I have something to share that’s a bit controversial right now in the “event space”.
You see, you may wonder why everyone and their brother or dad or cousin is hosting a virtual 3-day event… most of them are also doing it for FREE.
Because of getting butts in seats… some call it hearts in boxes (you know, cuz of Zoom). That way they can sell you their big hypy program… it’s also usually a very SPECIALIZED TRAINING of some sort like:
- how to be successful in doing events
- how to make more sales
- how to create a signature offer
- how to start speaking or make money from speaking
- how to use webinars, LinkedIn, Funnels…
The list goes ON and ON! And I’m not knocking “some” of these people, as many are my friends… others are a bit shady and it’s hard to tell, right?
Then once you sign up for free, they try to sell you into their VIP package, right? That way if you miss anything you get the recordings… oh and extra sessions or networking or a binder, box, etc.
It’s all good… in fact, I’ve done MY events like that too before – I’ve tried everything since I started doing them in 2008.
So, these people get hundreds to enroll (heck, I got 1000 people enrolled in the two events I did for free this year… they were different types of events though, not just me teaching) with the hopes of selling dozens into their 5-figure program, that again, is specialized.
What breaks my heart though is that most who join those programs, or attend those events aren’t making that much money at all in their businesses, I’m talking under $80K/year. Are you under $80K/year?
What someone needs if they really want to make $120K+ (most tell me they have a goal of $10K/mo) or even $250K/year is not a SPECIALIZED TRAINING like the above…
Everything you’re doing has to FLOW together and you have to do MORE than just ONE of those things to see a lot more consistent revenue…
But guess what?
Those people are GREAT at selling and saying the right things to make you THINK that their one thing is exactly what you need.. when really, it’s JUST ONE of probably 10 things you need to learn and implement in the very near future.
I know so many entrepreneurs who have fallen for sales pitches where this happens and whatever they’ve purchased WAS NOT their best next step at all. In fact, when you don’t yet have CONSISTENT REVENUE coming in for at least 6+ months, you are in need of more foundational systems, structure, marketing, and sales processes.
Plain and simple.
Now, I know all about all the advanced stuff out there, all these models for everything you see happening at other events – because I either do it all myself now or have, or I have clients or friends who do it.
I also look at your foundations though first. You have to be able to bring in a sustainable number of leads and sales every month. THAT is where 85% of entrepreneurs need to focus in my opinion – but this is not the super sexy stuff or the hypy fun stuff (although I disagree with that).
My events include ALL OF THIS AND MORE… but ONLY what will MAKE you consistent revenues first, then we’ll talk about what’s next.
You need to be in this for the long haul if you want to be successful and have a sustainable income.
You need someone who can look at your big picture goals and desires, your personal life as to what else is on your plate, who you want to serve and how, how much you want to make, and then spit out a formula for you – I call it your OOI – your Order of Importance – just for you.
This is what we focus on at my events.
My events are smaller because I don’t do free tickets anymore to the public – what I do during my 3-day events is worth MORE than free. It’s worth $1,000’s frankly… but I’m only charging $297.
Why invest $297 with me instead of FREE with 5 other people?
If you want to get coached first-hand by someone who knows a lot about a lot and can make sure you do the right things in OOI so you make less mistakes, waste less money and make more quicker then come join me in December.
I moved my event to Dec 7, 8 & 9 with YOU in mind.
Ignore those other 3-day events – seriously, don’t waste your time even going and learning one thing at a time for 3 days at a time…that’s just conference hopping… but then nothing really gets implemented, am I right?
Come learn what is critical for you to build a sustainable business doing what you love with me.
Learn more and register here now: Jumpstart Virtual Fall 2022
“Katrina gave me the push I needed to implement changes in my business and helped my marketing take off with her “jump start your business” bootcamp. IF you’re not happy with how your business is going, it’s not going to get better until you gain the right knowledge and learn the right way to proceed. I had been listening to different teachers, a little bit here and a little bit somewhere else. But no one gave me the methodology Katrina has. Hire Katrina and watch your results!”
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