The Power of Focus “You don’t get results by focusing on results. You get results by focusing on the actions that produce results.” – Mike Hawkins I want you to be ridiculously successful in whatever you plan to do. This means that you’ll probably need to learn...
We just returned from a fun but exhausting 8 day vacation to Disneyworld, Universal in Orlando… boy am I glad to be home but I need a vacation! LOL and a few really good massages! So, I’m taking a slow entry into the new year… but I’m hopeful,...
This is the eight secrets that I talk about in my signature talk, eight secrets to a consistent money-making business. Today we’re talking about a secret number two. Last time we talked about the knowing your big picture, vision, your goals, and believing...
I’ve created a brand-new video series for you! Over the next few weeks, we’ll be talking about the eight secrets to a consistent revenue generating business. And on each video, I’m going to talk about each one of the secrets, because I could be here for three...
What I want to share with you today is more about virtual networking… I’ve invited you to a lot of virutal events over the past few years via my website, blog and emails, many free and many paid but I haven’t seen near the amount of people attending...