Hello friends! Are you networking a lot right now on zoom and other online platforms?
Maybe a few of you can actually go back in person to a networking event in your area, I don’t know? And maybe others of you are so flipping tired of being on your computer, on zoom, and you’re wondering what it’s all for? And you’re wondering why you’re not seeing results from all the time you’re spending?
Well what I have found, with a lot of the entrepreneurs that I speak with is that 75% of them are not seeing good results from networking right now.
And I’ve spoken to 30+ new entrepreneurs just in the last 2 weeks! I’d say they are not seeing results because they aren’t really being effective in the time that they’re spending on these calls.
You see, networking online, or virtually, is really just the same as networking in person but you just have to do things differently.
For example, you wouldn’t walk into a live networking event in person and throw your business card around the room hoping people catch it, would you? And then just hope that they read the card and then go home and contact you via email or your website because they caught your business card in the air randomly at a live event….
Yeah that’s what I see a lot of people doing on virtual networking events is they post their contact information in the chat room and then that’s it. They’re hoping that people will print the chat go back later and look them up, or give them a call, or email them to want to have a conversation. Or they hope people will randomly go find your website and search all over your website for your super cool free gift or email newsletter subscription, even though it’s hidden or non-existent most of the time, and then get on your list! That’s not happening really, is it?
What you need to do, is think about the zoom or virtual platform call or event, and the chat room, as a live event. At a live event you would walk up to somebody you don’t know and say “hi my name is blank, who are you and what do you do?” You have to engage people one-on-one online just like you engage people one-on-one in person. It’s actually a lot faster to do this in a zoom chat room than it is in person frankly so you should be excited about that! It’s also WAY less time consuming, and less expensive because you don’t have to travel OR pay for stuf when you get there (usually, of course some online events have a fee, as some should depending on what they are).
Plus… in a live event, in person, you could get caught talking to someone for 20 minutes and not ever meet more than a couple people even at a big event. That’s NOT productive… not when you can have that 20 min conversation later in the follow up just as easily so then you can spend MORE time meeting a lot MORE people.
Yet, Zoom chat rooms and other virtual platform messaging areas, are extremely efficient, you can talk to every single person in the room if you want to. All you have to do is copy, paste, send a short message to every single person. Then the ones that respond you engage with in conversation and or take it to a follow-up call later on.
Now, the message that you copy, paste, send into the chat room one by one cannot be salesy or all about you, therein lies the mistake. It has to be about being curious about the other person and pinpointing things that they’ve said (or posted in the chat about) or that you are interested in about them and a genuine desire to want to follow up to find a collaborative win-win opportunity.
Now, you might say, “but Katrina, I need clients not collaborative win-win opportunities”??
Yes, I get that, however approaching a new person in a networking event needs to be in a give first, share always attitude, that way they actually want to follow up with you and talk with you. If you don’t start the conversation that way, they are more likely to decline your engagement or offer to follow up. And we know that EVERYTHING happens in the follow up…. joint venture ideas, referrals, other connections and invitations and yes, even prospects emerge who want to know how you can serve them.
In addition to reaching out one by one in the chat rooms (with the right messages, invitiations and approach), you do have to know how to position yourself when you have an opportunity to say something to the group, or when you talk in a breakout. And even with the other blurbs and content that you might copy and paste into the chat room, you have to be very careful and choosy on what to share on which calls.
I am very strategic with every single step along the way with all of those things and can teach you how to do that as well so that you can pull the most amount of potential collaborative opportunities and or client prospects out of any virtual networking event, meeting, or conference. In addition, when you’re the speaker, presenter or sponsor, there are ADDITIONAL things you want to remember to do to engage the virtual audience and interest them in taking some sort of action.
I am 100% confident when you attend my next Jumpstart Your Networking Training starting in February, next week, that you will learn everything you need to learn to get this all in place and start monetizing your time a HECK of a lot more. You’ll also be super clear on how to make the very most of your time in virtual networking rooms as well as more in person when we’re able to go out again. I’m a huge networker, that is the main marketing strategy that I’ve chosen because it works… plain and simple, IF you do things right and you do ENOUGH of it to reach a lot more people… it’s more personal, and it speeds up the like/trust/connect factor.
At the end of last year, I decided to do LESS on social media platforms because it hasn’t been working plus I‘m not really a fan of doing what really “NEEDS” to be done to get the results. You literally have to do way too much to even get noticed online anymore (unless you buy ads, which I don’t feel is necessary, nor am I willing to do that when there are so many other ‘free or low cost’ options). If you prefer networking and building relationships in person or virtually than hang out on cold, unresponsive social sites, then join me and let’s make this networking and speaking strategy REALLY WORK FOR YOU this year!! I will show you WHERE to network and how to network to get the biggest bang for your buck (minimal bucks mind you) and time.
In addition, in this Jumpstart Your Networking Training I’m doing, I’ll be sharing my best practices around sales conversations, “get-to-know-you” collaboration calls, follow up emails, scheduling software, online systems for offering free gifts on your website and so much more. You’ll have an easy, quick and inexpensive way to jumpstart your REVENUES this year for sure! Remember, my “WORD” for 2021 is “DOUBLE” with ease… doubling my own business revenues but everyone that I work with as well!!
For a couple hundred bucks it’s totally worth checking it out and signing up but you’ll want to do that this week because I’m only taking 20 people in this next class and it’s sure to sell out. It runs for 3 weeks every Wednesday starting February 3rd from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. Pacific time. Let’s get this networking thing dialed in for you so you can rock 2021 this year and get the most amount of clients possible as well as most amount of exposure for you and your business!
Join my next LIVE training, Jumpstart Your Networking! This 3-week intensive will give you the opportunity to develop relationships, market your expertise and get expert support on specific challenges you may be having around finding where to network to get the biggest bang for your buck and time. It will show you what to do, say and be prepared for when you DO attend events. And it will share ways to sell more, create more joint venture relationships, find more speaking gigs, get more exposure, and more. Although this whole training will be recorded, you really want to make the calls LIVE to gain the best knowledge and plan for yourself. The calls will be very interactive, informative and productive. (Go read all about it here. I’m going to go ALL IN with you during these 4-5 hours in Feb, you have my word) Sign up with one payment of $297 or with 2 payments of $165. (Oh and as a bonus, you’ll receive 4 of my networking cheat sheets to help you!) Reserve your seat for this next LIVE training now.
The trainings I run will also give you direct access to me during the Hot Seat and Q&A, which means you’ll be able to get expert consulting on your most pressing challenges for a fraction of what it would normally cost.
Oh and if you think that attending one too, or three networking events a month is sufficient to reach your money goals you are unfortunately mistaken…. You are just not talking to enough people if you’re not making enough money which means you probably need to attend 10 to 20 networking events a month right now at minimum. I attend way more then that because it’s the number one marketing strategy I’m using currently. Networking and speaking is the fastest path to cash. Social media marketing is the slowest past the cash. FYI
Let’s make this YOUR BEST YEAR ever!
Here’s to creating and enjoying a life full of lots of Love & Money!
Here’s to creating and enjoying a life full of lots of Love & Money!
Award Winning Speaker, Jumpstart Your Biz Coach
& International Best-Selling Author with 11 books
Contact me anytime!
Office Landline: 916-872-4000

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