Access Your Free Gift Here Now: My Attracting Clients 90-min Training (Value $197)

Attracting Clients

So many clients always ask me “where do I go to get clients”? Times have definitely changed and if you haven’t changed with it or with what YOU’RE doing then you’re probably missing out on a lot of opportunities to gain clients. It’s NOT just about posting on social media!

Too many entrepreneurs are relying on social media posts, videos, groups and email when there is SO MUCH MORE you want to do to reach a LOT more prospects on a regular basis so that you can create a CONSISTENT MONEYMAKING BUSINESS!

I know that you’re probably overworked and overwhelmed with all you have on your plate but this training will help you RE-PRIORITIZE what will work and what to STOP doing so you can stay focused on revenue generating activities. 

Sign up now for access to this 90-min deep dive training and learn:

    • How to get more of your prospect’s attention 
    • The 3 Types of Marketing that every business should do
    • How to know what to STOP DOING most importantly 
    • How to automate a LOT of what you’re doing in better, more efficient systems, more affordably than others might be suggesting.

Just about every question you might have regarding this topic has been asked and answered on this training. It’s a very detailed how-to training and can help anyone in any business. 


What They Say

“In just two phone calls, Katrina Sawa provided me with tips that will change my business.” – Alicia White, Back of the Room Productions

“Katrina always goes above and beyond with her knowledge, resources and inspiration!” – Mishele Vieira, Away With Chaos

“Katrina takes you through everything you need to know.” – Barbara Ingrassia,

Get To Know


Katrina Sawa

Katrina Sawa is known as The JumpStart Your Biz Coach because she literally kicks her clients and their businesses into high gear.  She works with highly motivated women entrepreneurs (and a few men!) who want to maximize and fast-track their business to make more money and enjoy more free time. Watch this short video to get a better understanding of what Katrina does for her clients. Jumpstart Your Business Now with Katrina Sawa!