Doing a Deep Dive with Yourself
It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and just try to survive. We forget to dream about what we really want or how to get it. That’s why I’m a big fan of taking the time to do a deep dive with yourself. This is a process of truly exploring what you want in life, love, business, etc., and making a plan to make it happen.
I recently did this with my Live Big Mastermind clients, and it was a very eye-opening experience for many of them. We spent 3 hours doing big-picture planning and creating vision boards. It was such a fun and productive exercise that really got everyone thinking about what they wanted and how to make it happen. If you’re feeling stuck or like you’re just going through the motions, I highly recommend doing a deep dive with yourself. It’s the perfect time of year to start thinking about this!
And… think BIGGER than you ever have before please! Anything is possible for you, you have to believe and trust that. You can do whatever you want, make whatever amount of money that you want… you just need to think and play bigger, go for more. WANT MORE!
What is a Deep Dive?
A deep dive is when you take the time to dream about what you truly want in life and make a plan to make it happen sooner than later. This is different from just setting goals because you’re thinking about what you want and how to get there. When you do a deep dive with yourself, you’re taking the time to explore all areas of your life and see where you want to make changes. This can be a very eye-opening experience because you may realize that you’re not living the life you wish to or are not as happy as you could be.
Why You Should Do a Deep Dive
There are so many benefits to taking the time to do a deep dive with yourself. First, it allows you to tap into what you want in life. So often, we settle for things because we think that’s all we can have or that we’re not worthy of more. When you do a deep dive, you allow yourself to dream big and see all the possibilities for your life. Second, it gives you clarity on what steps you need to take to make those dreams a reality. Once you know what you want, it’s much easier to figure out how to get there. And finally, it allows you to see where you need to make changes in your life. If your current situation isn’t aligned with your dreams, then doing a deep dive will help you see that so that you can make changes.
How You Can Do Your Own Deep Dive
If this all sounds good to you and you’re ready to do your own deep dive, then great! I’ve put together some tips on how YOU can do YOUR OWN deep dive so that YOU can start living YOUR best life!
- Find some quiet time where YOU won’t be interrupted for at least an hour or two. This is important because YOU need your undivided attention for this exercise.
- Grab a notebook and pen (or laptop) and write down any areas of YOUR life that YOU want to explore further, including love, relationships, career/business, health/wellness, spirituality, etc.
- Start brainstorming ALL of the things YOU would want in each area without ANY limits! This is YOUR chance to dream big, so don’t hold back!
- Once YOU have YOUR list of wants/needs/desires etc., start looking for patterns or commonalities between them. Are there any themes? This will give YOU some clues as to WHAT YOU REALLY WANT in life.
- Lastly, once YOU understand what YOU WANT and WHY YOU WANT IT, start making plans on HOW TO MAKE IT HAPPEN! Break down each goal into small actionable steps that you can take now toward achieving them.
Deep diving is such an important exercise because it allows us to connect with our true desires and figure out how to make them happen. If you’re feeling stuck in any area of your life, I encourage You to do your own deep dive. It’s an eye-opening experience That will help you figure out what you really want and how to get there!
If you want it, but don’t know where to start, email me.
You can also sign up to chat with me 1on1 here: www.AskKat.biz, there’s no time like NOW to get your business on track for more SALES & SUCCESS this year! I know I can help… just give me 30 min… stop waiting to “figure it all out yourself”. You’re wasting time!
“Katrina gave me the push I needed to implement changes in my business and helped my marketing take off with her “jump start your business” bootcamp. IF you’re not happy with how your business is going, it’s not going to get better until you gain the right knowledge and learn the right way to proceed. I had been listening to different teachers, a little bit here and a little bit somewhere else. But no one gave me the methodology Katrina has. Hire Katrina and watch your results!”
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