There are several reasons you should be attending industry-based events. If you have not considered this before, this may be a good piece to read. But first, what are industry events? These are events where the activities done are centered on a particular industry.
The people who attend such events are colleagues in the same industry. This is essential for virtual assistants to see a need for attending industry events. Even if you are not a virtual assistant, this piece is for you as long as you want to grow personally, grow your career and improve your circle of influence.
These industry events include seminars, conferences, workshops, competitions, dinner, trade shows, awards, etc. Industry events are either offline or online. By offline, we mean those events that hold in physical locations while online are held virtually. The events may either be paid or free. Irrespective of where it falls, here are some benefits you should consider;
Industry events allow you to meet and interact with people of the same like-minds. This enables you to see people you may not have dreamt of seeing in your industry. Even if it is online, you get a feeling of being closer.
Interestingly, industry events give you inspiration and energy to inspire your dream business. Hearing how other industry experts are developing their will business will fire you up to go for your dream. Sometimes, you only need to hear from colleagues or experts who share your passion on how they started and where they are to renew your strength.
There are times you get fresh ideas for projects you thought impossible just by attending seminars or conferences. By the time you listen to one or two speakers discuss some concept either new to you or deeper, it opens a whole new world of possibilities to you. With that, you can create wonderful concepts and projects.
Professional development is important to get ahead of industry trends and best practices. The events that hold the greatest information are the ones that require a payment. You know that you will be getting the best experts and information at these events. It could also be a seminar, conference, or workshop. These are the events that will give you an edge to level up your business and work with the best clients.
Some industry events allow you to position yourself in the industry. Events like these allow you to share your knowledge and expertise with other professionals. This better places you for visibility in the industry and enhances your career growth.
Attending conferences allows you to network with other industry representatives and allows you to get to know others as well as others to get to know you. This builds a know, like and trust factor that will build your network and potential referrals for other clients.
Whether you are an entrepreneur, small business owner virtual assistant or managing Director, attending an industry event is a great asset for your development, career growth, and improving your circle of influence.
Here is one event for Virtual Professionals that is coming up if you’re interested:
The OIVAC’s 15th annual summit is happening May 20-22, 2021. Learn more here now.
My next conference or entrepreneurial training is Oct 20-22, 2021 – mark your calendar now!
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