3 Types of Speaking to Do to Grow Your Business
There are 3 Types of Speaking to Do to Grow Your Business… are you doing all of them or just one of them? Either way, listen in as there might be more opportunities for you to grow your business with some of the ideas on the video below. I run across a lot of speakers as I have over 2800 people in my Speaker Network and I hear a lot of buzz. So I wanted to dispel a lot of myths that any one of the 3 types are bad.
Speaking can be the fastest path to cash, you can make money on the spot when speaking. You can also make a lot of money in the follow up if you have the right strategies and automation.
In addition you might want to consider joining the International Speaker Network. Whether you are an experienced speaker or you’re just getting started, we invite you to join us for a meeting unlike any other you have attended before. We meet monthly via zoom which is why we now encourage professionals from around the world to join us. We will also meet in person in the greater Sacramento, CA area when we’re able to do that again. Join for FREE today!
Finally, come talk with me in a free call if you have questions! Sign up at https://www.AskKat.biz or subscribe for more videos and/or go get some of my longer free trainings online here.
I want to share a few opportunities (for speaking, attending, authoring, sponsoring) that are available to you now and for a limited time… do it now or they could be gone.
CALL FOR SPEAKERS – 40-60 SPEAKERS! For the Love Yourself Successful Online Summit happening February 15 & 16, 2022!!
This is a pay to play opportunity but most of them are and I’m offering way more than others plus I have a huge following so you know you’ll get a ton of exposure! Taking topics around LOVE, MONEY, & LIFESTYLE. Learn more & apply ASAP here.
CALL FOR SPEAKERS on Other Upcoming Online Summits happening first few months of 2022
All topics, open to anyone, read fully what they’re looking for and apply here. Tell them I Katrina sent you!
CALL FOR SPEAKERS – Int’l Speaker Network twice monthly webinars and networking calls.
If you support speakers and entrepreneurs, this could be a good audience for you to speak to. There are only about 18 spots left for all of 2022 so learn more and go apply to speak here now!
REGISTER NOW – Love & Money LIVE! My annual seminar is coming back IN PERSON March 30, 31 & April 1st in Sacramento, CA!!
Entrepreneurs are hungry for that in person connection these days plus there is nothing like immersing yourself in a 3 day training like this that can catapult your business substantially. Plus, you can sell at my events, and we cover a lot! Learn more and register with early, early bird registration (going up in January – reserve your seat now! This event is for you if you want more exposure, clients, higher-end programs, more structure, systems, and freedom in your business so that you can also enjoy more love in your life in the process! We can’t just focus on our businesses and getting clients these days to see massive monetary results. We need balance, self-care, love and support from those in our life, otherwise we don’t end up doing all the things necessary to make the money! I call this “The Love Factor” and I wrote a book about it in case you weren’t aware… I’m taking a couple speakers and about 6-8 vendors only, and only those who serve entrepreneurs (email to inquire, I’m very selective for this event).
I’m looking for speakers, sponsors and vendors for anyone who helps speakers in any way. It will be an International Speaker Conference, IN PERSON EVENT IN DALLAS summer 2022. I’m in talks with all national speaker associations and some big keynote speakers – this should draw 200+ speakers and wanna be speakers no problem. Prices are very reasonable. I want 30+ vendors, and we have 26 speaking opportunities, to make this the ONE speaker conference to attend in 2022!! Fill in this general info form for all the details: https://tinyurl.com/2022ISC
The Jumpstart Your ____ (blank) book, Volume 5 in the series is open for authors right now.
Save $600 if you’re one of the first 6 authors to sign up… all previous books have gone to Int’l Best-Seller status on Amazon and we’ve published over 60 authors! You “fill in” the blank with what YOU do or are an expert in! Coaching calls with me to help you figure out what to write, what call to action to have, how to set that up on your site, how to position yourself, sell books and more! Learn more and secure your spot here now
Let’s make this YOUR BEST YEAR ever!
I know how to show you how to tweak what you’re doing to get really BIG RESULTS in 2022!
Here’s to creating and enjoying a life full of lots of Love & Money!
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