Do you create vision boards? I do, every year at least once. I love putting my dreams and desires or goals out there in a visual format for me to look at every day. 

So in 2012….

I was in search of the love of my life that year and boy did I find him. I was “ALL IN” when it came to dating that year… I didn’t hire a business coach in 2012, I hired a matchmaking service, went to 3 relationship workshops and was on 4 online dating sites and bam!

 Jason showed up on June 27, 2012. It pays to go “ALL IN” in your relationships, your health and IN YOUR BUSINESS!

If you look at the board I did, I had love, family man and fall in love but all those purple traits were things I wanted in my man… I also wrote out a very detailed list of 53 things that I wanted in him and in “us” as a couple… I read those almost every day as well, sort of like how people read affirmations. That was my goal. 

I did everything I possibly could to improve myself that year and get in front of a LOT of “potential prospects” if you know what I mean.

Since I have a “marketing brain”, I tended to work the dating sites like a marketing system. I knew that in order to find “THE ONE” I would probably need to meet 100 guys! Yes, I counted. Just like when I used to work in door-to-door sales, I believed (and proved this to be so) that I needed to knock on 100 doors every day in order to make the 10 sales per day that was my goal. Yep, the days I only hit 80 doors and sluffed off and went to a movie instead, I didn’t hit my goal. 

I knew that in order to find my Mr Right in 2012, when I was finally more than ready and longing so deeply for a very loving meaningful relationship, that I had to take it seriously. I had to do “whatever it took” and I did… for 6 months straight. (this is us last week in Arizona) 

Was it all wonderful dates and roses? Heck no, but I kept at it anyway… you have to if you truly want to get the result. You can’t give up. In fact, some of the dates, especially from the Matchmaking Service that I paid $6,000 for were so horrible it was ridiculous! I did better doing the “Guerrilla Marketing” myself on the sites. (We eventually met on eHarmony, some of you might be curious.) 

Whether you’re looking for love this year or to grow your business tremendously… go “ALL IN”.

Trust me, do everything you possibly can and talk to anyone who is willing to support you. Don’t let yourself get sabotaged by negative or “stinkin’ thinkin'”.

It sometimes takes hard work and determination but growing your business is vital to your long-term success as an entrepreneur. If you want to be successful, you have to hang out with and get advice from other successful people. If you want to stop stressing about money, your business, how to make it work or what you should be doing then stop it and let’s chat. You’re only prolonging your success by NOT reaching out for advice.

READY TO GO “ALL IN” IN YOUR BUSINESS IN 2021 WITH ME? Where do you want to start? Dipping your toe or all in?

I’ve got the Jumpstart Your Biz School launching soon… get more info about that here:



I’ve also got a FREE 2-Part Jumpstart Your Biz Masterclass this Thursday and next Thursday that you can be a part of to “dip your toe in”. Register here asap:



Or come talk with me here if you’re BOLD and “ALL IN”:

You NEVER KNOW what can come from just ONE conversation! If you’re “ALL IN” then you have no reason NOT to come have a chat! I know a LOT about building a consistently profitable business ya know. 😉 Just sayin’.

Let’s make this YOUR BEST YEAR ever! I know 2020, as bad as it was for some folks, it was my best year ever and I know how to show you how to tweak what you’re doing to get really BIG RESULTS in 2021! 

xoxo, Katrina

Oh and you might wonder about some online dating tips I might have? Well, yes I do!! In fact, I created such an awesome system for managing my “leads” and messaging, dating, etc. efficiently that I created the Online Dating Program for Women Over 40 a couple years later! You can learn more about that here, it’s only $97 right now, if you’re all in in your love life, you might want to pick it up

Here’s to creating and enjoying a life full of lots of Love & Money! 

Award Winning Speaker, Jumpstart Your Biz Coach 

& International Best-Selling Author with 11 books

Contact me anytime!

Office Landline: 916-872-4000 


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