Today I woke up from a dream where I was super unorganized LOL… so I got up and revised my whole TO DO list! 😜 I know, I dream about weird stuff.

what does success mean to you

Today though, I thought I would share a video of a 10 min presentation that I gave this past March in Arizona… it was called: Elevate Your Website & Automation Systems for more Freedom.

Wanna see it?

Do you want more freedom?

Freedom to do more of the FUN things in life? What do you like to do for fun?

I like festivals, traveling, vacations with family, friends, entertaining, wine and good food, being outdoors, the beach, the lake, amusement parks and scary rides, movies, and so much more. I want more of THAT!

Therefore, I need more systems, automation, team and I always need to be upleveling my own websites, SOPs, follow up and more. ALWAYS. Yes, I am constantly still upleveling all of this in my business too…. and I would bet that the majority of you reading this also need to spend more time on this.

Here’s a snapshot of the important slides that I showed during this talk. You might want to go watch it if you find that you’re not up to date with all of this!


Then I did want to remind you about a couple things too… 😜

1. If you want to see where you could have holes in your business structure, sales, systems, marketing and backend, then I urge you schedule a call with me. No pressure, but why not chat with me? I always find 3-20 things entrepreneurs can do to grow, market, and profit easier and faster. Schedule direct with me here(Choose the 45 min Clarity Call)

2. Or you can join me in August in Colorado! My retreats are super fun and productive! learn more here!

3. From May 21-31, you have the unique chance to join us for the one-of-a-kind’ Rise and Lead Gift Extravaganza,‘ an event designed to empower, inspire, and provide tangible resources to elevate your business and personal growth. Get access to a couple dozen trainings absolutely FREE from a few friends of mine… plus, get MY Jumpstart Your Events Training! ($97 value just for that) If you’re hosting or want to host events, in person retreats, virtual events, summits, webinars or masterclasses you want to go grab this! It’s only available during May! Click here for the Rise & Lead Gift Extravaganza

4. Join me for the 6 Figure Masterclass…where you’ll learn from top industry experts (Including me!) how to invest wisely and avoid common business and marketing pitfalls.

This 4-Day Online summit happens at the end of June but I wanted to give you a heads up so you could mark your calendar and reserve your seat now. I LOVE this topic I’m speaking on, come hear me share!

Interested in the Colorado Lifestyle & Business Growth Retreat? Join me and 8-9 others this August – there’s still a 5 month payment plan for this – you CAN afford it and it WILL change your life!

We’re going to the Estes Park Resort in the Colorado Mountains on a lake in August. It’s a Secluded Lakeside Mountain Retreat for a Rocky Mountain National Park stay you won’t soon forget, The Estes Park Resort checks all the boxes. From in-room services, a waterfront hotel restaurant, Dunraven, resort amenities, like our lakeside fire pits and lawn games or relaxing spa, and local wildlife to gaze upon, there is an array of activities for everyone like paddleboarding, boating, yoga, all year-round.

I want to invite those who are ready to GO BIG and stop settling for mediocre income or overworking yourself and those who want to design this business around the lifestyle you desire now…

I will show you HOW to make this happen and help you PRIORITIZE what’s important and UPLEVEL everything so you can be and do at a newer, higher level.

Learn more about the Colorado Retreat Aug 16-18 here.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Katrina Sawa

Let’s make this YOUR BEST YEAR ever!

I know how to show you how to tweak what you’re doing to get really BIG RESULTS in the next year! Book a 1on1 clarity session with me here now! Here’s to creating and enjoying a life full of lots of Love & Money!

Katrina Sawa, The Jumpstart Your Biz Coach

“When Katrina promises to deliver, she OVER delivers! When I attended her JumpStart Your Business in 90 Days Virtual Bootcamp, I received more resources and help from her than I’ve ever gotten from any other coach, course, or seminar in my life!”

Linda Allred

The Bad Habit Breaker/ Certified Hypnotist,

“Katrina is the first business coach I met who cut right to the chase on how to improve my business. There was no wasted time, and no wasted investment. You get a return on every penny you spend with Katrina. For people looking to improve their business quickly, Katrina is the answer.”

Karin E. Bauer

Founder, REACH Marketing Communications

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