Recent Podcast Interviews
How to Make FAST CASH with Easy Yes Offers
Entrepreneurs often need to generate fast cash to grow and sustain their business. And often, a new prospect needs to build trust in a service provider before they feel confident making bigger investments.
Easy yes offers are designed to be low-risk, low-commitment opportunities for customers to try a product or service. By making it easy for customers to say yes, entrepreneurs can quickly generate revenue and build a solid customer base.
Plus, easy yes offers can help to reduce customer objections and overcome any hesitations about trying a new product or service.
On Amplify Your Success Podcast episode 322, Katrina Sawa joins me to show how to create and position these offers so that they lead to additional revenue (and happy clients!)
Jumpstart Your Biz Now
Join Anne as she speaks with Katrina Sawa about ways to jumpstart your business. Entrepreneurship is a world full of unknowns, but if you aim for success, now is the time to find the courage to take the first step!
If you want to find out how I can help you and what options you might have (there are many you know and yes you can afford it!), sign up to talk with me, I don’t bite! You might be pleasantly surprised at what we talk about on our call too because I always end up giving people clarity no matter what. I can’t help it.
I have my comprehensive Jumpstart Your Sales Training that walks you through all of this too, with strategies for sales online, on your website and in 1on1 sales conversations – both. With a deep dive call just for handling concerns and objections!
I also have a short, introductory Client Attraction Training too where I walk you through how to funnel more ideal prospects into your list, nurture them to take them to a next step.

Let’s make this YOUR BEST YEAR ever!
I know how to show you how to tweak what you’re doing to get really BIG RESULTS in the next year! Book a 1on1 strategy call with me here now! Here’s to creating and enjoying a life full of lots of Love & Money!
Katrina Sawa, The Jumpstart Your Biz Coach
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