What I find effective right now is “networking” or “speaking” at or on live, virtual events, meetings and calls. I had my best year ever in 2020 being a part of 30+ calls every month…
If you don’t have enough clients or aren’t making enough money then you need to TALK TO MORE PEOPLE, right? Well true, traditional “networking” is the fastest path to cash, referrals, collaborations and more…. trust me, I’ve been a business coach for 18 1/2 years. If you aren’t attending or networking on calls right now, a lot of them, then you may want to attend more… seriously.
It works IF YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO AND HOW TO DO IT so you’re NOT salesy and annoying, so you POSITION YOURSELF accordingly on zoom and don’t show up in your PJS and a ponytail sitting on your bed! Don’t do that, Zoom calls and events like this are still YOUR FIRST IMPRESSION.
Ready to really maximize those zoom calls and events that you’re attending?
So many entrepreneurs though do NOT look good on Zoom however… in their “Zoom Room”.
Positioning yourself as an expert in your Zoom Room or your Zoom Box is absolutely critical to attracting more clients, referral sources, JVs and speaking gigs virtually right now.
Watch this video for some tips to maximize your “Zoom Room”.
Attend some of the free calls that I run on zoom every month in the Int’l Speaker Network! https://www.iSpeakerNetwork.com?.
LEAVE A COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL https://www.youtube.com/katrinasawa
Learn more on how to really get more paying clients from virtual networking events too with the Jumpstart Your Networking 3-week training! https://jumpstartyourbiznow.com/jsynetworking/
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