[Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:00:53 Alright, good morning. Good afternoon for you. We've got our 1st of 3 accountability implementation calls. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:01:06 Hopefully more people will show up, but in the meantime. Which you work on, Kathleen? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:01:13 I mean, Suzanne. My god, I was looking straight at your name too. Besides cleaning up. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:01:16 That's okay. That's my mom's name, so. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:01:19 Are you still in chaos in your house? Is that what? Yeah. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:01:24 Yes, totally. Still a lot of chaos here. Graduation is done. So I have gotten through that weekend, all of that. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:01:33 So now I need to get back to. Trying to figure out what I'm doing the house chaos still isn't finished but at least the graduation stuff is done from this weekend so I don't even know where I'm at. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:01:50 Right now. I need to. Well, I guess I need to look through all my notes and see where it is. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:01:52 Okay. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:02:01 I'm even supposed to be doing something. Do a recap of the the market. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:02:11 So then I can. Figure out how to mode. I guess here's 1 question that I'm still struggling with. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:02:18 Is it's always better to only. Be promoting one thing at a time. It's confusing when you're trying to do more than one thing at a time. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:02:30 One message. So when I've got my market and then I've got my ferry ball. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:02:35 Do I just sort of alternate between them because people need to be getting their tickets now for the fairy ball. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:02:44 It's not just the week before. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:02:45 Hi, Jill. I just want to acknowledge that you're here. Personally, I, are talking about an email or with your website or on social or all the [Suzanne Stafford] 11:02:55 Like Facebook, I guess Facebook posts. Or emails because My website is already up and it's it's just showing. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:02:59 Hmm. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:03:04 Either the ferry ball or the market that they don't necessarily mix. On the website but it would be when I'm posting things or sending emails or text messages to people. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:03:17 I personally think you should have an event page. On your website that shows all your events. And when they are, I also think you could have a Facebook cover for your profile and your page and your LinkedIn or wherever that talks about all the things. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:03:26 And I do have that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:03:38 With a big headline. So I think you need to create one graphic there. I think you could PIN. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:03:45 To like you can PIN posts on your personal and your business page so you could PIN one about the fairy ball and one about the market so that they're always on top. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:03:55 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:03:59 I think in your email. I think you might wanna consider doing more newsletter types. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:04:08 So that you have. Some tips about getting more creative in your life. Which would be, you know, which is talking to your ideal target audience. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:04:19 Ideally, just a little bit of info or advice or encouragement. And then upcoming events section in your email newsletter that talks about this is then and this is net then and this is what to do here and this is where to click for that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:04:33 With maybe a couple of pictures thrown in or testimonials. So because you got a lot going on, I personally would probably do it that way rather than a solo one day about this and a solo one day about that because people miss and think about if They only see one of 4 of your emails. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:04:53 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, okay, yeah, that's good. And I did, another thing that I did by since we did this another one of those apps, I don't even remember what it was called, but it was basically a place where you could have like a virtual event with like little breakout sessions and stuff with cute little graphics and things. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:05:21 So I need to look at my scheduling and see when I could play on like a a virtual events seminars so sort of like my fairy ball but virtual. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:05:33 So I could get people from other areas. In between. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:05:38 Yes. Yeah. And don't be afraid to have people come to a call with you. Right, so make sure you have a place where they can always sign up for a call, you know, confused on what might be a good next step for you or how to get involved. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:05:45 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:05:54 Set up a call with me, click here to schedule. Because then you can talk to their unique person and their needs and all that. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:05:58 Yes. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:06:02 Okay. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:06:04 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:06:07 Hey, Jill, you wanna come on video or do, do you have anything you're working on? [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:06:11 Thank you. Yes, sure. I'll be on in just 5 min. I just wanted to tune in. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:06:11 We'll keep talking back and forth to other people come. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:06:17 Okay, no worries. Okay. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:06:18 I'm just finishing up real quick. I'll see you in just a minute. Okay, good. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:06:21 Okay. And then I, also did get, 5 h of time with a graphic design like I don't know advertising agency as part of a Chevron chamber promotion things so we'll see what they can. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:06:21 Thank you. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:06:44 Help me with that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:06:46 And what what are they going to help you with? [Suzanne Stafford] 11:06:49 They Said that they they were familiar with doing events and things so they said they would help with, like creating an invitation or something to promote the fairy ball. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:07:03 Cause they've done other similar, so I thought that we'll see what they come up with for that. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:07:11 And I do need to, Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:07:13 Are they like virtual assistants? [Suzanne Stafford] 11:07:17 Of what they're doing. Oh, it was it's a grant program through Chevron and the chamber and they give you 5 h of. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:07:27 Time with his agency. To work on whatever it is. So. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:07:32 But do they do it virtual assistant stuff? Do they do web page work? Do they do? [Suzanne Stafford] 11:07:38 They said they were supposed to look at it and and work on that, but I don't know to what point. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:07:43 If they're more creatives and they do images and marketing materials, that would be good because you could use some additional, like we're talking about the Facebook covers, the LinkedIn cover, maybe a new website banner that encompasses all the things. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:07:52 Yeah. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:07:58 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:08:00 And then maybe some, Mark like a flyer a couple different flyers. I think that could be definitely up leveled for what you're doing So I would focus them on that, creating graphics for online graphics. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:08:18 And upgraded marketing materials could be business cards, could be flyers, could be a postcard that you might mail. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:08:24 Could be that kind of thing. So if they're really creative with. Graphics then that would take all their time to what I just labeled off. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:08:31 Yeah. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:08:35 Oh yeah, yeah, I mean 5 h is not very much for that. Kind of stuff. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:08:36 Oh yeah. Now. Because you're gonna have to talk to them too. So part of the 5 h is gonna be a console, right? [Suzanne Stafford] 11:08:44 Yeah. So. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:08:44 So. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:08:46 Good, then maximize that but keep in mind that those things do need to be upgraded. So we do probably need to talk about your website stuff too. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:08:53 Oh yeah. No, no, I have not done that. So that is I. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:08:55 You haven't merged them yet, right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:08:58 Can you focus on that in the next 30 days so that when you come to the next accountability call or whatever that is, I think it's 30 days. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:09:02 Yes. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:09:07 That we have something to look at. That would be a great thing to focus on between now and then really look at your web pages and let's get them all into one. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:09:09 Yes. Yeah, because that needs to be done. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:09:18 Let's make it have more sense so you really establish your brand, what you're doing, what you're selling. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:09:25 Who you are and who you might want to work with. And that's a great thing to do. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:09:30 It might take 30 days, honestly, to work on little by little. So. Of course, as you get pages, then you can put them into the boot camp. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:09:38 Facebook or but But that would be something that I would love to just review. Okay, your new site. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:09:39 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:09:44 Yeah, that's okay. And we'll give you updates and then the following 30, 30 days you'll be working on the update so that by the end of this you will be like dialed in with all of that. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:09:45 Yeah. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:09:54 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:09:55 That would be a good goal. Okay. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:09:57 Yes, definitely need to get that. Going and you know, a plan, a plan for that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:10:03 Awesome. Hi Kristia, see you. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:10:09 Alright. [Christi Cossette] 11:10:10 Sorry, I'm not in camera today. I'm running around. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:10:12 Okay, no problem. We're gonna talk to Jill next and then let us know what we can help you with. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:10:19 On this call so hi Jill love your glasses okay [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:10:22 Alright, thank you. Yes, I need nowadays. No, I've had him for a little while just for reading. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:10:24 Have any? Yeah, I know. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:10:31 I'm like, why do I even try without the glasses? Because it's just like. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:10:36 To read the computer. I know. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:10:37 Well, the computers, okay, but like the cell phone or I'm like, it's just such a joy to read with glasses. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:10:45 Cause there's no like straining, you know. So yeah, I've been kind of being a slow poke with everything just because I've allowed, you know, my side gig to kind of. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:10:45 Okay. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:10:59 Overtake my time. All on me, all on me for that. But I did, I'm gonna actually send it here in the chat. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:11:09 I did kind of draft up a possible Homepage redesign. My side. Just because the way my site is laid out right now, the homepage is kind of more like in a blog format. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:11:15 Okay. Oh. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:11:26 So anyways, so I kind of draft that as a possibility. Aside from that, I'm gonna be sending out an email newsletter this week, just promoting some events, you know, some local, happenings. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:11:39 Yeah. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:11:41 So I'm just kind of curious like. Just because I'm kind of making my comeback in a way just cause I haven't been as active with my email list. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:11:51 At all. Over the last year, just kinda here and there. So I kinda wanna make this come back. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:11:59 Well. My 1st thought is maybe don't make a big dramatic comeback. Only because your advertisers might go, oh, what was I paying for in the last year? [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:11:59 Yeah. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:12:05 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:12:12 You're not doing the thing. That's [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:12:14 Yeah, I mean they're all in the booklet that's out there, but I mean the comeback as far as kind of just like, hey, just reengaging in a way. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:12:25 So nothing too crazy and out there, just kind of a re-engagement. Letting them know that we're gonna be getting started on the next. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:12:33 The next directory, that kind of thing. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:12:33 Okay. Okay, that's for you. So when is the last time you reached out to the list? [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:12:43 I would say probably a month ago, but it was very gentle. It was just kind of like, here's some upcoming events like. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:12:49 No, no, nothing added. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:12:49 That's fine. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:12:53 I still don't know that I would recommend a comeback. A comeback implies you've had a dip. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:13:00 Or you've had a, you know what I mean? I don't know. But positioning it maybe with like. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:13:02 Right. Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:13:07 I've got some great new ideas and new programs. And I'm excited to let you guys in on what I've been working on on the last in the last few months. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:13:10 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:13:20 So maybe it's like. I've got some amazing new ideas and an amazing new programs on top of the magazine. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:13:29 I'm so excited to share with you. Instead of I'm coming back because that implies you've been gone and we don't want them to think that you've been gone. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:13:31 Okay, I like that. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:13:36 Yeah, I wouldn't board it. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:13:39 Because you've been working behind the scenes, you know, so. Just say, you know, this last year or so I've been working behind the scenes with all our advertisers in the magazine and I've really up leveled my thinking around where I want to take the business in the next couple of, few years. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:13:57 Hmm. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:13:58 I've got some a bunch of stuff in store for you. Whether you want to be an advertiser or you want help with growing your healing, you know, your, your business, cause you want to start coaching, right? [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:14:08 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:14:11 Please. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:14:12 I need to flesh that out and see what that would look like. I'm open to it. You know, I'm open to it. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:14:22 I just need to flesh that out. Cause there's just so many honestly from a consumer point point standpoint. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:14:28 There's so many random coaches that just say they're gonna do this thing for all this money and I, I just don't wanna be that. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:14:39 I wanna be, I wanna flesh it out to make it like, you know, of a good value that somebody is excited to. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:14:45 Okay, but by what I just said, why do you think that I was talking about this? You know what I mean? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:14:52 Like you've got something going on in your mindset about [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:14:55 I think it's just because I, from a consumer standpoint. The coaches, it's been a MS. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:15:01 Some of them, not all, not you, but other people. It's just been like, just get into it for the money and then it's not the value is just not there. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:15:06 So, okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:15:12 So then you just word it, you just position it like I'm gonna be offering some different workshops and some coaching that's going to be super high access and valuable for you. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:15:24 You know what I mean? Like access is really what people need. Which implies the value. So just word it in a way that, and you don't have to give them all the details, but if you're sending out an email newsletter, I would tease this stuff. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:15:25 Yeah. Yes. Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:15:37 So you don't have to give them all the details right now, but tease that you're coming out with some new. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:15:38 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:15:42 Coaching for healer type businesses or whatever you wanna call them and some workshops. Plus the new addition is gap coming. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:15:57 Soon and that I'm sure you have a place you can take them to [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:16:01 Yeah. Okay, perfect. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:16:03 You can also drive them to a call with you like, hey, if you're interested in learning about any of this stuff or. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:16:09 Being more active with the healing of sack. I don't know the wording on top of my headbass. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:16:15 Then schedule a call with me. I'd love to reconnect with you that kind of thing. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:16:18 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:16:22 So your call to action would be to reconnect on a call because you'll get a pulse of your community and who wants to do something and what they want, I think. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:16:29 Okay, and yeah, and what I meant by like refreshing it out on the back end is just like, I wanna be clear on what it is I wanna offer. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:16:36 Of course. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:16:38 I know on the last call we talked about more like self care, you know, but. I wanna make sure I know what I'm offering and then even for the new directory, I want to just, and that's why I kind of started off this by saying I've been allowing my side thing to kind of take over because I just haven't given my time to kind of take over because I just haven't given my time myself [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:16:43 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:16:53 Sure. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:16:56 the time to kind of take over because I just haven't given my time myself the time to really flush it out and write it all down. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:16:58 Yeah. You might revisit listening to the call about the business models and. It might help trigger some things. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:16:59 So, yeah, okay. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:17:04 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:17:07 You know, because you could do a lot of different things. And you have to choose which business models are gonna fit the kind of life. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:17:14 You wanna live how you wanna deliver content, how you wanna help people could be a membership, that could be a virtual thing, it could be a mastermind, it could be workshops only, it could be one on one, it could not be one on one. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:17:25 Think about all the different ways. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:17:27 Okay. And now I'm a lot more thinking even integrating. Some of the people in the directory as like a co-call for the series, you know. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:17:38 Yeah. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:17:38 One could include this person speaking on this topic and being a kind of a. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:17:41 Yep, that could actually be a bonus. So if you have a program or a member step or something and as long as you're active, then I'm going to bring different members in to be the expert that month or whatever. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:17:45 Okay. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:17:54 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:17:54 So you could entice them with that kind of visibility. In something, a program. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:18:00 Okay, awesome. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:18:03 Cause that would give them more value. So you join thing and then you get more visibility, maybe you put a social, maybe you do a video interview with members. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:18:13 And they have to book it ahead and like my friend Colleen runs Leap for Ladies, she's out of Arizona. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:18:21 And she has, you get to be on our podcast, you get to do some other things, but you have to book sometimes 4 months ahead, which means you're not going to cancel your membership for that because you are, you're, you know what I mean? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:18:33 Like so. I mean, that's just, she can't do that many in a month, of course. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:18:34 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:18:37 So it's spread out. So the, way to sign up for those things are not so plethora in the Well, that's not the right word. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:18:47 Not so abundant every single month. You just, okay, so only on Tuesdays, 2 Tuesdays a month I'm gonna do the interviews with the members and so when they're booked then they have to go out. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:18:49 Okay [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:18:57 Further months. So that's that's how to do it is have a separate calendar for those kind of things. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:19:02 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:19:03 Does that make sense? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:19:07 Good. Love it. So you're gonna get a newsletter out. You're gonna tease some of the new stuff. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:19:12 You're gonna get them started thinking about them. The upcoming issue. And then you're gonna work on your. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:19:21 What you're selling. Like what are the new programs and services? And then regarding this web page that you sent. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:19:26 Right. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:19:30 It's hard to tell unless we look at that on a web site, however. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:19:35 And I know it looks messy here and it's kinda like more the one pager that goes. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:19:40 Okay. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:19:40 Through as opposed to right now it's like blog and then all these things are on the side or in the menu. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:19:45 What is this say? It is. Glossary health terms. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:19:50 Glossary. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:19:56 Why is that there? [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:19:56 Because most of the people coming to the site, my end user is not the wellness practitioners. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:20:03 My end user is the vast community at large looking for the services. Some of them don't know what these various modalities are. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:20:12 So the So again, this is for the community at large that are viewing this. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:20:17 And then. Where's the way to get people on the email list? [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:20:28 Yeah, that'll definitely. Yep. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:20:30 Well the print guide they would Are you gonna mail the print guide to them? If they sign up? [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:20:37 Possibly, I mean, there's tens of thousands of print guides throughout the region. Available for free picked up so they can either pick it up or I have an option where they where they I can mail it for a fee. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:20:44 Yes. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:20:50 Yeah. Because that gives you their full mailing address and their phone number and their email and gets them in the database and you want that. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:20:51 Of course. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:20:59 Hey, yeah, I would, I definitely, but good point, cause I definitely need to have something up at top where they're opting in for the email. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:21:08 I do see I missed that here. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:21:11 Online directory. Do they get to pro the directory for free? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:21:17 Yeah, I don't see a free thing. Well, the mixers, the mixers would be paid or the opt-in for them, right? [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:21:20 Yeah. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:21:27 Yes. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:21:27 And register. So that's gonna get them on the list. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:21:30 And that'll be more. Like account. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:21:34 The letter and social media. Oh, that's good. So these are advertising. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:21:44 Yeah. And then I, testimonials, I don't see. Testimonials for advertisers should be like right under here. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:21:54 Hmm, okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:21:56 From advertisers. Testimonials from people in the directory perhaps could be up here. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:22:05 You need a video. Somewhere somehow you could put a video down here as you the rent You could put a video next to here. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:22:17 Or next to the about, I'm sorry. So instead of your picture, you can put a picture, but you need a video. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:22:24 Need a video on your homepage. And the blog could be good here. I'm just wondering about this glossary. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:22:25 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:22:31 Is that the 1st thing people really need to see? Maybe it's not such a big section, but maybe it's Maybe here would be the free gifts like opt in for our free, And then underneath that in just a 1-liner, if you wanna check, if you're not sure what all the terms mean in the health world, click here for. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:22:43 Perfect. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:22:53 Yeah, I'm thinking even on. When people do click to online directory that little 1st circle it could just be there the glossary can just be within that section when they go there. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:23:00 Yes. Yes, because we really need to get their info. So maybe just Cause you're talking about a section with an image and then a little blurb and then a button under it, right? [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:23:11 Okay. So that's perfect having that being a freebie right there instead of the glossary. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:23:12 Right here. These 3 things. Okay. So I would do that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:23:17 And then your header, I would recommend having some, do you have some pictures of previous mixers or you? [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:23:18 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:23:24 And or other people holding up the directory. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:23:29 Hmm. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:23:30 You know, it'd be a fun picture. If you've gotten it where you got a whole bunch of people in a room or even at like had you had a bunch of them in January we could have taken a bunch of them in January we could have taken a bunch of pictures with like 10 or 12 people holding your directory and then you use that for marketing. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:23:45 I actually do have a lot, they're not professional pictures, but they're you know, I don't, but I do have a bunch of individual pictures with people holding up the directory. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:23:49 Is it? Need to be. No, it doesn't need. Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:23:56 So that you could do a collage, a collage header up here with some, single people holding the directory and then maybe some mixers and then you need the right wording. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:23:56 That could. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:24:09 You need the right wording that says something like searching for resources for business owners want to be a part of a community that can support you, your growth and. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:24:22 You getting clients or something, you know, whatever that. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:24:25 And just and kind of bringing it back to this site primarily is not for businesses. This site is for the community looking for wellness resources. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:24:38 So that's something to keep in mind too. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:24:40 Okay. So you're gonna have 2, you have 2 websites. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:24:41 It's like a different kind of model. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:24:45 No, I have one website. I love welcoming.com. I could have a separate something. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:24:53 But basically the directory itself, let's say the tens of thousands of directories that are out there in the community, that's for the community at large. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:25:02 I got you. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:25:03 Of course there's going to be wellness practitioners that look at it too and that are like oh I want to be in that and then saying here when they come in. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:25:09 I got you. So on the online directory page it has the online directory but it also has throughout little buttons and blurbs that say you want to advertise your business click here. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:25:20 Okay, great. That's fine. Alright, so get that page up and do those things and then we'll see that when it's done. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:25:20 Huh. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:25:26 Yeah. Okay [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:25:48 Just to your gel, what you working on? Okay, Joe, how can we help you? [Jill Wright] 11:25:56 Alright, I finally rehashed my homepage. I got a contact page up. I got a lead magnet done and the all that's all connected with. [Jill Wright] 11:26:08 Delivery with a, an email and auto responder. Hey. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:26:15 Awesome, are you gonna show us? What are you gonna do? Links in the chat, okay. [Jill Wright] 11:26:16 Now, did you take the link in the chat? [Jill Wright] 11:26:20 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:26:23 Do you wanna share screen and show us all the things or do you want me just click on the website? [Jill Wright] 11:26:30 I'll just send you the link. Let's see if that work. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:26:33 Okay, Compass North comes.com. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:26:40 And this is the lead. Magnet or the home page. [Jill Wright] 11:26:42 That's the homepage. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:26:45 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:26:48 Grow right from the start. SEO for growing businesses. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:26:54 Push for the summit. With this Denver SEO services company. What does that mean? Push for the summit. [Jill Wright] 11:27:03 If you scroll down a little bit, you'll see. Oh. Good. Right. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:27:06 I know, but what if I don't? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:27:10 So that doesn't make any sense. That doesn't make any sense. This should be, a headline that talks to your target audience. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:27:20 Not about you. So let's. Reise that a little bit or you can also push say that somewhere else perhaps and this picture is probably too big. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:27:32 Can you write adjusted or something? I mean, these are too big. It looks like. A mountain climbing website. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:27:42 Like there's too many pictures just off the top of the 1st glance. And this font should be maybe a little bit bigger. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:27:49 It's this and some things need to stand out. Okay. So. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:27:58 They're just all the same size. So we need to focus on the content, not these pictures. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:28:02 The pictures are great. Don't get me wrong. But okay, so filling lasts on the digital climb. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:28:09 You're not alone. Most business owners we work with are frustrated by businesses ranking ahead of them on page one at Google, especially when they know their products and services are better or something familiar. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:28:19 Well, you might not know your analytics from your algorithm. We're the Denver SEO services company in Colorado that makes it easier for businesses to reach the summit. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:28:27 Of page one. Reach the summit of page one, that's a mountain thing again. [Jill Wright] 11:28:33 Yeah, I was just thinking Denver when the mountains that might [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:28:37 I know, but this you gotta design it for the people that have just landed here. They don't get all that yet. [Jill Wright] 11:28:44 Right. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:28:44 Got to talk to. I know, I know. Maybe inside the site more, maybe in your email newsletters more, maybe in your videos more. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:28:53 I don't know. It's not that we get it. So I mean, that's not as critical as maybe. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:28:59 Changing this. We know how to climb our team of search engine optimization website is here to help you climb so you have the best view on earth, a bank account reflecting That hits a whole new level of impact. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:29:13 Start your journey below by downloading your digital climbers, survival guide or keeps going from one Trail advice. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:29:20 No robes or acts required. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:29:23 Yeah. A lot of language that takes me away from SEO. And so. Like there's, let's think of the SEO for this site. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:29:38 This site doesn't talk about SEO in business, so you're not even doing your site a good. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:29:45 Like it says SEO services company in Colorado here. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:29:56 SEO services company. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:30:03 Online climbing, hiking, carrying all your gear up to the mountain through the weather conditions. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:30:09 I just don't know, Jill. I don't know. If I would put all this wording in here, cause what's it gonna attract? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:30:17 It's gonna track, and climbing, caring, and think about SEO, right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:30:22 What do you think? You're the SEO expert. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:30:28 I don't think all of it needs to change. [Jill Wright] 11:30:28 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:30:37 I don't know. I know you're excited about this page and I don't need to like bring on your parade. [Jill Wright] 11:30:42 That's okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:30:43 But, [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:30:48 I'm just worried you're not speaking enough to their issue. This [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:30:57 This speaking to that issue. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:31:07 And then the digital climber survival guide. Okay, so this is the guide. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:31:15 The Climbers Guide to Mount Google. Now that's kind of cute. Must no terms for the digital climber. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:31:23 I would change this cover a little bit. The the title is lost. It's not bold enough and big enough. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:31:30 The background graphics are taking over. So do that in Canberra. [Jill Wright] 11:31:34 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:31:35 Change the font. It's a little too fluffy font. It's a fluffy font. [Jill Wright] 11:31:39 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:31:39 Use this font. Okay. Get rid of the fluffy font. Either use the font from your one of the one of these 2 fonts. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:31:48 There's 2 different fonts in your logo. Keep with those. Don't use different fonts. Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:31:52 And then at least this is big and bold. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:31:55 Forget this. It's just cause you gotta envision it smaller even than this because you're gonna put it in different places, right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:32:03 So. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:32:14 Good sign out. Technical download this guide to technical terms we digital SEO companies use so you can talk the talk How's that gonna help me get my clients? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:32:26 Knowing technical terms. I don't want to know technical terms. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:32:31 Is that what it is? Is it like a glossary? [Jill Wright] 11:32:33 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:32:35 Hmm. So. That could be good to have, but I don't know that that's the thing they want. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:32:42 Have you? I know this is like a roast. We're like totally, I'm so sorry. [Jill Wright] 11:32:47 Yeah. That's okay. You suck it to me. I wanna know, you know. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:32:52 Okay, but like with SEO, what we need to know as a business owner is how to use. [Jill Wright] 11:32:54 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:33:01 SEO on our web pages in our emails and our blog posts in our videos that go on the website perhaps. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:33:11 What we need to do on our Google page. In our analytics. We need to we need the SEO guide for growing your business. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:33:24 The guide to or the guide to maximizing SEO opportunities. The guide to maximizing SEO opportunities. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:33:33 To grow your business. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:33:37 Something like that. You can jazz it up, but it has to have. I think the word guide is needs to be a guide. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:33:44 And it needs to have the word. SEO like your title doesn't have SEO in it at all. [Jill Wright] 11:33:55 Keep going, I'm taking notes. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:33:57 Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm just thinking. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:34:03 So the guide to The guide to maximizing SEO. To grow your business. And then you can have a subtitle that says for all types of businesses at any level, something like that so that we know is for us. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:34:22 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:34:27 And then if you're gonna have a landing page that talks about the free thing, we need to know more about what it's gonna give us. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:34:35 Okay, so we need bullets here. You're gonna learn the 17 things you can do to maximize every single page on your website for more organic traffic. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:34:48 That's 1 bullet, maybe not 17, whatever it is. And then the number one thing, number one, like plug in or thing to add to your website that's gonna give you better reporting. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:35:01 Something like that, cause I know that's probably something. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:35:08 The 57 technical terms we use in the SEO world so you know how to talk to talk with your techie team. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:35:18 Right? And. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:35:24 Have it get. Higher up on Google. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:35:33 From the get-go or like maybe not you say grow right from the start had a How to get higher up on Google organically. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:35:43 For the top 3 secrets, most business owners don't know about how to get higher up on Google organically. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:35:50 And this is all recorded and transcribed just so you know. So like I know I said that really best. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:35:57 So but you need some bullets in here, okay? Because just the image and the title is not enough. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:36:04 For me to wanna give you your email address. Right. So like. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:36:23 This is one of my lead magnet pages, right? Now the granted this is a video not a guide but it's you know same kind of thing free training 8 secrets please join me I promise to have you get clear and focus the steps I walk you through the things that brought me to a consistent on this training. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:36:43 I walk you through the 8 key areas. What you're gonna what you're gonna get out of this presentation no more. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:36:51 You wouldn't put this there, but you'd have an opt in box. You might have an image of it. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:36:58 You might put some testimonials also on the page and a bio of you because if you are gonna send people straight here from social media or a podcast interview or anything like that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:37:10 1st of all, you need an easier URL. So you're gonna need to buy a URL that can go straight here. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:37:16 Right? Cause you're not gonna be naming off on a podcast. Go to Compass. North. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:37:25 Dot com or northcoms.com forward slash digital dash climbers. Okay. Right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:37:28 So we have to, right? So when you do have a free gift and I think I bought like jumpstart gift. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:37:38 Dot com. At 1 point. So I have jumpstart gift.com. So I can forward that to any page that I want to. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:37:45 So you wanna buy something like. SEO free gift.com. Or compass free gift.com or something compass gifts. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:37:57 Dot com something that you can then forward to whatever page is going to be. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:38:02 Or you also would just change the URL to when you're in there. But as the URL is good for SEO, I know so. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:38:09 But you can't have a URL with HTML at the end. No one will do that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:38:13 No one will remember that. And so So we need to update this, although you don't necessarily need a whole page, like the way you have it, you don't need a page. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:38:24 You just need to stick it here. So you have the wording and then you would have a section here. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:38:29 That would have the image next to the blurb and the bullets. And the opt in box, right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:38:36 So we just have a section. Kind of like. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:38:42 One of the websites we built. A year ago, Susan. So she has your guide over here elevate your financial frequency access your free gift and then some bullets and instantly receive proven action steps. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:38:58 You want 1st name, last name, and email. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:39:01 I don't know if you have that 1st name and email you want last name, cause you want 7 Kim's in there and not know which Kim is Kim. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:39:08 Right, so you want last name. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:39:15 So then. Yeah, so they input that. So you could put the whole opt in box over there. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:39:25 And then. I just think. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:39:32 Your picture should be. Right. Adjusted. So like she has a right adjusted picture next to some text. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:39:39 Right, right adjusted picture, next system, or left adjusted next to some text. There was a picture over here. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:39:46 I don't know what happened to it. And then blog wise, you were talking about. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:39:51 Oh, I think I was still talking about the block. These are good things, but the blog on the bottom and then just kind of repopulates. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:40:01 I like the digital climb wording that you're using though. Because it is a digital client. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:40:08 I mean, I get that. Maybe you don't just don't work. So much hiking and gear up the mountain wording in here. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:40:18 Does that make sense? I'd love to hear everyone answer feedback. Like what do you guys think? [Jill Wright] 11:40:19 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:40:25 With what she what we're saying here. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:40:30 Anybody want to chime in? [Suzanne Stafford] 11:40:33 I mean, for me, this is something that I would definitely need. So I was just thinking like the the climbing. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:40:41 Might make sense more if you would like Do some photo editing on those images, but like. Show on top of their . [Suzanne Stafford] 11:40:51 Or get my business shown on 1st page of Google or get more clients to call me or whatever because really my goal is for people to click to my site and call me. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:41:05 How is you have to get the SEO on there, but I don't really care about that. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:41:11 But. You know, if you could reach, you know, talk to that a little bit more, you know, and how You could do a super quick way to update the SEO on your site because It seems like it's this big long hairy thing and. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:41:29 Okay. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:41:29 Non techy people don't really want to get into it. It's confusing, but you know you need to do it. [Jill Wright] 11:41:38 Makes sense. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:41:38 Yeah. So like the headline on this one over here on the side would be Google is the Mount Everest. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:41:48 Yeah. You know, how to climb onto 1st page. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:41:49 About the online world. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:41:53 Have you even started climbing it yet, right? Or something like that. [Jill Wright] 11:41:57 Gotcha. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:41:59 You know, because then that would you go, oh, okay, yes, you know, I want to be there. [Jill Wright] 11:42:06 Okay, cool. Thank you. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:42:08 Because at least you're using this mountain climbing metaphor is different than all the other helping with your SEO sites. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:42:16 It is. It is. I don't want you to lose it altogether. I just want you to be careful putting too much of that wording in here. [Jill Wright] 11:42:24 Gotcha. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:42:24 Right. So like this one would be, [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:42:39 Climbing the way to the top of Google. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:42:51 I want to say it's not, it's not as easy as it looks or it's harder than it looks. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:42:57 But it might be. [Jill Wright] 11:43:04 I get the idea. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:43:07 But what you think is critical and it can't be too many words. So. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:43:07 Right. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:43:11 I mean, one thing that I was just thinking because I went after seeing this, I actually went and like googled some of my terms to see where I was on on the the Google websites. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:43:23 Which pages and you might even have something that shows people how they even Search for that. They may not even know how to exactly do that. [Jill Wright] 11:43:35 Oh, sounds good. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:43:37 You know, so and to track it so like today you're on, I don't know, page 37. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:43:37 Yeah. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:43:43 And then after you tweak this, then. After however how long it takes then you're on page whatever. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:43:52 Hmm, so that tells me a case study. So what I mean you need more than one free gift anyways so you could do a free gift like that is. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:44:01 A case study on how Excellent. XYZ company went from page 37 on Google to page one. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:44:12 Something like that. And then you can tell the story. They came to us, they were doing this, they'd been in business so long and this is what some snapshots of what their website look like and this is what they did with or what we did with them. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:44:26 You know, number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 things or whatever. And over 60 days it took a while you know it takes a while for a whatever you're gonna say. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:44:36 To and that they were here on page 37 so you need snapshot please take snapshots along the way as you're doing this with clients. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:44:44 And then because you have to show the before and after. In marketing for marketing purposes. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:44:53 Okay, so then. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:45:02 And are you only doing people in Denver or are you trying to get people everywhere? [Jill Wright] 11:45:08 Oh, initially I was gonna reach out to the Denver area, but. Expand out after that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:45:17 Yeah, I don't know. That's keeping it really small. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:45:22 Are you networking a lot in Denver in person? [Jill Wright] 11:45:26 Not as yet. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:45:32 I don't know. Like, so obviously you're putting SEO and stuff on your page for Denver for Colorado Springs for all the different cities of Colorado, yes. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:45:46 You gotta SEO your own site. [Jill Wright] 11:45:47 True, very true. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:45:49 Yeah, I don't know that I would limit it to Colorado, but you can. I mean, there's, if you're gonna limit it, please don't limited it to Denver. [Jill Wright] 11:45:54 Yes [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:45:59 Please limit it to Colorado. Like, because most businesses are probably gonna ignore this. And it's gonna be a small percentage that take you up on this. [Jill Wright] 11:45:59 No, no. [Jill Wright] 11:46:09 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:46:10 Unfortunately. I mean, it's probably like one out of 30. I don't know. It depends on. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:46:17 The size of business. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:46:28 The other thing is be careful centering too much text. It's hard to read. Like, [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:46:37 This it's much better to have a center to headline and then left adjuster text I also don't see anything about you or that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:46:47 Or who's working on this so we can't trust you without that. So no one's buying or signing up for anything without the. And maybe you're just working on that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:46:57 So we don't have that up yet. But your your homepage was number one. Contact of course is done but then you're about pages next. [Jill Wright] 11:46:57 Right. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:47:08 And these all lead to the humpage. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:47:11 You need phone number. You got to collect phone numbers. In your form. Because most likely you're gonna have to call them. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:47:21 Because the 1st email that you sent to them is probably gonna give cotton spammer trash. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:47:31 And so even if you do get someone fill this out and you email them, you can't just wait for them to email you back. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:47:39 You must. Call them. And email them. So I don't know where else to go with this, but maybe, we also need a video in your homepage. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:47:50 So I would put the video up here. One thing you can do to set a mountain theme. Is maybe create a better. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:47:58 Header up here instead. Of all the mountain pictures. I mean, you have Too many mountain pictures, nothing of yourself. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:48:07 Nothing of your clients. It just doesn't make sense yet. But having a cover image up here that has [Jill Wright] 11:48:10 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:48:22 Maybe this picture, cause that's implies that you're getting help. And so this is actually the best picture. [Jill Wright] 11:48:28 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:48:31 Because you want to get to the top of Google. It's like climbing a mountain. But you can't climb the mountain by yourself, cause what if you fall? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:48:39 Oh, no one gets you. So let's show you the way to the top of the mountain. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:48:44 And that's what we have to do kind of thing. So. The and so you've got 2 options. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:48:58 Take the low run the hard way. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:49:01 Choose the high road partner with the dealer. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:49:07 Yeah, I mean, I don't mind the option one or 2. Let's get rid of the word summits in here. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:49:15 Let's have a conversation. Don't get too catchy because they won't know what to click. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:49:21 Let's have a conversation to see if this is a good if working on your SEO is a good next step for you. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:49:25 You wanna imply that You don't take everybody and it may not be a good thing for them. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:49:32 We only work with people who are really ready to go to that next step. Of SEO in their business. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:49:40 I don't know, maybe. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:49:54 In the awesome search and the results. This graphic. Needs to be maybe. Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:50:06 Under here. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:50:10 Okay. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:50:18 I also feel like this little recycle kind of looking images. Would it be better just as bullet points? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:50:25 Where? Where? [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:50:25 Just up a tiny bit right here, just a little bit. Those 2 recycle looking images. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:50:32 If it would be better just as bullet points. Cause I'm just wondering if people are gonna read, you know, go around and read each one as it is now. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:50:35 I. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:50:41 Well. She has so much text on this page already. I think she needs a graphic. Whether it's this graphic or something else, I don't know, but I think. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:50:50 I think the page needs a graphic. Personally, cause anymore tax is just too much to read. So I can't get beyond the 3 pictures right now, so maybe what you want to do is you wanna take. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 11:50:53 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:51:03 This advice, go fluff it up, create an about page. Change these pages from now this and then show us in the Facebook group, cause that shouldn't take you too much longer, maybe a week or something. [Jill Wright] 11:51:18 Right. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:51:18 Don't let it take 30 days to just get this done. Okay, like honestly, a week, week and a half. [Jill Wright] 11:51:21 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:51:25 If not sooner, and then you need to start working on your services page would be next. So home. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:51:34 Fix the about and the contact. Make sure you have testimonials throughout. Make sure you have a video on your home. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:51:42 You might even have a different video on your about talking about your perspective, your, philosophy around working with people. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:51:52 What you're really passionate about on the homepage video. It's all about attracting the ideal client. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:51:58 Are you doing this? Are you frustrated with that? Do you want more of this? Do you want more of that? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:52:02 Then one thing you want to look at is your SEO, most web designers down to it. Most business coaches don't talk to you about it. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:52:09 Most people don't and you just sit there like you know not getting any traffic or on page 162 on Google. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:52:16 If you wanna know how to get higher up. The mountain of Google, then you need to look at your SEO and we give a free consult because not everybody is right for this service. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:52:29 But why not see if this is a good next step for you? I am. And then you say my name is Jill and I'm the founder and I've been doing this for a long time and we know all the things and I have a team of people and that and you're in good hands when you work with us but the 1st step is to make a phone call. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:52:46 So schedule a phone call. Let's have a conversation. And the phone call could be to not your contact page, but the ideal scheduler. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:52:55 Okay, and but put more questions in the scheduler put full contact in the scheduler put more questions like how have you been in business? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:53:04 What's your website? Have you ever? Focused a lot on SEO, do you have a business coach or somebody who's advising you? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:53:14 On the growth of your business, you know, so ask more questions. And then also say on that, when you fill in this form, we're also gonna add you to our email newsletter. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:53:25 So you'll also receive trips and stuff. Just assume the opt in. When they schedule a call for now. [Jill Wright] 11:53:31 Yeah. Cool. Thank you. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:53:32 Okay. Okay. Good. I know that's a lot, but it's still transcribing. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:53:40 All the words and everything. So. And I started it from the beginning this time. Okay. [Jill Wright] 11:53:41 Right. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:53:46 Alright, any other clarifying questions with that, Joe? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:53:54 Alright. Cause see You are here next? Did you have anything that you want us? Yeah. [Christi Cossette] 11:54:00 Yes. Yeah. Can you hear me? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:54:04 We'll get you next. Yes. [Christi Cossette] 11:54:08 Okay, so I mostly just wanted to check in with you. I feel like I've done a lot of a lot of different things but they're a bit random, so I wanted to just firm up my strategy. [Christi Cossette] 11:54:20 So from, From my new consulting business, from a business, transformation perspective, I created website contents. [Christi Cossette] 11:54:33 And by the way, this conversation that I just listened to is really helpful because I need to, I'm gonna clarify the questions that I asked to sign up for my calendar. [Christi Cossette] 11:54:45 I need to tweak them. I hadn't created that part. I basically created a homepage and an about page. [Christi Cossette] 11:54:52 And sent it to Angela and I need to now create the opt in questions and ask them ask them more about their business so that when we have a conversation it's much more meaningful so I will do that. [Christi Cossette] 11:55:06 I've been focusing on writing my book. I have been. Doing a lot of networking and just business development. [Christi Cossette] 11:55:15 I met with, I have a pure group that I'm in and I asked, I explained to what I do. [Christi Cossette] 11:55:20 I walked in through my resume and I asked them like, hey, if you were going to describe me to somebody. [Christi Cossette] 11:55:27 Oh, you need to talk to Christy. She's blank. Like, what would you say about me? [Christi Cossette] 11:55:31 And they said that I am a turnaround specialist. And an efficiency expert. So I'm going to make sure that I put those words. [Christi Cossette] 11:55:40 In my content. I've continued on the the coaching business side. I have continued to send out a regular newsletter. [Christi Cossette] 11:55:53 I'm feeling pretty good about that. I'm still struggling with a location for my retreat. I've decided to have it in Minnesota instead of other rando places and so I'm I'm now looking for a spot for that and planning to create a page for that for people to opt in the The checkout page has been created, but I don't have any content for the. [Christi Cossette] 11:56:14 The retreat page itself. And then I think what I want the most of your help with I had sent you an email. [Christi Cossette] 11:56:22 About, speaking at your event in oh by the way I'm sorry we're jumping around a little bit here I did also meet with a woman who is probably like 5 or 10 years ahead of me in terms of she has her own. Company. [Christi Cossette] 11:56:38 She's now to the point where she's probably planning to step out of the day today. [Christi Cossette] 11:56:44 She is an author. She is a podcaster. She is an executive coach. So she's gonna have me on her podcast and I have a bunch of, you know, they're asking me for my bio. [Christi Cossette] 11:56:55 My content is. Currently based on my coaching business, not on the business transformation piece, which is what I want to feature in that podcast. [Christi Cossette] 11:57:02 So I do have to kind of redo my bio a bit and how I wanna market myself. She also has an event coming up in January that she wants me to speak at. [Christi Cossette] 11:57:15 And so she asked me what my speaker topics were like my keynote topics. I basically didn't I don't have one yet so I just told her for now I'm doing podcast and I'll create that for you and send it to you. [Christi Cossette] 11:57:29 So have to create a speaker page. I have to get clear on my. My you know topic topic topic or topics and so just lots of information I'm throwing at you here. [Christi Cossette] 11:57:42 Tell me like what are the next steps. That I should focus on. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:57:43 I'm taking notes. Okay. So 1st off with the retreat, location, just put location TB, on the page and you can start marketing it. [Christi Cossette] 11:57:58 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:58:00 Okay, that's the 1st thing. So get that web page done and start sharing it. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:58:03 And you can say location TBA within the Minneapolis St. Paul or Twin Cities, whatever that is, like area, right? [Christi Cossette] 11:58:11 Yep. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:58:12 For now and what I would recommend well one thing that I've done it retreats More than likely you're gonna be like 10 people or less. [Christi Cossette] 11:58:23 Yep, yeah, 5 to 10 is what I'm aiming for. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:58:23 Yes, I'm guessing. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:58:25 So go look at a boardroom in a nice hotel because boardrooms usually can see 10 or more people. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:58:33 And sometimes they're really nice. Like I was at one in Virginia Beach that overlooked the beach. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:58:39 Okay, so go looking for a boardroom. It'll be cheaper. Then renting a conference room most likely. [Christi Cossette] 11:58:46 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:58:46 And they could stay there. So if they want, and you might wanna stay there if you're gonna go all in and the retreat kind of thing. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:58:55 That's 1 idea. The other idea, I mean, you can do Airbnb. It's harder to do that ahead when you don't know how many people are signing up. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:59:02 Really hard to commit to a big house, right? So that's way more expensive than some boardroom, just an FYI. [Christi Cossette] 11:59:03 Yeah. [Christi Cossette] 11:59:09 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:59:10 I mean, so you might do that next when you know you have at least 5 people signed up and then you can commit. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:59:16 That's just my practical money, money side of my mind thinking. The, other thing is there might be a co-working, place in your area or 2 that has a nice and you could just meet there every day, especially if you think most people are going to be local. [Christi Cossette] 11:59:20 Yes. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:59:37 Otherwise, you know, usually need a hotel nearby and you want a restaurant nearby. Those are just some thoughts around that as far as your speaker, so your speaker seat, did we ever start one for you? [Christi Cossette] 11:59:44 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:59:54 I know But I gave you my template on that before for something else, right? [Christi Cossette] 11:59:54 No, we didn't. [Christi Cossette] 11:59:59 I think so. I was looking for it and I didn't find it readily available. But. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:00:03 Yeah, I I can send that to you, but. Just go through that, revise it from me to you. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:00:09 And you'll have a good working speaker sheet, okay, to get started with. And it doesn't matter how many pages it is, I would recommend probably 3 topics because you have some different things that people want. [Christi Cossette] 12:00:12 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:00:21 So it could be 3 or 4 topics. You might want something around efficiency, some, or goals. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:00:29 You might want something about transformation or turnaround perhaps right And then something around I know your signature thing is like becoming a powerhouse woman or something like that, right? [Christi Cossette] 12:00:42 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:00:43 So you might have those those are your 3 main things. Yes, there might be a lifelong and relationships one now, but I don't know. [Christi Cossette] 12:00:51 Yeah, that sounds good. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:00:52 They all kind of go hand in hand. Okay, so don't worry about that they're different and it makes you look I think they're very hand in hand those topics. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:01:01 Okay, so 4 topics like that. Maybe a couple of different bios in there. I have a shorter bio that's, you want like a hundred word bio and you might want like a 200 word bio and you might want like a 250 word bio. [Christi Cossette] 12:01:01 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:01:14 And this is for any of you who are speaking, but a hundred by, usually when somebody is asking you to fill in a form to speak, it's usually a hundred words or less. [Christi Cossette] 12:01:15 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:01:22 So you want to make sure something fits in, you can copy paste. And then when they don't have a limit then put in the long one of course and don't worry about some of the other things on my speaker sheet. [Christi Cossette] 12:01:30 Yep. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:01:37 Like, where have you spoken before and all the references and la la la. You don't need to worry about any of that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:01:40 Just leave it off. If it doesn't, if you don't have it yet, then take it off. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:01:46 So then you'll be able to apply to speak wherever and then even podcasts. Sometimes they'll say, well, what topics do you normally speak on? And you can just give them that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:01:58 Well, here's my speaker sheet. Of course, we could take any of the things that I normally speak about and you know we can touch on that on our podcast. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:02:08 You can also create a podcast one sheet, but I don't want you to do too many things. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:02:13 I've never created a podcast one sheet and I've been on hundreds and hundreds of podcasts. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:02:16 So like they just. They, I don't know, they just look at stuff on my website usually for the speaker seat on your website or speaker page on your website. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:02:26 Once you get that speaker sheet done, you'll know what to put on the page. And you can just model after my speaker page for now. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:02:33 So that can get done, yes? [Christi Cossette] 12:02:36 Yep. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:02:37 Okay, so does that sound easier to just do what I'm saying here? Okay, great. And so then, What else? [Christi Cossette] 12:02:41 It does, yeah. [Christi Cossette] 12:02:51 Just trying to think. So I'm gonna finish my web page. I don't know if either of my web pages if I've added a lot of SEO in so that's something I want to take away. [Christi Cossette] 12:03:06 So I'm just taking notes to check the FCO. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:03:06 I don't see that you change the menu bar in your website. So I don't know that you've added anything extra. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:03:14 Any extra pages. I don't, cause I don't see, I see a work with me. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:03:19 We were gonna take this 2120 rules to live by off and put like a free gift. So make sure as you're creating new pages you're also updating the menu. [Christi Cossette] 12:03:26 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:03:27 Okay, so work with me takes you to discovery call. So right now you don't have a work with me page. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:03:35 But you have Wait, this is your home. Yeah. So just like you can clone the about page. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:03:48 And then the front page then becomes the home. And then your about page. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:03:56 Would be we could start here, for example. Well, I would actually put this. On the top of your about page. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:04:09 And then a free gift, which I know you have another one, I think, besides this. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:04:15 And then your bio more about me and then maybe put the family. Down on the bottom. Under here. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:04:26 And then the schedule. So really, I mean, you can just do the similar stuff just. Finally clone this page so we have a home and about okay [Christi Cossette] 12:04:37 Yeah. Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:04:37 You just need to take off this part. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:04:44 Your 20 rules to live by checklist. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:04:54 We probably need some, so once you create the speaking topics, you could create a, a complementary. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:05:03 Briefing on each of those topics because they'll be like your lead in then so if you're speaking on a podcast about that thing or on a talk about that thing. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:05:12 Then you drive them to that lead magnet for that thing. Right. So that might be good. [Christi Cossette] 12:05:21 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:05:23 So just think in terms of as you're creating the speaking. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:05:29 When you create this speaking topic. We'll need. You'll need a description for each. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:05:37 So in the speaker sheet. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:05:39 I'll pull it up so that you can see that there. Let's see. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:05:47 Katrina, could you put a link to your speaker sheet? Excuse me in the chat. Or some way. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:05:54 Yeah, it's in it's on my website. You can download it. From the speaker page. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:06:02 Let's see. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:06:22 Okay, so. There's a cover letter page. There's a headshots and social links page, which you may not have. You can condense some of this. [Christi Cossette] 12:06:26 Hmm. [Christi Cossette] 12:06:34 Sure. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:06:35 You don't have to have so much. Then I have 140 words and the medium one and then a long one. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:06:43 You can but 2 is fine. Again, you don't have to have all this, you could keep it much simpler. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:06:50 So I have a but the topic descriptions you're gonna need like how to make fast cash with easy offers this presentation is designed for entrepreneurs, this presentation is designed for entrepreneurs, anyone needs to meet a lot of people and build relationships. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:07:03 Marketing is useless, so it's kind of the marketing blurb and you can't have this be 1st person. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:07:10 These are all 3rd person. Be in your voice. So this is marketing copy that like me the speaker booker is gonna put on the web page to promote your talk. [Christi Cossette] 12:07:22 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:07:22 So you have to make it, right? In this presentation, you'll learn. And you can't say my 5 level of offerings. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:07:30 You can't say my, it's just cause I have to change it, right? So don't make it. [Christi Cossette] 12:07:34 Right. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:07:34 Yeah. So you have that. But say then you have this talk. What you can do is you can create a lead magnet. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:07:48 With this information in the lead magnet, right? And then you create your talk with. Obviously slides that represent those things. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:08:01 Again, you're gonna most of what you're gonna do is you're gonna drive people to a call with you from a talk anyways, but you want to get people on the email list if you're virtual you from a talk anyways, but you want to get people on the email list if you're virtual, you definitely need to put a link in there to get them to [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:08:16 everything. Right, and just make sense to give them something free that. Goes along with what you're sharing. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:08:21 So you're not gonna be able to tell them all the things in the talk. So you can say, you know, I just gave you part of what you need. [Christi Cossette] 12:08:26 Right. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:08:29 Everything else is in this, downloadable. Feel free to go get it. Get on the list. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:08:33 Right? That kind of thing. And you'll also be able to sign up for a call with me when you sign up for it. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:08:38 So you sign up on the opt in page to get the free thing. Thank you, Page. You offer the free call, right? [Christi Cossette] 12:08:44 Yep. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:08:44 That's just an easy way to get started with the sales process. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:08:53 So I would do those things. And then, cause you're gonna get the more you network, the more you're gonna get asked to speak and the more we need to figure this shit out. [Christi Cossette] 12:08:56 Perfect. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:09:03 So, So focus on these. On top of hopefully converting some people into what you're doing, but yes. [Christi Cossette] 12:09:03 Yep. [Christi Cossette] 12:09:12 One last thing I wanted to ask you about. I'm had several people mentioned to me. That I should start with. [Christi Cossette] 12:09:20 You know speaking at the local rotary and different different like local events where they're unpaid just to practice your talk and get visibility. [Christi Cossette] 12:09:31 Blah, blah, blah. Like, do you agree with that approach? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:09:35 Okay, I think if the the rotary is a good target audience for you then you should now some rotaries are Big movers and shakers in the in the area. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:09:50 That might be a good one, right? So I mean, I've spoken for some rotaries. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:09:54 We're a bunch of retired 70 year olds like, oh, this is a waste of my time. [Christi Cossette] 12:09:56 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:09:59 So evaluate the group, please, before you say yes. Yeah. And don't just speak. To a bunch of retired 70 year old guys. [Christi Cossette] 12:10:01 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:10:06 For experience. You don't need that. [Christi Cossette] 12:10:08 Yeah. Sounds good. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:10:09 Because it's actually more awkward and it makes it worse than it's worse experience than it is positive experience. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:10:16 If you really want to practice, maybe go start sitting in on a Toastmasters group or something like that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:10:23 But again, there's multiple toast masters. You might wanna check in on a few of them 1st to see who are really like movers and shaker toast masters and who are just doing this as a hobby and they're not really getting anywhere getting paid or doing anything. [Christi Cossette] 12:10:23 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:10:36 Like don't go join that group. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:10:40 Cause there are some like that. Yeah. Yup, you back. Alright, Sasha, you're up. [Christi Cossette] 12:10:41 Yeah. Got it. Okay, thank you. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:10:51 And please, I know you guys are commenting with each other. On the chat, that's good. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:10:56 Just keep chiming in with what people are working on. You can ask more questions over there too if you need. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:11:01 Okay, so. I'm haven't done anything of what you had said because of the reasons I gave last time. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:11:12 What I am able to now do finally. Is start looking for a VA and wherever you would suggest I start on getting some kind of a website presence. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:11:23 So with regards to the VA, please comment on that. I feel hesitant. Because I honestly don't know what to delegate to them. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:11:37 So could you please give me some suggestions of what are some really good first-time ever had a VA? [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:11:43 Tasks to delegate. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:11:47 Yes, so 1st of all, I wouldn't delegate to a VA the doing a new website. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:11:53 Okay. Because they have to be a virtual assistant is not a web designer. They may know how to do some web pages, but they're not a web designer. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:12:01 A web designer. Who does is a web designer. Does that make sense? They're not usually the same people. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:12:09 Sometimes you'll find VAs who also have web design as a service and that's where they focus. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:12:14 But that would be the only way to go. If you're looking for a VA in general to delegate things to, I can swear I gave you guys a whole list of stuff. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:12:24 Let me look. And I'm also sticking my. My actual speaker, she, the word document in the chat for you. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:12:34 So you can click to download that. In a second. Okay, let me look at. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:12:38 And Katrina, I was not thinking of a VA for the website. That was 2 separate topics. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:12:43 Gotcha, yes. Okay. And I hold on, let me see, I can swear that I put. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:12:52 Delegating to VA. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:13:03 Hopefully you guys did see that I I did not let me find it though and I will show you Hopefully you guys saw that I did add these little checklists to sales conversations in here. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:13:15 These 3, images, but also this here, click here for this interactive sales conversion cheat sheet. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:13:22 You wanna download that? So anything in a button is a downloadable. So make sure you're seeing these buttons. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:13:28 Okay, those are not headlines. Those are actual Chee cheats. So when you're on your thank you there's like 1 2 3 4 5 so far. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:13:40 That's why they're on your thank you page. Okay. So delegating. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:13:49 Let me find I have a whole list. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:13:58 And I was just working on it with the client. Okay [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:14:25 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:14:45 Hello. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:15:04 Interesting. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:15:08 I can't find. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:15:46 Good. And while you're looking, I just want to thank you again for this series. It's so generous of you and it's so valuable. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:15:55 You're welcome. You're welcome. And I did just put this in the chat. So task to possibly delegate to a VA. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:16:03 Great. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:16:04 All the things. So. You might save it as a template, but then make a copy and just cut down to the things that you need. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:16:15 So the thing is though, So. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:16:21 On top of that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:16:25 We also need Okay, so too many things up in here. What you wanna do is like this I did for Anne. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:16:33 She's a 1 on one client too. So we chunked it down to marketing tasks, graphic design. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:16:40 Techie VA tasks. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:16:44 Software that she's working in and what the person we hire needs to be active familiar with. And then admin tasks which might be different. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:16:57 And so we took this big long list and she's chunking it into categories now. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:17:03 So categories again are admin. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:17:08 Techie. Graphic design. And marketing. So marketing and graphics could go together. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:17:19 Techie would be separate. And, admin. So those are like 3 different, typically. Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:17:29 Like your social media person might create your images. Might do most of the stuff on social media. Also do email newsletters, but they're probably not the ones to update your website, most likely. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:17:39 Okay, so just be careful. Putting, segmenting them a little bit more than If you're gonna go on to say Facebook and go into some of the VA groups, cause there are a bunch of them. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:17:52 Just be careful, cause you get like bombarded, right? If you put something out there like we're hiring for a VA who does. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:17:59 All the following, right? And then you put this big go along list. Don't just put the tasks. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:18:06 Put also a description of the type of company. So I'm an intuitive business coach. I work with entrepreneurs. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:18:15 I, I'm in California. I need someone who can work on my time zone and do calls with me at least couple times a month, if not weekly, to make sure we're assigning the right task thing on Target, da da da da. So if you say stuff like that, then only the right people hopefully apply. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:18:37 So you have to really describe not only your business, how you like to work. But who you're looking, like what parameters and expectations. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:18:46 So by saying that you want to get on calls with them, will eliminate all the people that don't want to talk to you or don't have, you know, somebody that speaks really good English that will talk to me. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:18:54 That'll eliminate all those other people, 1st of all. And I think for you, you need to have people that, will get on a call with you. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:18:57 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:19:02 I've been talking to my new VA that I've had for a few weeks now every single week, right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:19:08 Because we're trying to work out this new project and I just need to talk to her. I, you know, the emails, so you need that. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:19:12 Yeah. Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:19:15 Not all of you might not, but, but you need that. I need that. We need to talk through that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:19:21 So make sure. That you have to pay for those hours that time, right? But that's Just what you're gonna need as far as Viego. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:19:30 So just really be descriptive when you're putting it out there, what you're looking for. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:19:33 Oh, that's interesting that you just said that. That we would not. Be charged for those talk through times. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:19:42 Oh, you would be. No, you would. Yeah. Yeah. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:19:43 Oh, oh, okay, okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:19:47 Most yeah, that's part of their time, right? But some people are gonna say, well, 5 h packages. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:19:49 Yes. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:19:54 But if you need 2 h of their time on calls, then you've only got 3 h of their time. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:19:59 So you just gotta know that, right? So you're that's not enough time for most people, right? [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:19:59 Right. Great. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:20:08 You're gonna probably need a 10 or 20 h package minimum per month. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:20:08 Okay, good. Then going to the, thank you. That list is the great start. And then I just would love the most down dirty. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:20:19 Get it done. Progress not perfection. Web page that I can, either create myself real easily or get somebody to do for me where I can have an opt in box so I can start working on my nurture funnel because I still have to. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:20:39 Design that and I can of course listen back to the many different calls that you gave. Letting us know what needs to be on that homepage, you know, what needs to be said in the welcome video what needs to be written in the bio section and all that sort of thing. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:20:57 So is there anything in particular that you want to say to me with regards to what might be a good template on WordPress? [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:21:05 I have WordPress just to set up something. For a starter web page for opt in. And credibility or authority. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:21:18 If you want to create one web page quick and dirty, you need to probably do it through landing page software wherever you have your email list. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:21:26 Right. Okay. I have that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:21:27 Okay. And not on WordPress because on WordPress, you're gonna have to change over your whole entire theme, install a new theme, update the plugins, update all the things and that's gonna not you're gonna need a web designer to redesign your website. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:21:39 Okay, so that's [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:21:40 Okay, well get response does have landing pages, okay. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:21:45 And they also have up and they also have opt-in forms. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:21:48 Correct. Yes. So I would look into creating a template landing page on get response for now. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:21:52 Hmm. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:21:56 And they'll have they'll come with an opt in box in it most likely. I don't use their landing pages. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:22:01 I have it but I don't use that but I know they're there. So that would be the fastest thing is to and then create. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:22:10 Just make sure the images look up to date and they're. Specifically for the thing and for the page, right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:22:20 Does that make sense? [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:22:21 Yeah, and then based on images, is there a good image? Royalty free. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:22:28 Now just go to Canva. It's Canva is the best way. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:22:32 Okay, so in that case, I went to Canva. Oh, let me put it this way. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:22:39 Do you have somebody that you could recommend who could walk me through how to use Canva? They have changed some of the layouts since I've been there and I'm very lost. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:22:52 Yes. I actually did a class on that that I'm no longer selling. Let me find it. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:23:01 It's like a tutorial. Here, you guys can have it. It's in the chat. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:23:08 You're amazing, you really are. I just so appreciate you. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:23:12 Okay. And that's just, that's the thank you page to the previous sales page, whatever I was doing. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:23:21 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:23:21 So anyway, so that's a that's a class on Canva if you want. You definitely it's cheaper to do the paid version of Canva than to go find stock images anywhere. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:23:25 You know, that's it. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:23:32 Okay, like You could find almost any image you need inside Canva with that paid pro version. It's 1299 a month. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:23:39 You've got to do just that. That's where I create every image. I would never even go searching for images again because it's just such a pain in the ass. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:23:46 To go to all these. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:23:46 I, well, just as an FYI, I have been a paid member of theirs and, and I, I just can't find stuff so I will watch your. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:23:56 Tutorial here. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:23:58 Okay, good. Yeah, so that. Those 2 things will get you started and just you have to just yet something started in the landing page. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:24:09 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:24:10 I know you say I haven't done anything, I haven't done anything. Just go get something started like Jill did she came to the wait I don't know if you heard me talk to her earlier So she came to the thing, poor girl, with here's my new web page and we ripped it to shreds. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:24:17 No, I, no, I missed it. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:24:24 Okay. That's okay because now she knows what to do next and it's only been up there a little short time and it's not like 450 people or 1,000 people are going to see it or anyways so just do you have to get something up. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:24:36 Give us the link so we can give you feedback and you can go back and change it. Okay, done is better than perfect. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:24:40 Yeah. Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:24:43 It's never gonna be perfect. You just have to keep working on it. So don't be ashamed or afraid of showing us something so we can say it's missing this, add this put this here put that there move this up move that down. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:24:45 Yup. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:24:55 Add this wording take that out. Okay. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:24:58 Yeah, also do you have anything that would be guidelines on putting together a bio? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:25:04 For your speaker sheet or just a web page. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:25:07 Well, actually, perhaps a multi-purpose one, but right now for the web page because I do need a bio for my spanking new returned to Facebook land and then also eventually us speaker sheet. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:25:27 So anything you have along those lines would be appreciated. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:25:32 Let me see. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:25:36 I could swear that I had somebody's free thing on bios. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:25:44 Hmm, that might take me longer to find it. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:25:49 No, while you're doing that, Given that. Our next call with you is, is in a month, what would be acceptable to you for me to show you what I do do put it up in the. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:25:52 Hello. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:26:01 The Facebook Because then I'm not just them only one commenting other people can comment and give you feedback and everybody like everybody learns from everybody else's advice. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:26:03 Okay. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:26:13 Right. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:26:13 So. I also want to listen back to the beginning of this call where I did talk through Jill's website. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:26:20 We looked at Christie's a little bit. So when we looked at Jill's Yeah, we've looked at Jill's layout too, so. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:26:23 I was here, I was here for Christie. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:26:29 And there was most of the calls that we've done have talked about website stuff. So if you've taken good notes on when we talked through someone's website, I don't know if you did, but. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:26:36 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:26:41 You might go back and listen to those parts of it. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:26:44 Oh, I just need to go back over. All that you put in those recordings and all of those recordings are on your website, right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:26:52 All on the thank you page. Yeah. And you would have just gotten an email this morning with that link in it. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:26:54 Okay. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:26:58 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:26:58 Thank you. Bionic Bio Worksheet. Here it is. I don't know, agree with this writing a bionic bio. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:27:15 Let me find it. At least it can give you guys a starter point. I don't have a bio writing checklist. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:27:23 This. Okay. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:27:37 Also, Katrina, when you have a moment, look up and see. How I set up the back of the room based on your suggestions. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:27:47 For me. Would they be? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:27:51 Okay, Bianna bionic bio worksheet is in the chat. Yeah, I see your CDs in your books. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:27:56 Thank you. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:28:00 Really good. Love it. And your banner. Yeah. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:28:02 Yeah. Thank you. I, I thank you so much for that suggestion. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:28:08 The banner could actually be. Closer to you, cause it looks about 8 feet behind you, maybe 6. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:28:15 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:28:16 It could be up a little closer and over to your right more so we can actually see it in that space. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:28:23 Here's my right. Well, I wanted to have it so that it would block. My supply cabinet, which is right. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:28:23 Yeah. Yeah. Right. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:28:32 Definitely matter as much as your head's gonna block it if your banner is up to the right a little bit where it's just on the side of your head but it's closer because we can't read any of those words right now. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:28:33 But [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:28:44 If it was closer to you, we could maybe read some of them. That's why. Yeah. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:28:45 Okay, got it. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:28:48 Yeah, but yeah, I like the CDs and the stands and that's all good. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:28:54 Great. So I think that's it for me. I just, you know, that's plenty for me to get started. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:28:54 Cool. Alright. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:28:59 Well, go click on all those things from the chat. I'll put them in the thank you page to my speaker sheet, the delegate to a VA. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:29:02 I did. It's already, they're already downloaded. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:29:08 The bionic bio worksheet is not my content. So, I don't know that I wanna put it on this. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:29:17 Thank you, Paige. Whose is it? Karen Kilgore. She's a copywriting person. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:29:24 So [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:29:26 It's not my, it's not my content, so I don't. But I'm just sharing because I have it. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:29:33 Okay, alright, so you guys have 30 days, you have your marching orders. And you can always put stuff in the Facebook group too. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:29:42 And just tag me. I haven't seen a lot of activity in there. So. If I missed something, please let me know, like send me an email or a private message or something if I haven't responded in a couple of business days, right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:29:55 So I'm trying to keep an eye out. Okay. Zooming, Thank you. All right, you guys. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:30:07 Okay. Oh, I'm feeling okay, a little rundown still. Yeah. Little rundown, but thank you. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:30:08 How are you feeling, Katrina? [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:30:18 Well, we, we love you. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:30:20 Thank you. Alright. So have a wonderful rest of your month and we'll see you soon. Okay. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:30:29 Okay, how soon do you think you'll have the recording up? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:30:35 Probably my 5 today if not sooner. Yeah. Okay. You're welcome. [Sasha Sabbeth] 12:30:38 Okay, all right. Thank you, Katrina. Bye everybody.