Are you ready to have a ROCKIN’ 2021?
Did you think about what word would signify what you want to achieve this year or how you want to be?
I’ve been talking about this in my emails so far this January and my first thought for MY word this year was “DOUBLE” because that’s what I want my business to do this year, is double.
But then I had a group call with a mastermind that I’m a part of and I told them that I thought that felt very self-serving to me and I’m not like that, I’m very passionate about helping others achieve what they want. They all said that I needed to look at it in a different way… it could be about ME doubling but also about helping MY CLIENTS double too!!
Now I can get behind that for sure… and one thing I’ve already done this year is hire a brand new mentor, someone pretty high up there in expertise and expense but I’m going “ALL IN” in 2021 and sometimes that’s what you have to do to get where you want to go!
On a call recently also with my Live Big Mastermind members, many of them chose really great words too.
You don’t need resolutions that you won’t keep (the majority of people don’t complete them anyway), try setting the stage for your year with just ONE word that you can sink your teeth into, something that makes you want to JUMP out of bed in the morning to take charge of the day! (every day)
One of my mastermind members chose the word UNFOLDING because she wanted to see how this year would continue to unfold for her, she had to do a lot of pivoting last year but it was great for her self – growth.
One chose COMPLETION as her word which is great, that would suit me too frankly but her reasoning is that she starts a lot of things but doesn’t always finish them. I totally get that – “me too”!
Another chose JOY because she wanted to purposely insert and schedule in more joy into her and her significant other’s lives. Together they have already done a bunch of things since deciding this, that have brought them more joy.
It can be anything but think a little bigger if you can ok?
I’d love to HEAR YOUR WORD?? Comment below and let me know!
READY TO GO “ALL IN” IN YOUR BUSINESS IN 2021 WITH ME? Where do you want to start? Dipping your toe or all in?
I’ve got the Jumpstart Your Biz School launching soon… get more info about that here: https://jumpstartyourbizschool.com/jsyb-school-prelaunch/
I’ve also got a FREE 2-Part Jumpstart Your Biz Masterclass this Thursday and next Thursday that you can be a part of to “dip your toe in”. Register here asap: https://jumpstartyourbiznow.com/freewebinar
Or come talk with me here if you’re BOLD and “ALL IN”: www.AskKat.biz
You NEVER KNOW what can come from just ONE conversation! If you’re “ALL IN” then you have no reason NOT to come have a chat! I know a LOT about building a consistently profitable business ya know. 😉 Just sayin’.
Let’s make this YOUR BEST YEAR ever! I know 2020, as bad as it was for some folks, it was my best year ever and I know how to show you how to tweak what you’re doing to get really BIG RESULTS in 2021!
xoxo, Katrina
Oh and you might wonder about some online dating tips I might have? Well, yes I do!! In fact, I created such an awesome system for managing my “leads” and messaging, dating, etc. efficiently that I created the Online Dating Program for Women Over 40 a couple years later! You can learn more about that here, it’s only $97 right now, if you’re all in in your love life, you might want to pick it up!
Here’s to creating and enjoying a life full of lots of Love & Money!
Award Winning Speaker, Jumpstart Your Biz Coach
& International Best-Selling Author with 11 books
Contact me anytime!
Office Landline: 916-872-4000

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