A client asked me the other day how I know about all the speaking opportunities that I know about and if I could let them know when I learned of any….
Well, while I don’t have time to share ONE-by-ONE every opportunity that comes across my computer, I am happy to share them to anyone in the International Speaker Network that I run. If you’re a member, I’m going to start sharing a LOT more of these opportunities via email; I share some now, but not as many as I see. Become a member for free today and you’ll get this info too. You can also attend our twice monthly calls! The next one is on Friday, July 16th at 9 am PST – come join us!
On Wednesday, I’m teaching the 2nd of 4 calls in my 2021 Online Speaker Success Program… speaking is the #1 fastest path to cash, sure you don’t want to jump in, catch up and DO THIS?? I’ve learned from some of the best speaker trainers out there, come let me show you how to monetize this all faster and more often. Learn more… last chance to jump in is now. Includes a speaking opportunity on July 23rd too! (mark your calendar to attend this if you’re not in the program too – Jumpstart Your Life Speaker Summit – registration coming later this week!)
In August, I’m hosting a one day “finish your book” virtual event too… have you had your book “in the works” for many months or even years now? Are you ready to get it done, published and start getting people to buy it or get speaking gigs around the topic of it? If so and you’re not getting that far on your own… learn more about this one day event that will definitely help you!
Want some tips on growing or jumpstarting your business this week?
Check out a Couple Articles from THE BLOG:
Let’s make this YOUR BEST YEAR ever!
I know how to show you how to tweak what you’re doing to get really BIG RESULTS in 2021!
Here’s to creating and enjoying a life full of lots of Love & Money!

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