Speaker Training

Here is the info you need to be able to Jumpstart Yourself as a Dynamic Speaker Now!

This is a move-at-your-own-pace type of program but it will give you everything you need, if you work through it week by week, to become a booked and well organized, more confident, dynamic speaker!


This first week is all about what are you an expert in and what will you focus on. Evaluating what you’re selling or offering too so we know what we need to funnel people/prospects into from a talk; maybe even creating new leveraged programs or offers that make sense. This is the big picture that a lot of speakers don’t focus on first and they just dive right in and start speaking but they never really make any money doing it.


This week is then where we start developing your talks, topics, talk descriptions and all the necessary items and deliverables you’ll need to get you booked in the first place plus what all promoters or speaker bookers need to be able to market your talk. If you don’t have or make available all the information they need pretty quickly they may decide against booking you or definitely won’t recommend you to their other promoter friends.


Then we focus on where to get you booked and no matter where you live I have strategies that will help you in any city or geographical area or online too as need be. We will focus on what to say to generate interest, get booked, reaching out and strategize on how to systematize all this so it’s easily duplicatable by you or your assistant down the line too.


Now it’s time to create your actual presentations. Creating powerpoints were one of the things I shied away from in the beginning of my speaking career, now I can create one 10 minutes before I talk easily and with an awesome special offer too that gets results! The wording the flow of your presentation will (powerpoint or not) will make or break your results so this is nothing to take lightly. If you’ve never made a lot of money doing this before then I wouldn’t depend on yourself here.


The last two steps are where most speakers or business owners drop off, they just typically don’t do the rest which is a shame because you are 7 times likely to create the majority of your sales in the back of the room or in your follow up. Week five is all about what you need to create, what it will say, look like, how you’ll do your back of the room display and so much more to be totally, and confidently prepared for all talks – online or in person.


This week is all about the lead capture and follow up for ongoing marketing, sales and referrals. No one does enough follow up period, not from speaking, from their networking or even following up with their paying customers. We’re going to change that for you and I’m going to show you what to do, say, send, etc.

“Exactly what I needed to do”

 I had no idea, and I am so fortunate that I stumbled into Katrina Sawa! She spelled out exactly what I needed to do, step by step, and supported me along the way. – Miranda Mathewson, Fitness Coach, New Jersey

“Katrina has taught me marketing strategies that WORK!”

In just a few months, I implemented a long over-due email campaign, created new products, sold new services and made connections with more clients than ever before. – Alicia White, Branding Strategist, Texas

About Katrina

Katrina Sawa is known as the Jumpstart Your Biz Coach because she lovingly kicks her clients and their businesses into high gear, online & offline, and fast. 

Katrina helps entrepreneurs make more money doing what they love. She is the creator of the Jumpstart Your Marketing & Sales System, a tell-it-like-it-is speaker and International Best-Selling author with 22 books including: Jumpstart Your New Business Now, the Jumpstart Your _____ (blank) compilation book series, and Love Yourself Successful

She has been featured on the Oprah and Friends XMRadioNetwork, ABC and TheCW and she was awarded the National Collaborator of the Year Award by the Public Speakers Association and a 2-time Nominee for the Wise Woman Award by the National Association of Women Business Owners. She speaks to groups of all sizes, holds live training events annually.

Katrina is also the CEO of JumpstartPublishing.net where she helps 30-70 authors each year get their books published and become best-sellers.