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Love Yourself Successful Summit & Giveaway!
Enter your contact info below and get the following free gifts:
1) Love Yourself Successful 3-Part Audio Training
Without confidence, are you going to be as motivated, determined, focused, fearless or productive?
Probably not. That’s why many small business owners don’t survive, go out of business, or struggle out of stubbornness to try to make a go of it.
The Love Yourself Successful 3-Part Audio Training is a HIGHLY CONTENT RICH PROGRAM that will show you how to put more LOVE in your life and MONEY in your business.
Like the book, it’s a Step-by-Step Guide to FINALLY Taking Charge of Your Life and Designing the Business of Your Dreams!
2) Online Dating Program for Women Over 40
In this multi-part Audio Training, Worksheets, Guides and Examples.
If this is something you want to work on and get tips around. I found my awesome Mr. Right after doing what I teach in this program in just 6 months!! I set my mind on my goal, did the right “marketing” activities and BAM he showed up. You have to focus on this stuff if you want the results, you can’t just “hope and pray” he’ll show up… go make it happen! You don’t know what you don’t know.
In this training I teach you how to showcase yourself online and how to talk to people, sort them, etc. so you can be more efficient and get results in your love life!
3) A 1on1 call with me!
Why not, what have you got to lose? Nothing… Come share where YOU want to be and what you want to create for your life and your business and I’ll bet I find 3-10 things you can tweak instantly and without any expense to get you on your way there on this one call that’s no charge to you! Why? Because I care.
What You’ll Learn From The Book and These Additional Trainings:
- Uncover your true greatness and what’s possible for you
- Discover what’s missing in your life or where you could be settling
- Motivate you to take action towards building the life of your dreams
- Learn the formula for complete happiness
- How to raise your rates and believe you’re worth it
- Why your relationships are suffering
- How to stretch outside your comfort zone
- Discover the “HOT Factor”
- How to allow yourself to receive
- The 4 Types of love that affect how much money you make
- How to let go of your “Control-Freak-Itis”
- The #1 missing link to your happiest life ever
- How to create a consistently profitable business without working so hard
This stuff is designed for you, the woman entrepreneur or aspiring entrepreneur who wants to find the formula for living a happier, love-filled life while running a consistent money-making business. But it works for MEN TOO!
It’s time to finally take charge of your life and design the business of your dreams!
What People Say
Karin E. Bauer,
Founder, REACH Marketing Communications
Julia Stege,
The Magical Marketer,
Linda Allred,
The Bad Habit Breaker/ Certified Hypnotist,
Not only that but I also worked 1on1 with Kat in her VIP Coaching and she gave me everything she has. She helped me get crystal clear on how to develop winning programs and I am pleased to say that I earned more money this past September than I have in any month in the past 9 years! How do you spell business success? 2 words: Katrina Sawa!
Miranda Zukowski,
The Fitness Coach for Entrepreneurs,
Laurie Ratto
RN, HTCPClinical Aromatherapist, Alameda, CA
“Katrina is a wealth of information and strategy. She helped me develop my first comprehensive program so client’s received both healing sessions and products in the package so they received more benefits and I am working smarter instead of harder. She also helped me to realize my value and charge more. I was able to increase my mailing list at networking events using strategies she gave me. Her only weakness is she has so much to share sometimes my head wanted to pop while taking it all in! She was also available in between calls which was great as different opportunities presented themselves. Sometimes these opportunities were not a good fit and I would have been wasting my time, she kept me focused on areas that aligned with my mission and would generate more revenue. I enjoyed being a part of her mastermind group and learned a lot.”
Rebekah Richards
Strategic Marketing Consulting & Services
The first time I ever heard of Katrina, one of her coaching clients was giving a glowing review of how she had helped her turn her business around at a Loral Lengemeier event that Katrina had just spoken at. Shortly after I purchased her Love Yourself Successful book when it came out and went to her website as the book instructed to take advantage of her free goodies. Because of her amazing follow up, I signed up for her 6 week Jumpstart Your Business group coaching program. Katrina talks fast and gets right down to business. I have a notebook filled with several pages of notes on actions and recommendations she gave for my business website, lead generation strategies, my brochure and direct mail piece, networking, determining how to get paid, places to look for clients, using Facebook, effective follow up…..I could go on! Katrina knows A LOT about marketing and she is willing to share it ALL. I made a lot of progress during my coaching, gained a lot of knowledge, and made progress on getting systems in place in my business. What I appreciate most about Katrina is that she has mastered the most important sales systems: lead generation, appointment setting and lead conversion and she walks the talk. Just enter her funnel by opting into her list and see a master at work! I also appreciate her warmth and friendliness when I see her in person and that she continues to follow up even when the class is over. If you are looking for accountability, systems and a ton of solid business advice, Katrina’s your girl.
Dorris Burch
Katrina is a master at internet marketing. It was Katrina that introduce me to having a business that can be global and mobile. She gave me the tools to launch and build my online empire and create my very first tele-seminar that feature me interviewing top 6 & 7 figure women entrepreneurs including Kat the Kat-alyst herself. All of this has allowed me to receive and sell $10,000 coaching program within a week. I would not be the entrepreneur I AM today if it weren’t for my coaching session and connection with Katrina. I highly recommend working with her if you are serious about becoming successful and abundantly prosperous in your life.
Wendy Vineyard
Your Coach for Mastering Menopause - Natural Menopause Now
I’ve taken many online and in-person marketing workshops, seminars and coaching over the years so I recognize when a trainer’s primary motivation comes from a genuine desire to help others vs. satisfying their ego or their bank account.Katrina Sawa is the real deal! Marketing secrets that I’ve heard from no one else, and practical spot-on, step-by-step advice flows from her like it’s channeled from a higher power! And Katrina doesn’t hold back. She generously shares all she has with her customers. As someone whose marketing was hit and miss, at best, until I found Katrina, I’m loyal to her for her honest insights and genuine desire to help me bring my gifts to the world. She has inspired me to believe in myself and my mission, think bigger, create my marketing plan, focus on specific revenue generating activities every day and start building a team to help me grow my business. Thank you Katrina!
David Green
Hypnotherapy - Greenwood Hypnotherapy
I first met Katrina back in 2005 when I was starting up my business in Folsom. She gave me so much information and ideas that I have been continuously using them for the last 8 years! Of course I consulted with her since that time, but one of the things that I am so grateful for is that she is still here! Still helping people grow their business. Still offering her services and willing to help out when needed. She helped me not only with my local hypnotherapy services, but also helped me launch my hypnosis CDs and mp3 recordings on a national scale. I can’t tell you how many times over the last 8 years I have been frustrated by services that have come and gone and now offer no support or encouragement. She has always been there for me and I greatly appreciate the fact that her steady support and services will be there in the future as well. In fact, I received so much pertinent data from her that I am still implementing what she suggested 8 years ago. Not that I have been ignoring what she originally said, it’s just that she gave me so many valuable insights and suggestions that it could take years to implement all of them. And that was a great way to grow my business at a rate that suited my needs. There are so many aspects to having your own business that it is comforting to know that when I am ready to take the next step that she is there with the knowledge and the plan to help me achieve those goals. If you are ready to move forward with your business, please give her a call and let her help you become even more successful.
Alicia White
Graphic Designer and Branding Strategist, Back of the Room Productions and, Wiley, TX
“Katrina Sawa is a more than just a business coach, she is a mentor. Katrina has taught me marketing strategies that WORK! In just a few months, I implemented a long over-due email campaign, created new products, sold new services and made connections with more clients than ever before. Katrina is someone I trust completely to guide me in my business offerings and I highly recommend her.”
Lisa Lemus
(formerly with) AP Products
“I have recently had the absolute pleasure to work with Katrina Sawa to breathe some new life into our marketing and sales focus. Wow!! What a difference just even four months so far makes! In that four months, between our 1 on 1 strategy calls and an amazingly beneficial ½ day planning session, we were really able to map out the direction that we wanted to go. The ½ day session was intense and so incredibly productive, the ideas and thoughts just seemed to come forward effortlessly for Kat who was focused and on point with what we wanted to accomplish. Katrina was able to take a peek into our business life and help us work smarter, not harder! Even right down to simplifying and updating our order taking / accounting processes, getting everything into one place! Talk about a timesaver! I sincerely feel much more confident now with our efforts both online and offline in our marketing and how we can easily generate leads through multiple strategies we have implemented because now we know how to do it all! We are even delegating too! Thank you, Katrina for your top notch and invaluable services!”
About Katrina
Katrina Sawa is known as the Jumpstart Your Biz Coach because she literally kicks her clients and their businesses into high gear, online & offline, and fast.
The Jumpstart Your Biz Coach, Katrina Sawa helps entrepreneurs make more money doing what they love. She is the creator of the Jumpstart Your Marketing & Sales System, a tell-it-like-it-is speaker and International Best-Selling author with 20 books including: Jumpstart Your New Business Now, the Jumpstart Your _____ (blank) compilation book series, and Love Yourself Successful. She has been featured on the Oprah and Friends XMRadioNetwork, ABC and TheCW and she was awarded the National Collaborator of the Year Award by the Public Speakers Association and a 2-time Nominee for the Wise Woman Award by the National Association of Women Business Owners. She speaks to groups of all sizes, holds live training events annually and she’s the founder of the International Speaker Network.
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