What I want to share with you today is more about virtual networking…

I’ve invited you to a lot of virutal events over the past few years via my website, blog and emails, many free and many paid but I haven’t seen near the amount of people attending as probably should be. I wonder why that is?

You do know that you can find your next client or referral partner at just ONE networking event right now, right? (that’s IF you know how to “work the room” and “follow up” efficiently)

I booked 20 calls just a couple weeks ago from one 3-day event that I attended – 20!  I’ve had most of these conversations already, all of which turned into us referring each other or speaking gigs as early as this month!

I can’t express how much you might not be doing this as efficiently or effectively as you could OR you just aren’t attending ENOUGH events to reach the number of people you need to in order to find the right number of folks that could be interested in your offerings…

It’s a numbers game, it is. Networking could be your #1 business and marketing strategy this year, but you want to learn how to tweak what you’re doing so you can monetize it more!

Have you ever heard someone say, “In business, it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” Or perhaps you have heard, “The Net Worth Is In Your Network.”

I want to share a few smart, low cost opportunities for how you can generate more income through your relationships and your network this year, but first, let me tell you about how I made thousands of dollars each month when first starting in business.  It was through networking.

I would attend groups, make connections and then follow up.  You have probably done this too, because this is a proven way to generate cash flow and it was vital to my business when I was first starting out. (and frankly still is today)  Yet, I noticed how much of a need there was to make this whole process easier and more affordable.  I knew it was worth it to drive to the events and work the room to develop connections but deep down knew there had to be an easier way.

Now, since Covid has taken literally 99% of the world ONLINE, you have to network virtually and through digital ways (which in itself is easier). You can follow up the same ways, still using email, phone, direct mail and now texting or messaging too of course. But, let’s face it, the majority of your NEW or continued relationships need to be built using ONLINE sources.

You introverts are sort of happy – you can stay home yes, but you have to put yourself out there still. Maybe you have to regulate how much networking you do and build in breaks (just like before) but now you can do that in the comfort of your home and potentially fit in more during a day than before in person.

Extroverts are still happy yet want more, plus many are going stir crazy without hugs and being more in the spotlight, I get it. I feel like, depending on the group I’m around, I can go either way.

If you are looking to make valuable connections in a fast and affordable way this year, then I want to share a few opportunities for you to LEARN & MASTER this online networking, marketing and sales environment.

If you’re already good at enrolling a new client when you get to talk with them 1on1, fantastic. If you aren’t that good however at FINDING the right, or more, potential people to speak with, then you need marketing/networking help. If you network like crazy now and are on zoom calls and social media all the time BUT you’re not taking enough of those relationships to the next step (meaning a sale online or a phone call with you), then you need SALES help.

Wherever you are right now is fine, this is YOUR journey and you can take it however SLOW OR FAST that you choose.

If you choose to get a REAL JUMPSTART though and want to shave some of your learning curve quickly away so you know EXACTLY WHERE TO GO, WHAT TO SAY AND HOW TO ENROLL MORE CLIENTS EASILY, then here are a few options…

Yes, I have a few so if YOU can’t identify exactly what skills you should hone first, second, third then please come talk with me and I can help you prioritize that! Otherwise, pick one and let’s go!

1.  Join my next LIVE training, Jumpstart Your Networking! This 3-week intensive will give you the opportunity to develop relationships, market your expertise and get expert support on specific challenges you may be having around finding where to network to get the biggest bang for your buck and time. It will show you what to do, say and be prepared for when you DO attend events. And it will share ways to sell more, create more joint venture relationships, find more speaking gigs, get more exposure, and more. I’m only taking 20 people in this program and we start on Feb 3rd. Calls are from 1:00 to 2:30 pm PST every Wed for 3 weeks this Feb. You really want to make them LIVE to gain the best knowledge and plan for yourself. The calls will be very interactive, informative and pr oductive and it’s only $297. (Go read all about it here. I’m going to go ALL IN with you during these 4-5 hours in Feb, you have my word) Sign up here with one payment of $297 or sign up here with 2 payments of $165. (Oh and as a bonus, you’ll receive 4 of my networking cheat sheets to help you!) Reserve your seat for this next LIVE training now.

2. Get access to one of my trainings that have already been recorded:
Jumpstart Your Sales
Jumpstart Your Marketing
Jumpstart Your Online Course, Membership & more
Jumpstart Yourself as an Author
Jumpstart Yourself as a Speaker
Jumpstart Your Biz in 90 Days (for start ups)

3. Attend (in March – a ways out) one of my friend and mentor’s events for FREE as my guest – David Fagan hosts his Top Talent JV Mastermind event every so often and boy is it a massive networking frenzy I’d call it. I booked over 20 potential JV calls alone from his last one this month using all the strategies I teach in my Jumpstart Your Networking training. I usually also get paying clients from just about every group or larger event that I attend in the long run, one way or another. I highly recommend you attend David’s next event for networking but also because he teaches a lot too about becoming an icon in your industry, having others see you as an expert more, with more visibility, exposure, publicity, as an author, speaker, etc. Learn more and attend his event (tell him I sent you to get in free because it’s by “Invitation Only”) here.

4. Attend the Int’l Speaker Network calls that I run… We have a great group of new and seasoned speakers, we share resources, best practices, joint ventures plus we have openings for speakers each month too. SIGN UP to become a member, RSVP to upcoming webinars or apply to speak here.

5. The trainings I run will also give you direct access to me during the Hot Seat and Q&A, which means you’ll be able to get expert consulting on your most pressing challenges for a fraction of what it would normally cost.

Reminder you can still access my 2-Part Jumpstart Your Biz Masterclass – it’s very explanatory on what you can DO right now to get clients. Seriously. It’s all recorded and you can have instant access for free still but I may box it up and start charging a little for it in the next week or so when I have a minute… go look now.

-> https://jumpstartyourbiznow.com/freewebinar


Here’s to creating and enjoying a life full of lots of Love & Money! 

Award Winning Speaker, Jumpstart Your Biz Coach 

& International Best-Selling Author with 11 books

Contact me anytime!

Office Landline: 916-872-4000 

Email: katrina@jumpstartyourbiznow.com

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