3 Upcoming Events to Help You Get Clients
I can’t tell you how fun it is to be able to get out connecting and networking with hundreds of other women entrepreneurs again in person!
I’m at the eWomenNetwork Conference in Dallas, TX right now, hanging out with a lot of old friends plus some new ones too. Sandra Yancey, the CEO and Founder of EWN is still going strong; she always has such inspiring messages and messages that make you want to TAKE BIG BOLD ACTION!!
One fun thing we did is learn tips on taking better pictures… here’s a few shots someone snapped of me goofing off. Pictures are becoming more and more important to have… and have a LOT of them you know. I’ve already done 2 photo shoots this year and doing another one next week with some clients in Virginia Beach for our mastermind. Is it time YOU took more fun lifestyle photos for your website, marketing and social too?
We also talked a lot about having complete FAITH today… in yourself, your abilities, your business and what you are here on this Earth to do. I talk a lot about having faith too, it’s what got me where I am today. I continue to take leaps of faith all the time, not knowing what will happen either, I “just know” it will all work out in the end.
I am brewing up some fun new group programs and events for the fall and 2023, I can’t wait to put them all together when I get home… It’s events like this that really get my creative juices flowing, but also my practical CEO self comes out too and says, “OK, where do I need to simplify? Or systematize? What do I need to cut out or stop doing myself? Where can I cut expenses and maximize profit?” All great questions to ask yourself quarterly really…
I wanted to pop in and share 3 upcoming events though, two next week that two of my Live Big Mastermind clients are hosting – both can help you get clients from your online marketing efforts or emails too. And then sharing the next Int’l Speaker Network call which is 9/6, the day after Labor Day so I want you to mark it into your calendar now.
Reach out if there are any questions YOU HAVE about scaling YOUR business, taking it more seriously, focusing more on the big picture, more profits not just weekly sales, overarching vision, values, goals and playing a much bigger game! The time is NOW, don’t wait.
Tuesday, August 30th will be a great day if you attend BOTH free webinars/masterclasses, trust me, these gals know their stuff!
1) 10:00 am PST – 5 Steps to GET MORE SALES on Social Media FREE workshop with Kimberly Koste, The Impactful Entrepreneur!
IF you are an entrepreneur who hasn’t quite cracked the code on “How to Find Your Ideal Clients on Social Media” and you’re ready to add this amazing avenue to your revenue stream, here’s your chance to learn ALL the ins and outs of attracting your ideal clients and making more sales.
Kimberly will SHOW you how simple and easy it is to:
• Grow an audience, full of your ideal clients so you get results.
• Create engaging content that positions you as the expert.
• Identify whether potential clients are ideal clients quickly.
• Create a funnel customized for social media marketing.
• Craft your unique, authentic way to make the sale.
2) Then at 11:00 am PST – Attend for the next step: Never Run Out of Content Topics Again Free 1-Hour Masterclass with Bonnie Chomica, The Content Creation Mentor.
In this class you’ll discover unlimited methods to conjure topic ideas so you can create your trusted and authority-building content with clarity and confidence. Let’s face it, we know we must create content that our ideal clients care about, want to learn more about and content to have them just get to know, like and trust us better too. Bonnie has a wealth of ideas on how to get that content written with more ease and less frustration on what to write/say/send.
The 3rd Event that’s coming up soon… just when I get back in fact, is the International Speaker Network call on Tuesday, Sept 6th from 4-5 pm PST.
These calls are great for you if you’re LOOKING to get booked on podcasts, stages or run your own webinars and events. They’re also good if you still are working out WHAT you want to speak on and how to get started. My speakers and I share a ton of ideas, resources, and connections to help you with all of this and more.
Learn more about who’s speaking in Sept and Oct, RSVP for the meetings you want to attend and join us here: www.meetup.com/InternationalSpeakerNetwork
The main ISN website is here: www.iSpeakerNetwork.com
If you want to find out how I can help you and what options you might have (there are many you know and yes you can afford it!), sign up to talk with me, I don’t bite! You might be pleasantly surprised at what we talk about on our call too because I always end up giving people clarity no matter what. I can’t help it.
I have my comprehensive Jumpstart Your Sales Training that walks you through all of this too, with strategies for sales online, on your website and in 1on1 sales conversations – both. With a deep dive call just for handling concerns and objections!
I also have a short, introductory Client Attraction Training too where I walk you through how to funnel more ideal prospects into your list, nurture them to take them to a next step.

Let’s make this YOUR BEST YEAR ever!
I know how to show you how to tweak what you’re doing to get really BIG RESULTS in the next year! Book a 1on1 strategy call with me here now! Here’s to creating and enjoying a life full of lots of Love & Money!
Katrina Sawa, The Jumpstart Your Biz Coach
“Katrina gave me the push I needed to implement changes in my business and helped my marketing take off with her “jump start your business” bootcamp. IF you’re not happy with how your business is going, it’s not going to get better until you gain the right knowledge and learn the right way to proceed. I had been listening to different teachers, a little bit here and a little bit somewhere else. But no one gave me the methodology Katrina has. Hire Katrina and watch your results!”
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