Wanna be more like my dog Luna? She always wants more, do you?
This is what Luna looks like every time one of us is in the kitchen.
She’s got her eye on the treat jar on the counter to her left, and 100% of the time expects you to give her one. Every single time you’re in the kitchen.

Do you know how much these treats cost? $55 a bag. They’re expensive and she loves them. And we love that she loves them because they’re all meat, dried bison usually.
But never does she think to herself, “oh I’ve already had four treats today they can’t possibly give me any more so what’s the point of going into the kitchen… again?!”
Or, “I’m so full I can’t possibly eat another treat.” LOL
Nope! Every time, without fail, she joins us in the kitchen looking for a treat. She always wants more. She always wants more of what she loves and desires.
This is a concept I teach entrepreneurs and my clients all the time.
I’ve managed to convince my husband that he wants and deserves more and now he definitely does – and he knows he deserves it!
But sometimes I run across entrepreneurs who want to settle for mediocre results, a mediocre life or they want to settle for mediocre income and revenue.
So, they don’t put themselves out there enough because of “insert limiting belief here”.
It has to be because they don’t realize they can HAVE more, and/or that they deserve it I would bet (most of the time).
At least they don’t show it or consistently do the things they need to do in order to get more.
There’s no shame in wanting more.
You should not be embarrassed to want more.
Whether you’re bringing in less income than you need right now, or no income at all. Or you’re bringing in plenty and think I don’t want to work harder so I’m just going to settle for what I’m bringing in now (or “it’s plenty, I’m good”).
It doesn’t necessarily have to be harder to receive more, more revenue, more clients, more fun, more love, and more freedom. It could just be something simple, like putting yourself in the right place like Luna does in order to get what you want!
It could be getting dressed, going out, and showing up to that networking event that you don’t really want to go to but you know deep inside that you’ll probably meet a good prospect or land a referral.
It could be you just have to turn on zoom and attend another call where you can share what you do this week and you’ll get more.
It could be you just have to send an email out to your list with some kind of amazing offer (or story like this one), and you’ll get more.
It could be that you need to click to go live on Facebook and just tell people what you’re up to and if or how you can help them, and you’ll discover more.
Some of the activities that will bring you more business are sometimes the simplest things you can do. Most of the time the things that get you results will be free things, you don’t have to pay for them or pay for marketing or pay for advertising! You just have to do the things…. Consistently.
Now, if you’re not sure whose kitchen to sit in to get more treats!
Or, you don’t know WHAT exactly will work to help you grow your business, get more clients this week, or how to get the motivation and confidence to go do the things…
Then that’s why I’m here and that’s what I do. I show you what to do and how to do it and even give you the words to say to make it super easy so you can go do the things consistently and see consistent results.
Because you deserve it! You deserve more! But you have to want it! If you want to have a call, click here and let’s chat!

I’ve got 2 amazing retreats happening this year, at 2 super amazing locations!!!
Do you love getting together with other highly motivated entrepreneurs, going deep while working on your business, upleveling your programs, offerings, pricing and purpose?
If so you definitely want to consider joining me… only 6-10 people at each, so very high access to me and you working on YOUR business for 3 days!
Plus, we have a ton of fun too – lifestyle photo shoots, outdoor activities, yummy meals and lifelong connections made.
1) May 17-19 at the Loews Resort in Coronado, CA on the beach
2) Aug 16-18 at the Estes Park Resort in the Colorado Mountains, on the lake

Let’s make this YOUR BEST YEAR ever!
I know how to show you how to tweak what you’re doing to get really BIG RESULTS in the next year! Book a 1on1 clarity session with me here now! Here’s to creating and enjoying a life full of lots of Love & Money!
Katrina Sawa, The Jumpstart Your Biz Coach
“When Katrina promises to deliver, she OVER delivers! When I attended her JumpStart Your Business in 90 Days Virtual Bootcamp, I received more resources and help from her than I’ve ever gotten from any other coach, course, or seminar in my life!”
“Katrina is the first business coach I met who cut right to the chase on how to improve my business. There was no wasted time, and no wasted investment. You get a return on every penny you spend with Katrina. For people looking to improve their business quickly, Katrina is the answer.”
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