Thank you for coming over from the Entrepreneurs Rocket Fuel Toolkit Giveaway!

Now more than ever, you may have to learn some new skills, more practical ways to get more exposure for your business, and yourself.

Enter your contact info below and get the following free trainings – Each is 90 minutes in length and gives a deep dive on the topic:

1) Pricing for Profits Training

Without confidence in your pricing or clear ways to charge more, you’ll be spinning your wheels.

So many entrepreneurs I see start out with the WRONG PRICING! Don’t do this just because you’re new, or because you can’t see what’s possible, or you aren’t sure what people will pay…

In this work at your own pace training you will learn:

  • The 5 types of offerings you want to have
  • How to ‘crunch the numbers’ so you can truly see the real value
  • How to sell high end programs, retreats, masterminds, and more 
  • When to offer what to which type of prospect, audience, group, etc.

2) Deciding on Your Tech Training

Stop bright shiny technology decisions – you’re wasting time and money! So many entrepreneurs try dozens and dozens of software and techy tools without really having a clear process or sales funnel first, therefore often wasting hundreds if not thousands of dollars right from the get-go in business. This training will help you build a profitable and successful business the MOST AFFORDABLE way possible AND with the least amount of techy learning curve.

In this work at your own pace training you’ll  learn:

  • How to automate just about everything you do in your marketing and sales process 
  • The Pros and Cons of many of the common techy tools 
  • What are techy musts and what you can wait on or implement in phases 

3) Attracting Clients Masterclass

Stop throwing darts at random marketing strategies – you’re wasting time and money! Times have definitely changed and if you haven’t changed with it or with what YOU’RE doing to get new leads then you’re probably missing out on a lot of opportunities for more clients. 

In this work at your own pace training you’ll learn:

  • How to get more of your prospect’s attention 
  • The 3 Types of Marketing that every business should do
  • How to know what to STOP DOING most importantly 
  • How to automate a LOT of what you’re doing in better, more efficient systems, more affordably than others might be suggesting. 

Fill in the form now and you’ll be taken to another page where you can access all three of these trainings instantly! Plus, watch for my emails too, they often fall into spam or trash!

These trainings are for ANY business owner or entrepreneur who wants to learn how to run a consistent money-making business without killing yourself. I’ve worked with entrepreneurs for over 22 years and I know how to show you how to start, grow and scale your business the most affordable way possible! Sign up to get access to these trainings now – implement these then come back for others!

4) A 1on1 call with me!

Why not, what have you got to lose? Nothing… Come share where YOU want to be and what you want to create for your life and your business and I’ll bet I find 3-10 things you can tweak instantly and without any expense to get you on your way there on this one call that’s no charge to you!  Why? Because I care.

One of Katrina’s strengths is that she has the systems you need to automate your business with ease. From sales scripts, to social media marketing plans, to email marketing guides, she has it all figured out for you.

Jennifer Darling

Positively Successful Sales Coach, Darling Coaching

Katrina’s straightforward approach gives you options and tools to make it easy to understand parts of your business. Her approach not only makes it easy but she tells you the mistakes she made and what did not work. Katrina will save you hundreds of hours of research, money and frustration on systems. Her 1 on 1 strategy sessions will explore and customize a plan for your business industry and company. She is the expert on internet marketing, video webinars, radio, and Jumptarting Your Business. She will teach you how to be mobile so you can literally can operate and conduct business from anywhere. She can assist from networking to speaking events. She will show you how to be effective at marketing events to following up on after event. Katrina’s step by step process takes the overwhelmed feeling away. She is the master of Social Media and your website. Her knowledge and wealth of experience is appreciated by many business leaders. If you are alone in business, this is the person you want for accountability and building a professional business. Are you ready to make the money you want from your business? Hire Katrina for your business coach.

Helen Justice

Geriatric Care Manager,

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