Have you heard about the new social platform called Clubhouse?
IF you’ve heard about it then you know it’s the new social media craze. When I first heard about it I literally said, “Club what?”
Let me start by saying that I’m not even a member yet because the stupid platform only allows iPhone users and it’s right now only in app form, and I have an android. So if you have an Android like me you might have FOMO (fear of missing out), especially if someone has invited you already and you can’t join. That’s happened to me twice so far.
I honestly don’t know what it looks like and why we should care but I think a lot of people are frustrated with Facebook politics, Facebook controlling who sees your posts and who doesn’t, and they want something new and fresh. I think a lot of people are bailing on Facebook.
What do you think? Are you still seeing a good amount of leads coming from your social media marketing?
If you’re not getting a lot of engagement, comments, or clients these days from Facebook don’t be surprised and don’t feel alone. I think it’s happening all over the place. I personally do not rely on Facebook or social media at all for clients these days because it just doesn’t work the way it used to and I refuse to pay thousands of dollars in advertising to be seen.
If you know me, you know that one of my mantras is “free first then pay”. What can we do for free first and then, where do we need to invest or pay in order to be seen or get our business out there?
This is one reason I do so many Zoom calls and networking! And do you know I’ve made more money in 2020 from doing that than I have doing anything else in my marketing!? Yep! But you have to know how to “work the room” in a good, authentic and inviting way.
I say that when “trying ME out” too frankly, go get my free trainings first then let me know if you want to chat. I only want to work with those who are really excited about taking action and who like my style.
There are a gazillion things you can do to get noticed, get clients, get exposure, without having to spend money on advertising online or even offline. I built my business on networking and follow-up more than 18 years ago and I’m still doing it today, bringing in multiple six figures every year. I promise you, you can do this too, no matter what you’re selling or offering.
If you want to know how to truly grow your business in a guerrilla marketing fashion (meaning low cost) without wasting thousands of dollars in the wrong place that may not bring positive results then I highly recommend you sign up for the 2-Part Jumpstart Your Biz Masterclas that I held this month and also sign up for a one-on-one conversation with me where we can talk about some potential next steps for you.
That one-on-one conversation is not a sales call you know it’s me serving and giving you practical, tactical advice on a few things you can do right now to get clients. Many times entrepreneurs come to strategy sessions with me, they don’t sign up with me yet they walk away with the exact words and plan on how to go get a few clients right now this week. You could too.
If you want to hold yourself back from having more success faster then don’t sign up for a call.
But if you want to be “All In” in your business like I mentioned last week then you have nothing to lose and clients, confidence, clarity, and more money to gain by having a free call with me.
I only have a few more spots open this month because so many people are scheduling appointments so unless you want to be put out into next month you better sign up now! Go to www.AskKat.biz and share more about your goals, what you do… you never know who I can connect you with if you just reach out and connect. I’m here to help!
Let’s make this YOUR BEST YEAR ever!
I know how to show you how to tweak what you’re doing to get really BIG RESULTS in 2021!
Here’s to creating and enjoying a life full of lots of Love & Money!
READY TO GO “ALL IN” IN YOUR BUSINESS IN 2021 WITH ME? Where do you want to start? Dipping your toe or all in?
I’ve got the Jumpstart Your Biz School launching soon… get more info about that here: https://jumpstartyourbizschool.com/jsyb-school-prelaunch/
I’ve also got a FREE 2-Part Jumpstart Your Biz Masterclass this Thursday and next Thursday that you can be a part of to “dip your toe in”. Register here asap: https://jumpstartyourbiznow.com/freewebinar
Or come talk with me here if you’re BOLD and “ALL IN”: www.AskKat.biz
You NEVER KNOW what can come from just ONE conversation! If you’re “ALL IN” then you have no reason NOT to come have a chat! I know a LOT about building a consistently profitable business ya know. 😉 Just sayin’.
Let’s make this YOUR BEST YEAR ever! I know 2020, as bad as it was for some folks, it was my best year ever and I know how to show you how to tweak what you’re doing to get really BIG RESULTS in 2021!
xoxo, Katrina
Oh and you might wonder about some online dating tips I might have? Well, yes I do!! In fact, I created such an awesome system for managing my “leads” and messaging, dating, etc. efficiently that I created the Online Dating Program for Women Over 40 a couple years later! You can learn more about that here, it’s only $97 right now, if you’re all in in your love life, you might want to pick it up!
Here’s to creating and enjoying a life full of lots of Love & Money!
Award Winning Speaker, Jumpstart Your Biz Coach
& International Best-Selling Author with 11 books
Contact me anytime!
Office Landline: 916-872-4000

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