One thing I’m SUPER EXCITED ABOUT is my upcoming November Jumpstart Your Biz in a Weekend workshop!!
It’s never before happened VIRTUALLY so I thought I’d do it up right! I’ve attended a few virtual events lately for 2-3 days and realized what I like and don’t like about them… I’m bringing everything I like into this Nov event.
The biggest thing I LOVE about these virtual events is that they are sending out what is now called a “WOW Box”. It’s a swag box basically with a ton of cool stuff in it, mostly usable stuff too. I’m in the middle of creating what I want to GIVE YOU in my swag BONUS BOX!! I can’t tell, but you’re going to love it.
But you have to be registered for this Nov 11-13 event by two weeks prior to it in order to get yours!! And if you received a complimentary ticket to my event in some other package, there will be a small materials fee to get this, but I’m telling you, you want this. I’ll be in touch with you if you’re already registered in a separate email.
Now… I created a video for you to watch about what you’ll get out of this event… its’ on the webpage for the event here…. but if you want to go straight to the 8 min video first, go here to my YouTube and watch.
I hope you join me in November… this is a true workshop style, working ON your business type of event and I’m only taking 100 registrants. (Another thing I dislike about other huge events is less time spent on each participant’s needs, that isn’t going to happen here. You’re going to get what YOU need!)
Ready to finally build a business you love making a LOT more MONEY? Then do one of 2 things today while you’re here to take that NEXT STEP!
1) Become a member in the Int’l Entrepreneur Network – this community is over a 100 members now and is a great place to get feedback on your business, ideas, resources, joint venture partners, clients even too and the opportunity to promote your business! For just $7/mo you’ll get access to 3 zoom group mastermind calls every month – yes, this is amazing and inexpensive, I know! No catch!! My mission is to help thousands inside this community, please join and learn what you need to know to grow your business smarter not harder. CLICK HERE FOR INFO AND TO ENROLL www.iEntrepreneurNetwork.com

2) Come have a conversation with me… trust me, you DO NOT NEED TO BE “READY” before doing this, in fact it’s better if you aren’t! I save thousands of entrepreneurs every year, thousands of dollars and months or years of time in the first stages of your business because I give you the “reality check” of what you need to know, learn, or implement in order to make more money FAST. Sign up here now so we can get you on the schedule, I only have time for about 5 people every month as I travel a LOT. www.AskKat.biz
Here’s to creating and enjoying the business and life of your dreams!
Award Winning Speaker, Jumpstart Your Biz Coach
& International Best-Selling Author with 10 books
Contact me anytime!
Office Landline: 916-872-4000
Email: katrina@jumpstartyourmarketing.com