Speaking is one of my favorite things and speaking on podcasts is no different. I recently featured on two podcasts, read about them below:

A Coffee with Karen

I had the amazing pleasure of chatting with Karen Roberts on A Coffee with Karen and we had amazing points to share, I have summarized a few points from our discussion. Catch the full interview on YouTube and other streaming sites.

From Ice Cream Sales to Marketing Mastery: Katrina’s Entrepreneurial Odyssey
In Episode 190 of our podcast, we engage in a thought-provoking discussion with Katrina, a seasoned business and marketing coach, and a 12-time international bestselling author. Our host, Karen Roberts, delves into Katrina’s remarkable journey, from humble beginnings selling ice cream to becoming an influential figure in advertising sales and business coaching.

Navigating the Marketing Maze: Insights from Katrina, the Marketing Maven
Katrina’s foray into entrepreneurship was ignited by her natural sales acumen, leading her to excel in advertising sales. Witnessing the marketing challenges faced by fellow business owners ignited her passion for helping others navigate the intricacies of effective marketing strategies.

Finding Your Marketing “Lane”: Katrina’s Advice for New Entrepreneurs
The conversation delves into the unique challenges faced by new entrepreneurs, especially coaches and therapists, as they transition from qualification to attracting clients. Katrina provides valuable insights into the evolving marketing landscape, stressing the importance of selecting strategies that align with individual personalities and strengths.

Watch the full interview below:

Story Power Marketing

On this podcast episode, I brought my story to power with Tom Ruwitch, be sure to check it out below. We spoke about the following topics and so much more:

  • Putting Your Business on Autopilot
  • The Right Way to Automate – Think About Systems!
  • How to Effectively Repurpose Content
  • The Do’s and Don’ts of Delegating
  • What it Takes to Get Your Book Published and Why You Should

Watch the full interview below:

Katrina Sawa
Let’s make this YOUR BEST YEAR ever!

Allow me to guide you through the process of tweaking your current approach and getting BIG RESULTS. Book a one-on-one clarity session with me here now! Here’s to creating and enjoying a life full of lots of Love & Money!

Katrina Sawa, The Jumpstart Your Biz Coach

One of Katrina’s strengths is that she has the systems you need to automate your business with ease. From sales scripts, to social media marketing plans, to email marketing guides, she has it all figured out for you.
Jennifer Darling

Positively Successful Sales Coach, Darling Coaching

I got a ton out of Katrina’s coaching. Many times with coaches, it’s just the same old ideas re-used 10 years later. I have enough material to implement from the next several months.
Robert Plank

Internet Marketer, Podcaster & Speaker

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