titles, new ebooks, checklists, or downloads, or free access to whatever. Get your followers into a medium that YOU can control.
- Use physical forms at live events – yes, they are coming back! Don’t assume everyone you meet will want to scan your QR code or opt into your text messages. Just because the world has gone techy, doesn’t mean that’s the most effective way to work. I still collect contact info with printed forms, sign up sheets and order forms.
- Use landing pages, opt in boxes and sometimes even specialized pages just for a particular group on virtual events and calls. You have to drive them somewhere from virtual calls – your free gift, a free call, a paid event or program, an online scheduler/calendar. Please make a habit of being consistent with this. In fact I love giving people MY link so they are the ones that have to schedule – less work for me to do!
- Direct mail and phone calls are NOT dead! Use these ways to follow up if you need business, customers and clients. You cannot rely on email only or social and email only. You just can’t. There are way too many inboxes for people to check these days, they’re overwhelmed just like you so send something in the snail mail to make them PAY ATTENTION!
- Get more personal, people want to do business with people they connect with, give them a reason to connect deeper with you. Do you love dogs? I do! Do you love wine? I do! Do you love to cook? I do! See… who’s with me??
- Finally, reconnecting with old lists of clients or subscribers is so important to do right. Don’t just send them an email if you haven’t emailed them in 6 months or longer? They will not remember you. You have to reintroduce yourself with 3-4 emails at least, reminding them how they know you or why you’re emailing them.
Hope this is helpful!
I also know how important it is to have your “Zoom Chat Blurbs” ready to copy and paste into the chat on a virtual call but it still amazes me how many are NOT prepared! Here’s a link to grab my Zoom Blurb Templates – please go get them and streamline your online networking! (Free)
1. Join me on Monday April 4th (7 am -3 pm PST) for The Great Experiment Summit with over a dozen speakers including me, talking about publishing and becoming an author! Learn more and register for free here.
2. Join me on Tues, 4/5 at 4 pm PST for the next Int’l Speaker Network call – it’s free! Come network with other speakers, find power partners and speaking opportunities plus get tips from our speaker, Daniel Mangena! RSVP here now
3. I have room for 10 authors in my next Jumpstart Your ____ book where YOU fill in the blank with YOUR expertise! This book is designed to be a lead generator for you, it includes 8-10 coaching calls, 35 books and best seller campaign. We’re starting calls in April so reserve your spot asap here.
4. For those of you who are TECH-challenged in your business and you know it’s the lifeblood of how to automate for more ease, profits and freedom then you want to attend my 1-Day Technology Workshop and Hands-On Training to finally get a handle on what you need to do and most importantly – HOW! Learn more here, I only take up to 20 in this type of workshop though as we work ON your stuff during the event!
5. Call for SPEAKERS & VENDORS for the IN PERSON International Speakers Conference is now open, but hurry only 19 pay-to-play/speak-to-sell speaker slots available and max 15 vendor spots. August 1-3 – in Dallas TX – 200+ attendees. Go read all about it and submit your info if you’re a good fit!
Let’s make this YOUR BEST YEAR ever!
I know how to show you how to tweak what you’re doing to get really BIG RESULTS in 2022! Book a 1on1 strategy call with me here now!
Here’s to creating and enjoying a life full of lots of Love & Money!
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