Jumpstart Your Follow Up: Creating Bulletproof Follow Up Systems for More Automated & Consistent Sales Free Masterclass to be held on Thursday, March 17th – 9-10 am PST / Noon-1 pm EST By NOT having a clear and easy to implement follow up system after you attend...
7 Keys to Efficient & Effective Marketing for Your Business in This Ever-Changing World Free Masterclass to be held on Thursday, March 10th – 9-10 am PST / Noon-1 pm EST Please join me on this BRAND NEW Jumpstart Your Marketing Masterclass! I PROMISE to help you...
Yes I said which, not both. As entrepreneurs we have to do so much more than ever to attract clients, market to clients, nurture clients etc. in order to build our business. Social media alone is a full time job. And if you don’t know what you’re doing...
Great! Some of it, at least on a local basis, can be pretty easy. Other national TV or print coverage can be a little more challenging OR you have to have a good publicist with great connections that can get you in. I’d start with the local stuff first, the free...
Guest article by Jennifer Darling Q: Jennifer, I’m making posts on LinkedIn each week, yet I’m not getting any leads. Why isn’t this working? You’re sharing your knowledge on LinkedIn through posts, memes, articles or videos, but you aren’t seeing any inbound leads...