I gave a talk recently about the 5 Keys to Getting What You Want in Your Business so I thought I’d do a recap of that here for you: 

  1. Keep your BIG VISION on top of mind at all times. It’s not enough to create a vision board once a year or do big picture planning once a year. For years like 2020, you may have to revisit that vision over and over again each month, week or even daily to keep your eyes on the goals.
  2. You have to be HUNGRY! Les Brown says this all the time… Being hungry for more money, success, future outcomes for yourself and your family will help you stay motivated. Confidence will come with more clarity and cash flow too.
  3. Put a PLAN together for your lead generation, marketing, follow up and sales and be open to the evolution of that plan.
  4. Be SUPER ORGANIZED!! This saves my butt all the time. I can always find documents and things I’m looking for in my computer, my files and more because I have systems for how I name things, where I keep them. I have SOPs and processes for managing things that run in my business too. This is mandatory or you’ll be in overwhelm and chaos most of the time.
  5. Hire the right TEAM. To build a bigger, more profitable business, you usually need more clients (either that or just keep raising your rates). To get more clients, you need to get in front of a LOT more people with your marketing… it IS a numbers game. To get in front of more people, it often takes more activity and some of you are working too many hours as it is and can’t fathom the idea of adding more to YOUR plate… but that’s why we hire people to help us. (And yes, we often have to hire them BEFORE we “think” we can afford it.)

Trust me, it can and will all work out in the end if you BELIEVE it’s possible and you don’t sabotage your own success by holding yourself (or your progress) back.

Ready to finally build a business you love making a LOT more MONEY? Then do one of 2 things today while you’re here to take that NEXT STEP!

1) Become a member in the Int’l Entrepreneur Network – this community is over a 100 members now and is a great place to get feedback on your business, ideas, resources, joint venture partners, clients even too and the opportunity to promote your business! For just $7/mo you’ll get access to 3 zoom group mastermind calls every month – yes, this is amazing and inexpensive, I know! No catch!! My mission is to help thousands inside this community, please join and learn what you need to know to grow your business smarter not harder. CLICK HERE FOR INFO AND TO ENROLL www.iEntrepreneurNetwork.com

2) Come have a conversation with me… trust me, you DO NOT NEED TO BE “READY” before doing this, in fact it’s better if you aren’t! I save thousands of entrepreneurs every year, thousands of dollars and months or years of time in the first stages of your business because I give you the “reality check” of what you need to know, learn, or implement in order to make more money FAST. Sign up here now so we can get you on the schedule, I only have time for about 5 people every month as I travel a LOT. www.AskKat.biz

Here’s to creating and enjoying the business and life of your dreams!

Award Winning Speaker, Jumpstart Your Biz Coach

& International Best-Selling Author with 10 books

Contact me anytime!

Office Landline: 916-872-4000

Email: katrina@jumpstartyourmarketing.com