by Katrina Sawa | Jul 1, 2022 | Business & Money, Business Strategy, Business Success, Jumpstart Your Business NOW, Money
How I use my intuition to grow my business Entrepreneurs pay thousands of dollars for training, coaching and consulting to help them figure out how to grow their businesses and earn more money. I know, I’ve done it as I’m sure you have too… Yet we...
by Katrina Sawa | Jun 28, 2022 | 6 Figure Business, Business Strategy, Business Success, Jumpstart Your Business NOW, Money
6 Steps to 6-Figures… yes, it CAN be this easy! It took me 6 years to get to the 6-figure mark in my business. Not the way I thought it would go. Although, in the beginning, my goal wasn’t even to hit 6-figures in the first place! It was just to build the...