by Katrina Sawa | Apr 19, 2023 | Author, Become An Author, Book Writing
My author story I think you’ll be surprised to hear my author story… why and how I decided to become an author. I thought I would share that with you today since I get asked SOOOO many times about it due to all the books in my Zoom Room background! So,...
by Katrina Sawa | Apr 4, 2023 | Business Strategy, Business Success, Sales Strategy
Are you 100% all in? I’m getting a little edgy in this post today because it’s my BIRTHDAY MONTH… and… well, I can! Birthdays also sometimes mark a time when you make some decisions, right? Yep… check it out. So… for the...
by Katrina Sawa | Mar 28, 2023 | Event Marketing, Follow-up Marketing, Marketing Tips, Marketing Training
Marketing Basics for Consistent Cash Flow Marketing basics for consistent cash flow is one of my most requested speaking topics. I think consistent cash flow is what every entrepreneur wants, and the more the better, right? The problem is that there’s too many...
by Katrina Sawa | Mar 21, 2023 | Business Strategy, Business Success, Sales Strategy
F.O.C.U.S. Framework: 5 Steps to Faster Sales Results! ASK YOURSELF: 1) Are you wondering why you’re not making the money you thought you would by now? 2) Have you been doing “all the things” everyone says you should or that you know to do to get clients? 3) Are...
by Katrina Sawa | Mar 13, 2023 | Business Strategy, Business Success, Sales Strategy
The 5 P’s to Bigger Sales Results By Katrina Sawa, CEO of One of the things that truly breaks my heart is seeing entrepreneurs go back and get a job or switch businesses because they one they tried to start up didn’t make enough money… The...