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Katrina helps entrepreneurs make smarter marketing and business decisions in order to create the life and business of your dreams. She helps you create your big picture vision, plan and initial offerings if you’re just starting out. She helps you develop a more leveraged, efficient business and marketing plan if you’re more seasoned. Either way, she shows you all the steps, systems and marketing that need to be put in place in order to accomplish your big picture business, life and money goals. She does this via one-on-one coaching, her Live Big Mastermind, her Jumpstart Your Biz Events, Webinars, and speaking gigs.

Katrina is the founder of the International Speaker Network that has twice monthly calls anyone can join for free. She’s been featured on various news media shows such as Good Day Sacramento, News 10 and Sacramento & Company. She won the National Collaborator of the Year Award by the Public Speakers Association of who’s conference which Katrina spoke for four years in a row. She is also a member of the Women’s Speaker Association, eWomenNetwork, eWomen Speakers Network, Women’s Prosperity Network and a Diamond Member of Polka Dot Powerhouse. Kat speaks to groups and conferences of all sizes all over North America and the Internet.

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“I believe you need to build your business the right way from the start if you’re really SERIOUS and want to make a LOT more MONEY doing what you LOVE!” – Katrina Sawa

How I Can Help You


Complimentary Jumpstart Your Biz Clarity & Focus Call

Do You Have Questions? Wonder if I work with “your” type of business or if I have solutions “you” can use? Come Talk with me in a Complimentary 1ON1 CALL NOW!


International Speaker Network

Join the International Speaker Network for free for networking, resources, community and training. Get ALL YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED MONTHLY!


Live Events (and Virtually!)

Attend one of my Live Training Events in Sacramento California or a 3-Day Deep Dive Mastermind held all over the US – they are amazingly transformational and give you a TON of practical, tactical strategies to jumpstart all areas of your business now.

My Journey

Taking Action in Complete Faith

When I first started my business, I was trading hour for dollar with clients in a typical marketing consulting business. I had some clients on retainer and some just paid me when they needed me. All of my income however depended on how many hours I worked. Can you relate?

Obviously with that type of business model it was hard to get ahead (or take a vacation!), even with raising my rates every so often.

Plus, in addition to that, I was living in an unhappy marriage with a husband who wasn’t very supportive of me being an entrepreneur. He was always worried about the roller coaster of income and he would worry when I wanted to invest money back into my business which I knew I needed to do to learn and grow.

Not too supportive huh? That’s where the concepts for my book, Love Yourself Successful, came from. I learned soon after that so many of my clients were going through the same lack of support in their lives as well.

My hope is that this DOESN’T sound familiar to you but I do unfortunately see this all the time with my coaching clients and it literally breaks my heart. I stopped settling and broke free of that marriage in 2005 and have increased my business every year since.

Now I live the life of my dreams!

I have a business that I’m passionate about, helping other entrepreneurs make money doing what they’re passionate about. I am married to a man who adores me and who is the perfect fit for me. He and his beautiful little daughter light up my life and are now my “big why”.

But it wasn’t such an easy road for the three of us, 6 months after we started dating I discovered that I had to have two total hip replacements done – big surgeries that I did both in 2013. After I got up and running after that second one, he was diagnosed with cancer that he beat thankfully but it was not an easy 2014 either!

In those two years it really solidified in my mind the crucial aspect of having systems in your business! If I hadn’t had a small team of people plus massive systems for lead generation, marketing, follow up and sales I would have lost about half my income for about an 18 month period.

This is important for you to read (and most importantly to ‘hear’) because if you’re still trading hours for dollars, or still working in a job that you hate or feel like there’s more to life than what you’re living now even if you’re already in your own business….then YOU’RE RIGHT! You could be SETTLING!

Let me help you and show you how to transform your life, your new business or even your existing business into a smooth-running, PROFITABLE and SUSTAINABLE business doing what you ABSOLUTELY LOVE to do!!