Increase Your Sales, Confidence, Lead Generation, Reach and Influence
PLUS... Get More Efficient, Productive, and Profitable...
To Enjoy Your Dream Lifestyle Designed Business Sooner Than Later!
Thank you so much for buying a copy of Jumpstart Your ____, Vol I, 2018, Vol II, 2019, Vol III, 2020 or Vol IV, 2021, Vol V, 2022!
On this page you will find the Authors’ own websites, links to free gifts and special pages just for you, the reader of this book! Scroll down to read about all of them and click to find out more on those you want more information about!

Are you interested in writing a chapter in the next Jumpstart Your ____ book?
If so, go find out how and what’s included now!
Jumpstart Your _____, Vol V Authors

Grab a few different Free Trainings on how to jumpstart your business, your marketing, your website, yourself, your team and that you can make a lot more money doing what you love if you just learn the things you need to learn to build a consistent, moneymaking business machine.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]I’d love to help you continue to grow and live a life you love while gaining the shining outcomes you deserve. Please go online and grab the free resources I’ve put together for you at www.ShiningOutcomes.com/jumpstart. And here’s to creating the life you love!
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]If you like what I’m sharing here, please visit www.Habits4Miracles.com/jumpstart and download your free eBook, “5 Steps on How to Take Consistent Action to Get What You Want.” On that page, I also share additional resources just for those of you reading this book. Here’s to changing your habits for good!
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]To learn more about me, my Qigong practice, lung support services, and/or just to connect, please go to www.HealingChoicesOasis.com/jumpstart.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]View invitations to our events, and find out how to receive a free Living Benefits book. Reach out and let’s have a conversation! Go to www.NicoleAspenson.com/jumpstart.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]I invite you to jumpstart your wealth as well. It’s as simple as booking a free, no-obligation Zoom call with me. I would like to learn about you and your goals, and then together we can create a plan that will help you achieve them. www.AnnaFelix.com/jumpstart
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]To help you get started, I want to gift you my Content Marketing Toolkit! You’ll have access to my 9 Client-Attraction Writing Tips eBook and the Content Planner Tool, which I mentioned in this chapter, a list of 50 subject lines to help you increase open rates for your email, and an opportunity to do a Free Prosperity Call with me one-on-one. All are excellent tools for building a strong content marketing foundation. Go get your tools online at www.BonnieChomica.com/jumpstart.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]I want to offer you the opportunity to schedule a complimentary discovery call with me, plus give you access to everything I have mentioned in this chapter, including a free publicity checklist that gives you a lot of resources and websites to get this process going on your own. Go to www.FiretalkerPR.com/jumpstart today, and let’s get you some publicity this month!
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]If you are serious about finding your true calling to grow your business and make big money, please schedule a free call with me. I love talking this through with people, and I have proven systems and questions to help you gain clarity. You can start by taking my Soul Purpose Assessment to identify your unique blend of soul qualities and begin to integrate what you learn into everything you do. Go to a special page on my website just for readers of this book, and gain access to your free assessment and additional information at www.GraceMosgeller.com/jumpstart.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]If any of these seem like good next steps for you to work on, I’d love to have a conversation with you to determine how I can point you in the right direction or impart any advice that might assist you. Please go to my website to get in touch, schedule a call, and access my free report, “Three Barriers to Wealth and How to Overcome Them,” online at www.IvanoOngaro.com/jumpstart.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]And if you would like to speak with me about what my team and I can help you with, I’ve put together a special page on my website with a big list of 40+ tasks you could delegate, as well as a free video training on how to build and grow your team. You can also have a virtual or in-person conversation with me! Visit www.Cloversy.com/jumpstart and get going today!
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]Jumpstart Your _____, Vol IV Authors

Grab a few different Free Trainings on how to jumpstart your business, your marketing, your website, yourself, your team and that you can make a lot more money doing what you love if you just learn the things you need to learn to build a consistent, moneymaking business machine.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]Free gifts especially created for you:
- Report: How to Avoid Self-Sabotaging Your Own Success
- 30-min Training: Self-Awareness is Your Secret Superpower to Success
- A Complimentary Consultation with me valued at $360. How can I be of service to you?
You can get free access to the following:
- Download my complimentary guide: “Ten Ways to Have More Joy and Connection Today”
- Experience a short meditation: “Expand the Love in Your Life”
- Plus get an opportunity to have a call with me so we can uncover together what’s really going on.
I put together a few resources for you on my website:
- Free Health and Hormone Discovery Call with me,
- Free Guide: “5 Steps for Women to have more Energy over 40”
- Free Masterclass series on “Hormones and Pleasure” and The Magic of Menopause”
Access my 3 free gifts today:
- My Free eBook “5 Essential Steps to Love Your Life Again”
- A full hypnosis session to “Activate Your Inner Power”
- A free consultation to activate permanent, transformative change.
Get access to a free audio training that goes deeper on the M.O.N.E.Y. System, my Audacious Path Compass, and the opportunity to have a call with me too.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]Get access to a free one-on-one call with me plus my video training on the 5 Steps to Getting Your Life Back on T.R.A.C.K.!
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]Jumpstart Your Brand and your business in the process, please go to my website today and submit a request. Or you can follow us on Facebook or Instagram. Now, go transform your brand into one people remember. You are unstoppable!
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]Free gifts I would love for you to have:
- 6 key initial steps to take when launching a community
- Free Invite to the next Lead Up for Women Lunch-N-Learn
- Free 30-min Build your Community Strategy Call with me
- Free Digital Lead Up for Women Magazine
I have a great list of my favorite apps to help maximize work time while taking care of the children. Fill out my request form and I’ll send it to you.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]If you are looking for help you can get the following freebies:
- The extended version of this chapter in a Jumpstart Your Website eBook which includes a long list of the types of webpages you could want on your website
- An SEO checklist
- Instructions for setting up your Google My Business account and Google Analytics
- Logo design tips and resources
- Tips on how to create your Digital Marketing Strategy and more
Jumpstart Your _____, Vol III Authors

Grab a few different Free Trainings on how to jumpstart your business, your marketing, your website, yourself, your team and that you can make a lot more money doing what you love if you just learn the things you need to learn to build a consistent, moneymaking business machine.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]If you want to know more about this community, the products, and the business as a channel for creating your best life, let me know. I would love to help you jump start your best life! Every month, I hold a drawing for new subscribers to my website, so head over to www. EmilySanduskyBestLife.com and enter to win!
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]I know from experience the value of these caregiving skills, and want to ease your stress.
I created a special webpage for you to grab a free copy of my Caregiving Guidebook: The 21 Mistakes Caregivers Make and How to Avoid Them. It will help you jumpstart or continue your caregiving experience with more ease.
If you’re interested in exploring this, please schedule a call with me. I have a series of questions designed to get you crystal clear on what’s possible for your prosperity, and whether what I offer can help actualize the potential inherent in your being. I’ll also share a video exercise to get you going on your prosperity journey.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]I wish you HUGE HAPPINESS and JOY in your life. You deserve it. It is your birthright. Stay grateful, stay positive, and stay focused on happiness. You were destined to be happy. Consciously choose happiness every day, and happiness will be yours. Go grab my FREE Download, Kellie Poulsen Grill’s 7 Strategies for Staying Happy!
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]To get you started right now on reducing your stress, I want to give you my meditation video for FREE! I also created a quick, easy recipe book that you can sign up for, plus many more free gifts, and resources to help you reduce stress and jumpstart your health.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]I want to gift you access to some of these initial materials and lists so that you can get started today! When you go to my site, you’ll receive the rest of the THE KEY 90+ Protocols, which include THE KEY 90 Nutrients, The Health Map, the Good Food, Bad Food List, and the 4 Health Categories Self-Evaluation List.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]My website has helpful parenting information and programs that you can check out. I’ve even created a special page just for you where I included a FREE Webinar on the topic of these 3 Tips where I go into much more depth. You will also get a FREE Membership in my strategy of-the-month club for more ideas about how to use positive parenting strategies, plus some discounts on my programs too!
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]Are you ready to learn what your pets are trying to tell you? Animal communication can be a key to understanding your pet’s needs, and help you to make the right decisions for you and your pets. I’d love to help you build that stronger bond and relationship with them; therefore, I have created a special page on my website just for you where you will find tips and ipportunities to create that special bond and be able to schedule a free consultation with me!
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]Oh my, I have so much more I would like to share with you. Please visit my site for up-to-date information and my list of the Top 10 Tax Tips, plus a book on other software recommendations that I couldn’t fit into this chapter: a special gift to you for reading my chapter. I hope you have learned something today, and I hope I have helped you “Excel Your P&L.”
If you’d like to have a conversation to review your business systems and figure out ways to excel your business profits and save you time, then sign up for a complimentary Systems Flow Assessment with me. This assessment is totally free for those of you reading this chapter, but please don’t wait. All my clients wish they had hired me sooner.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]For a FREE guide on Follow-Up for Speakers, Coaches, and Small Business Owners, go to my website and you’ll get a checklist for the 7 Secrets to Following Up with Prospects.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]We are here to help! I want to give you a Free
eBook for you to get started. Go right now and
check this out, so you can begin the important task of developing and restructuring your HR department. If you’re looking for a powerful team of supportive and brilliant HR professionals to help you with even the smallest task for revamping your whole HR department, please contact us for a free consultation.
The Delta Putt is an amazing device. If you know any golfers out there, I invite you to send them to my website for more information at www.DeltaPutt.com.You can also go and grab my FREE Download: “Seven Tips to improving your Putting,” Finally, I hope you take whatever steps you can to go find your purpose, and don’t settle for less!
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]Hiring a videographer and video editor may be the step you need to take if you do not have the time to edit your videos. It’s worth it to hire someone to make your content look as professional as possible, as you want to make an excellent first impression on the online world. Go to my site for my FREE Download, Top 5 Video Editing Tips, or if you are looking for additional information.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]Jumpstart Your _____, Vol II Authors

Grab a few different Free Trainings on how to jumpstart your business, your marketing, your website, yourself, your team and that you can make a lot more money doing what you love if you just learn the things you need to learn to build a consistent, moneymaking business machine.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]Invite you to Jumpstart your New Reality! Checkout my 7 Step creative process to think outside the box while keeping one foot in reality so that your new life — your new reality — is easily achievable, affordable, and sustainable. Sign up below for free access to a very powerful breakthrough-to-clarity exercise.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]I invite you to Jumpstart your Relationships! Are you ready to maximize your brilliance, recharge your health, your relationships and your business? Schedule a free Success Strategy Session and grab a free relaxing and empowering guided mediation that I made for you on my website below.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]I invite you to Jumpstart your Credit Score! Visit our website through the link below for resources you will need to maintain a good credit profile and score and schedule an appointment for a free credit profile review and strategy session.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]I invite you to Jumpstart your Personal Safety! Are you ready to unleash your personal power and create some Freedom in your life? Follow the link below to book a personal safety consultation, download your free copy of my guide, “10 Must-Know Ways to Avoid Being Assaulted,” and watch the free webinar, “Best-Kept Secrets of Personal Safety.”
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]I invite you to Jumpstart your abundance – Create greater ease, flow, and love in your life. Download Pam’s Emotional Guidance Scale, a free guide to “24 Ways to Raise Your Vibes” and find your personal “Human Design”.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]I invite you to Jumpstart your Joy! Don’t forge to create, and live your LIst of Joy. I’d love to connect with you and support you on your quest for more Joy! Connect with me at the link below.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]I invite you to Jumpstart your Balance! Find balance in life and business through my four simple steps. I would love to have a conversation with you and find out if, or how, I can support you with jumpstarting your balance, your life, and even your business!
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]I invite you to Jumpstart your Mindfulness! My goal for you s that you will be mindful of your needs, desires, and your own happiness from this day forward. The more we all do this, the better a place the world will be for all of us and our children. I would love to serve you in any way I can! Reach out to me at my link below.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]I invite you to Jumpstart your Relationships! To develop thriving and healthy relationships even in conflict. Download my cheat sheet for maintaining healthy communication in conflict, join my online yoga and mindfulness community, watch my video series for new couples, or schedule a complimentary discovery call with me below.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]I invite you to Jumpstart your Resiliency! Discover the secret to getting back up when you get knocked down. On my website below you will find my complete account of a night that taught me the true meaning of Resiliency. Watch some of the videos posted there and get information on how our Peer Support Group can help your community or organization.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]I invite you to Jumpstart your Health! I am a life and health coach, and I’d love to work with you to discover what is holding you back from living your life to its full potential. Grab my free guide, “5 Quick-Start Steps to Jumpstart Your Health” at the link below.
Jumpstart Your _____, Vol I Authors

Grab a few different Free Trainings on how to jumpstart your business, your marketing, your website, yourself, your team and that you can make a lot more money doing what you love if you just learn the things you need to learn to build a consistent, moneymaking business machine.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]Craig speaks to corporations, and at numerous conferences, associations, and networking groups, teaching what it takes to become a ROCKSTAR in your industry and an influencer amongst clients and potential customers.
Eric believes that selling equals service. He also believes in working towards mastery of the fundamentals of lead generation, appointment setting, and delivering a high-quality presentation. Find out more about Eric and his programs, or book Eric to speak.
If you’re looking for a powerful group of supportive and brilliant women, I invite you to join Women’s Prosperity Network or attend one of our virtual or in-person events to see relationship building at its best. You can find those resources and some FREE gifts to support you in creating a network that builds your net worth.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]Come speak with myself or one of my teammates on a complimentary consultation. We are excellent at helping you determine a clear direction for your book plus what to do with it once you write it. Sign up for that now or one of our Free Audios on Increasing Wealth or Writing a Best-Seller.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]We are here to show you how to take your dream, make a plan, and live the “Dream Life.” If you want to get inspired and stay informed then sign up for our emails, find out when our next live conference or event is and join our community of people who will lift you up and help you on your path.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]The first step in Your Aligned Life is clarity. I invite you to download a free gift to help you in gaining clarity. Grab my “Road Map to Your Aligned Life” and/or schedule a complimentary Breakthrough Session with me and let’s get started!
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]Whether you are looking to jump start your personal travel or your group travel, Luxury Destinations Concierge is here to help you. Reach out to us for your personal, business and group travel needs and to receive a FREE Global Tipping Guideline Report.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]If you’re looking for a Business Excellence Expert to partner with, or for workshops or speaking opportunities please contact me through my website.
Get access to a quick free demonstration video about EFT Tapping, a weight loss script that you will say while doing it and a free consult to help you finally get off the dieting roller coaster! These tools will be a great start to help you gain back control of your health.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]I invite you to visit my website to start understanding and start speaking the love language of your loved ones, friends, and neighbors TODAY. On this special page, you can crack your B.A.N.K. code, get a complimentary consult and watch a free webinar!
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]I invite you to come on this journey of unadulterated self-love with me. Schedule a private Free Self-Discovery Session with me to help you explore your goals and dreams.
We coach people to form better habits by helping them examine all their issues and by utilising a wide range of techniques including EFT Tapping which is an easy, tried and tested methodology. We ourselves have reversed many of our own symptoms and happily want to share them with you.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]If you would like to learn how to be a more conscious co-creator of your day and live more fully in your heart’s intelligence, I invite you to join me in my Heart Based Living 8-week class. You will learn how to utilize heart-brain intelligence to solve problems, improve your health, and grow spiritually.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]There is no greater calling than to live the life you were destined to live. Let’s jumpstart your life, and allow you to fulfill your destiny and become an Actioneer in your own life.Register for a FREE 45-minute Jumpstart Your Life coaching session with me and your FREE 7 Step Guide to Jumpstarting Your Life.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]Barbara has a lot of information on various types of IP and all the websites to do your due diligence, searches, and more. You want to visit her website for resources, links, a FREE Report on the Top 10 Copyright Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make and How to Avoid Them, as well as a couple of videos or interviews too.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]Sue Ellen Ewing, aka The Love Mojo Mentor, is a soulmate love and relationship expert who can help you become MAGNETIC to soulmate love. Visit her website for free gifts and more to help you create the love and life you truly desire.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]Take Holly’s FREE QUIZ: “If you were a shoe what kind of shoe would you be?” You’ll find out what shoe persona you are, and how it can help you build better relationships. Or grab a copy of her other book, Inbox, Outbox, Unbox, Nobox!
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]Want to learn more about planning your own Signature Event? Check out Toni’s Event Production Mastery Workbook, attend a workshop, join her VIP Club and receive information and discounts for events happening nationwide or download her Sample Signature Event Budget Template Free as a Gift online.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]Get support to help you with your retirement income and financial planning. Go to Bill’s website to receive a copy of an important Retirement Checklist that you can use to track important deadlines and actions to take or to take advantage of a 17-minute COMPLIMENTARY Discovery Conversation.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]Charles “Chuck” Hooper is a business intelligence consultant, author, and speaker. To be a better thinker, develop good listening skills – listen to hear and understand, not to respond! Go to his website for tests, trainings and resources.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]Download a copy of Rebecca’s basic social media schedule/planner to help guide you in your social media planning process. She’s also giving a gift of her Ideal Client Worksheet and an article about setting social media goals.
[/et_pb_blurb_extended]Please Note:
(1)As much as I recommend these authors and their resources, I do not accept responsibility for any purchases you make, business you conduct, or relationships you may initiate with anyone listed on this page or in this book.
(2) The nature of directory publishing is that listings may become inaccurate as time passes. Please direct any bad links or changes in information you may learn of to my team at info at jumpstartyourbiznow dot com.
(3) Some of these sites linked above I do have an affiliate relationship with, meaning I could earn a profit or commission from you signing up with them or using their services through my links.
About Katrina
Katrina Sawa is known as the Jumpstart Your Biz Coach because she literally kicks her clients and their businesses into high gear, online & offline, and fast.
The Jumpstart Your Biz Coach, Katrina Sawa helps entrepreneurs make more money doing what they love. She is the creator of the Jumpstart Your Marketing & Sales System, a tell-it-like-it-is speaker and International Best-Selling author with 20 books including: Jumpstart Your New Business Now, the Jumpstart Your _____ (blank) compilation book series, and Love Yourself Successful. She has been featured on the Oprah and Friends XMRadioNetwork, ABC and TheCW and she was awarded the National Collaborator of the Year Award by the Public Speakers Association and a 2-time Nominee for the Wise Woman Award by the National Association of Women Business Owners. She speaks to groups of all sizes, holds live training events annually and she’s the founder of the International Speaker Network.