(warning: passionate cussing ahead)
- More big picture planning to SIMPLIFY what you’re doing. Too many entrepreneurs are doing WAY too many things (business models or marketing or both) and not seeing results. That could mean “Picking a Lane” I like to call it with which marketing and lead generation strategies you choose to do the majority of your time and what to back off of a bit. Organize your time, your calendar and everything you’re doing or you’ll work way too hard.
- Adding alternate options depending on the marketplace and the world. Now is the time to have a plan B – but not in going back to get a JOB, but in how to pivot “if” need be. Like I plan to have an in person event end of March, but I have a backup plan to do virtually just in case.
- Adding more JOY & PLAY. You deserve to design the business around the kind of life you want to live instead of fitting your life in around your business! Stop settling for working too many hours and plot time for YOU FIRST on your calendar!
- Don’t tolerate negative or needy clients or people in general really. When YOU are happy, you attract, happy joyful clients and people into your life. Do you want to work with crappy clients who take advantage of you or suck the life out of you? Just say NO to them and you’ll open yourself up to more of the perfect clients.
- Focus on your damn website, database and your systems PLEASE!! For goodness sakes, stop avoiding this stuff – these is your most important assets and where you are MISSING OUT on thousands of dollars! Reach out, my team & I can help!
- Become and LOOK LIKE the expert you are. Stop with the DIY website and marketing materials, invest in your brand, your business and the way you “look” on the outside because most people will only see you on Zoom or your website or on social media… stop putting this stuff off and get yourself positioned to be the EXPERT in your industry. It doesn’t have to cost a ton but you do need to know the RIGHT THIGS to do.
- Raise your rates and develop high end programs and offerings so you can stop working so damn hard! Why do you want to sell 1000 people a $100 thing when you can sell 10 people a $10,000 thing? You CAN do this. Just do it, you got this. I can help.
- Put higher income and revenue goals out there or you’ll only get what you ask for. But then crunch the numbers to see what you need to sell/do and for how many every month/week in order to achieve that goal… don’t just blindly ask for $100K, that’s not realistic nor will you make it happen. You need a clear revenue plan with the right models, marketing, mindset and sales processes.
Now, if you aren’t sure what to do to get all this in place for yourself, this is what I do… and I do it with love, because I don’t want you working so hard for just $5-20/hour in the business of your dreams! You deserve so much more!
5 things you can do now:
1) Sign up for a complimentary call with me here.
2) Watch one of my Facebook Lives where I talked about How to SET BIGGER GOALS.
3) Go watch my Free Masterclass: 8 Secrets to a Consistent Moneymaking Business (pre-recorded)
4) Remember to attend the next International Speaker Network call this coming Tuesday, December 7th from 4:00 – 5:00 pm PST / 7:00 – 8:00 pm EST.
Debra Eckerling will be speaking on the topic of “Goal-Setting Simplified”. Set yourself up for success in 2022 with goal-setting expert Debra Eckerling. Debra will guide you through her task-based brainstorming system: The D*E*B METHODⓇ.
DEB stands for Determine Your Mission, Explore Your Options, Brainstorm Your Path.
Join us, why not, it’s free! Register here now.
5) NEW Joint Free Masterclass – 90 Minute Deep Dive with me and my good friend Abby Gooch, Friday, December 10th from 11:00 – 12:30 pm PST / 2:00 – 3:30 pm EST.
LIVE Intuition in Business Experience!
For over 18 years Abby has taught men, women and children around the world how to connect with their intuitions and when applied to business and or your dreams, success is inevitable!
Katrina kicks her clients into high gear making more money doing what they love and fast. She has a no-nonsense approach to showing entrepreneurs how to develop consistently profitable businesses implementing proven marketing and business strategies.
Combining expertise in business and intuition into a LIVE experience where you can learn how to apply concepts into your daily life to make the positive impact you are here to make, by simply being you!
Let’s make this YOUR BEST YEAR ever!
I know how to show you how to tweak what you’re doing to get really BIG RESULTS in 2021!
Here’s to creating and enjoying a life full of lots of Love & Money!
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