Setting (and Respecting) Your Boundaries
- With the hours you work
- Allowing interruptions during the day
- Who can get on your calendar and take your time and who can’t
- Where you spend your time
- How you’re managing your inbox and if you unsubscribe to things that aren’t serving you or if you’re allowing all that electronic clutter in
OMG! What a treat it was. (And a bit of work too I might add.)
Now… I have like 40 folders in there, but everything is sorted and I don’t feel like I’m missing anything or forgot anything. And it’s now May 4th and I can still see the bottom! That’s a feat and accomplishment that I don’t think I’ve felt in over a decade. Seriously…
My goal is to clear my tabs too every Friday afternoon and reboot my computer so everything is fresh and clean on Monday morning.
- I feel SO MUCH RELIEF. I can’t tell you.
- I am getting more done every day because of this.
- I am feeling more energized TO DO the tasks on the to do list too!
I’m telling you all of this because I see this as a huge problem with a lot of my clients and I feel like entrepreneurs in general are struggling with all this electronic clutter. I think it’s a huge cause of why you might not be reaching enough people with your marketing or your message. I think it’s causing more procrastination in some, and overwhelm in others.
But what if you could just delete, unsubscribe and say no or ignore a few things (or a lot of things!)?
What if you could just let it all go but the people/things that really matter right now to you? To the growth of you personally as a human, wife, mom, etc.? To the growth of your business?
That’s what I’m doing this year. I invite you to join me.
What matters to me? My family and love relationship. My health and more weight loss, getting stronger. My mom going through lung cancer. Rekindling old friendships and nurturing others. My clients seeing results faster. My followers and audiences getting motivated and doing big things.
Life and work CAN be SIMPLER.
Your bank account CAN be FULLER.
Join me on the Focus on What Matters Summit May 18th & 19th.
Click the link below if you’re interested and let’s partner up to have you finally build the business in life of your dreams!

Let’s make this YOUR BEST YEAR ever!
I know how to show you how to tweak what you’re doing to get really BIG RESULTS in the next year! Book a 1on1 clarity session with me here now! Here’s to creating and enjoying a life full of lots of Love & Money!
Katrina Sawa, The Jumpstart Your Biz Coach
One of Katrina’s strengths is that she has the systems you need to automate your business with ease. From sales scripts, to social media marketing plans, to email marketing guides, she has it all figured out for you.
When COVID hit, I was unexpectedly furloughed from two jobs and thrust into a position of uncertainty. I met Katrina and knew, immediately, she was the one to help me launch the business I’ve always wanted. As a Doctorally prepared Nurse Practitioner, I have wanted a business on my own for many years yet unsure where to start. Katrina has helped guide me from day one! In four short months, I went from a panic state of, “I’m not working!” to effectively running my own business and generating nearly $5,000 in just one month! Katrina helped me discover my true value and has encouraged me to charge an hourly rate which is definitely what I am worth–which is much higher than being an employee. Her work has guided me to grow a business very quickly from simply an idea to reality. If you are considering starting a business or looking to take yours to the next level, jump now! Katrina is the one to jump start your business! She truly is a gift and is one of the best business decisions I have ever made!
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