by Katrina Sawa | Mar 27, 2022 | Business Networking, Business Success, Networking, Speaking, Success Secrets, Tips
How to make people WANT what you’ve got to offer A lot of you emailed me after I shared some recent speaking tips and how much speaking I actually do. Some of you were shocked and thought I must work all the time LOL… nope. Speaking is just my...
by Katrina Sawa | Jan 3, 2022 | Business Success, Events, Jumpstart Your Biz
I want you to start the year off: well planned as organized as possible clear and focused on what you’re doing where you’re spending your time in marketing how you’re running your business what you’re selling and offering…. and all while...
by Katrina Sawa | Oct 7, 2021 | Events, Jumpstart Your Biz, Networking
Registration is NOW OPEN for the October Jumpstart Your Biz Event!! This is my bi-annual business and marketing 3-day training event that always has new content, new strategies and I give out new templates and resources too. Come learn how to build...
by Katrina Sawa | May 11, 2021 | Business Success, Jumpstart Your Biz, Tips
I’ve seen a few friends and marketers lately who’ve been advising their followers to stop marketing and instead build community and relationships. Now, while I totally agree that we need to build community and relationships, doing so is actually...
by Katrina Sawa | Apr 2, 2021 | Business Success, Jumpstart Your Biz, Social Media
Are you Ready to Increase Your Cashflow by Next Week? I thought I would share a jumpstart your biz tip with you about 13 Ways to Run a SALE! Nothing gets people buying products or programs like a special promotion to your email subscribers. And, no, it’s not cheesy...