Have you ever thought that the reason you struggle to find new clients comes down to a marketing problem, only to realize that you have leads and potential buyers, but they aren’t turning into paid clients? Well, that endless flow of dream clients CAN become a reality...
Did you know that most personal brands fail at growing their audience, but it’s not for the reason you think… It’s not because of:• Content skills• Social media prowess• Intellect It’s because of CONSISTENCY. I see it all the time, and I’ve...
Free Marketing & Business Planning Session Join me on my 2022 Business & Marketing Planning Session (it’s free) happening on Zoom Friday, December 16th from 9:00 am to 10:30 am PST. It’s being hosted by the Int’l Speaker Network and...
8 Areas to Focus on for More Clarity and Consistent Cash Flow Last week I shared a couple events for client attraction strategies, I hope you checked those out, my clients know how to give tons of great tips! This week I’ve been in Virginia Beach, VA hosting...