Are you wondering why people may not be buying from you or reaching out to connect with you on your website or social media?
I hate to say this, but it could be that you just don’t look like an expert.
I’m sorry to say this, and I don’t want you to get offended, but I see it all the time where people are trying to get clients and or high-end clients even and they just don’t look the part.
Not that I look perfect everyday either frankly, but I do exude a professional appearance on calls, networking events, speaking gigs, my live events and live videos, and especially on my website and my social media profiles.
You have to look the part.
You have to invest at least a little bit of money to make you look your best. That doesn’t have to mean thousands of dollars for new branding or lifestyle photos. That just means that you have a professional appearance from the outside looking in. Especially for those NEW people who’ve never met you before!
That also means you probably shouldn’t be doing all of that yourself unless you are graphically inclined.
See below for the six areas that I typically talk about in training calls, my live events, and with one-on-one clients when I see that they need to improve in these areas.
6 Areas to Review to Make Sure You “LOOK LIKE” the Expert You Are!
- Your hair and makeup for video presentation or online appearances and especially in person events.
- Your clothing, wardrobe, and accessories. What you decide to put on your body is critical. And no you don’t need to wear a suit or something super uncomfortable, you can still be very comfortable yet well put together. And even as a woman of size, which I am as well, there are perfectly good outfits and options for you, you just might not know where to shop.
- Your website, your branding, and really the look and feel of your overall persona online. The color scheme needs to flow throughout your website, your social media profiles, your marketing materials, and even down to the images you create on your social media posts.
- Your photos. When’s the last time you got a good headshot done? Nowadays people are taking lifestyle photoshoots. That means a photographer would take dozens of photos of you in various outfits in various outdoor and indoor environments and positions so that you can use those photos all over your website, the internet, social media, and influencer type of marketing.
- Your video stage. You’re not going to get away from doing videos these days. There is no way around it, and why would you? You want to be on video as much as humanly possible everywhere you possibly can put video you want to put it. Video allows you to connect with your audience, your followers, your email subscribers, and your clients on a deeper level without you even having to be there. It’s the most genius form of free marketing that is out there today and you really need to embrace it. Therefore you need to look good on stage inside that video. Please don’t do videos from your bedroom, with horrible lighting where we can’t see your face, or while driving in your car with the phone shaking All around. You still need to be professional even though you can still be personal, and outdoors if need be but watch your video stage.
- Your marketing materials. Your marketing materials extends beyond your website and your social media profile images and graphics. It’s more than just a business card. If you plan on getting back in person in any format whatsoever from live events, conferences, networking events, speaking gigs, or sponsor booths you must have attractive looking marketing materials that flow with your overall brand and color scheme for your business. You want to make sure you don’t skimp on the design of this because you’ll look like an amateur.
Now, if you aren’t sure what to do to fix some of these areas or who to hire to help you get them in place for yourself so you look like the expert you know that you are, then reach out to me and I’m sure I can give you some referrals or help you in some way. Don’t sit back and try to figure it out yourself, just ask.
Sign up for a complimentary call with me here (it will be in December so don’t wait to sign up).
Let’s make this YOUR BEST YEAR ever!
I know how to show you how to tweak what you’re doing to get really BIG RESULTS in 2021!
Here’s to creating and enjoying a life full of lots of Love & Money!
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