[Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 09:58:46 I think it would be a good use of your time. I look forward. To seeing how I can serve you and of course there's no obligation to do anything but you just never know what Here's my calendar. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 09:59:01 Feel free to schedule. Get to know your call or something. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 09:59:09 And. And I don't know that you need the PS. [Rhonda Liebig] 09:59:14 Yeah, cause then I actually took just to care that yes. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 09:59:18 Yeah, I don't need to, but scroll down underneath your picture. [Rhonda Liebig] 09:59:21 Oh, I have a PS there too. But this one right here where it says get on with calendar. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 09:59:23 Okay. I appreciate. How to get in your head. I don't think you need any of that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 09:59:37 I would leave you short bio. [Rhonda Liebig] 09:59:37 Okay. [Rhonda Liebig] 09:59:40 Sure, but okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 09:59:42 But I don't think you need any of that. It's too much on the bottom because If you really want to get them on the calendar, then just get them on the calendar. [Rhonda Liebig] 09:59:45 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 09:59:53 Or just try to get them on the calendar. And then the Are you gonna have additional auto responders in the series here? [Rhonda Liebig] 10:00:02 I haven't done that yet, but the auto responders are going to be. [Rhonda Liebig] 10:00:07 You know, like for them did, I'm gonna try and get them to interact basically because I just want them get to know me more and I want them to get on my calendar because they're the more they interact the more they get to know me. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:00:12 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:00:18 Yup, you might put some like see that graphic you have behind you put some graphics in. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:00:23 Your emails like make each email on a topic, for example. So if one is health and one is business and one is lifestyle or whatever, then have some kind of graphic around what it is you teach. [Rhonda Liebig] 10:00:27 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:00:37 Around that particular thing and say, as a new listener to our show, I thought I would just share a few nuggets about some things. [Rhonda Liebig] 10:00:42 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:00:46 That I typically work with clients on. And here's the one thing about the health that people, da da da, and then graphic and give them some, guidance with that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:00:59 Here's 3 things you can do today. To make this better. And if you'd like to have a call, please schedule a call. [Rhonda Liebig] 10:01:01 I like that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:01:05 I will not bite you over the zoom. You know, like just be very. Open and welcome and I think you will because you do that well. [Rhonda Liebig] 10:01:11 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:01:13 And then the next female might be about the business and the next month, you know what I mean? And keep, and then PS on those emails will be about the show. [Rhonda Liebig] 10:01:16 Excellent. I like that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:01:20 Remember to mark your calendar for our Moxie show that you signed up for. It's every Monday, 7 am Pacific and all you have to do is go here or here to watch it. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:01:30 Make sure you give those directions and maybe put that in the PS. [Rhonda Liebig] 10:01:35 Look at Trina working with you after I did a session with you before you started. The 4 series. [Rhonda Liebig] 10:01:41 I started, I did more stuff and I now break it down. Like when I'm talking to somebody, I just did something like this. [Rhonda Liebig] 10:01:50 I don't have to tell you what it is really, but. I believe that once people get connected with certain communication and stuff, this is going to be their 1st 250,000. [Rhonda Liebig] 10:01:58 So it helps me bring in clients for different levels. If they're past 250,000 I have this frame just like let's talk about this. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:02:05 Okay. [Rhonda Liebig] 10:02:05 So I've been doing stuff like that. And then, and then health and wellness is around. [Rhonda Liebig] 10:02:11 Whatever this is, you know, but the thing is that I'm looking at your books. That's communication of what you do. [Rhonda Liebig] 10:02:19 I'm like, I do the same services over and over. And so that's what I did. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:02:19 Hmm. [Rhonda Liebig] 10:02:24 You inspired me. To go to mixed tiles. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:02:27 Hello. Well, it's funny because I hired a coach. I don't know, few years ago. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:02:33 For 30 grand because I like his graphics. And I'm like, I gotta get more fucking graphics and I could have just hired a graphics person. It drove me crazy. [Rhonda Liebig] 10:02:38 Oh really? Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:02:44 I spent 30,000 and I didn't really get too much. I got a little publicity, whatever. But [Rhonda Liebig] 10:02:48 Do you know Katrina? I spent over a hundred 1,000 in all my I mean like you know we keep investing we look at stuff. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:02:53 Yeah. [Rhonda Liebig] 10:02:54 And so, this is Like you did a bow tie on it. You know what I mean? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:03:00 Hmm. [Rhonda Liebig] 10:03:00 Like years of doing this and having clients but doing it. Organically and not having all this you've done incredible changes because all those already there But you, well. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:03:09 Right. It's, it's the little thing sometimes. It's these little things that can make a big difference, I believe. [Rhonda Liebig] 10:03:12 So it's helped me, you know, how can I communicate better? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:03:19 And it fills there's holes and opportunities and everything we do right there's little holes that where the leads going along and then it sinks in this hole and it doesn't come back out, right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:03:31 We've got to fill these holes and we've got to take care of the opportunities and I don't know I just see things. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:03:37 I see missing things, which is annoying because it's hard for me to like give you guys all kudos for all your positive work. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:03:44 I find all the shit that's wrong, right? But I mean, Let me fix you. Let me fix the other shit so that it's more of a smooth running machine. [Rhonda Liebig] 10:03:46 That's a good coach. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:03:55 That's what I want. Okay, good. Alright, so. That will be a good now. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:04:02 That's still not on your main website though, that web page, right? Or is it? Cause I don't see a navigation or a navigation up there or any copyright notice on the bottom or any footer or any other links anywhere. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:04:15 And I know there's and other schools of thought to not doing that so that people don't get distracted and click all over the place. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:04:23 And then there's schools of that though that Which is why I add some of the things on the page because it you have to have enough trust and credibility on the one page if you're not gonna be able to click to other pages. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:04:34 I don't know. I'm [Rhonda Liebig] 10:04:36 Well, I, was that to me? I sure love fun. I actually start off on my in my services, the free stuff. [Rhonda Liebig] 10:04:43 And it's also on my tree that they can click in the. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:04:45 But when you get to that page, what I'm saying is you might market that page straight out to people, right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:04:51 So it might be the 1st thing they see. So therefore there's no navigation. There's no checking you out. [Rhonda Liebig] 10:04:53 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:04:56 So therefore we have to have all these other components on the page. In my opinion, there's many online marketers that put up the. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:05:03 Crazy a smallest least informational landing page and get tons of octans. Okay, but I don't know. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:05:12 That's the norm for most people that, you know. Aren't like a household name. I don't know. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:05:17 I just I just think those of us who aren't a household name. Need a lot more shit on our pages to make people believe because people have gotten burned even with appreciate you know so [Rhonda Liebig] 10:05:27 Katrina, I said one thing here that you're helping with right here is When you told me to say get on my calendar. [Rhonda Liebig] 10:05:35 I already know that, but you're talking to some people who they know that but it's like how do you do that flip from a low welcome in. [Rhonda Liebig] 10:05:46 And I know it should be there but my brain also clicks off and I go to something else but it's a learning curve. [Rhonda Liebig] 10:05:51 And sometimes if I have quiet time in my creative space, I'll go, hey, how about that? [Rhonda Liebig] 10:05:57 So that's what you did very well is like, we see people do that. But I mean, when you called it out, it just made me go directly there and actually deal with it. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:05:59 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:06:03 Good. Yeah. Awesome. Alright, wonderful. [Rhonda Liebig] 10:06:03 Does that make sense? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:06:12 Jill or Suzanne? What you guys working on? [Suzanne Stafford] 10:06:16 I could, I could come up with some stuff. Okay, I just [Rhonda Liebig] 10:06:29 This is like real life, my kid says to me all the time. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:06:34 You're muted. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:06:36 Okay, yes, you didn't want to hear that so My god, I would contractors were delivering doors earlier. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:06:39 Yeah. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:06:45 Where do you put them? Anyway, my brain is not working because I'm my event was this last weekend and I have 0 brain power right now. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:06:54 Okay. How did it go? That was the. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:06:54 So idea. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:06:57 The the spring treasures market. I mean, I didn't have enough people attend. We probably made as much as we did at the last one, so it wasn't horrible. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:06:59 Yeah, yeah. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:07:09 Should have sold a lot more, but I did get 2 TV spots, which were really good interviews. Oh, yes, so I had a live on TV on Friday and then report. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:07:15 Oh, so you got, on TV while you were there. Okay. Okay, real quick. You need to go by that segment. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:07:26 You don't just link over to it. You must buy the segment. Because it does not live forever on the web pages and you want it to live forever on your webpage. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:07:30 Okay. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:07:34 Oh Yes. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:07:37 Therefore you need to buy the actual news file. From the segment and. It's. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:07:41 Okay. [Rhonda Liebig] 10:07:46 And really quick, cause they have a handler and he eats. You get rid of him pretty quick. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:07:52 Yeah. They do. They give it and they're usually, they're usually around $85 per segment. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:07:58 I mean, here, that's what I pay usually I paid in the last. But it's so worth it. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:07:59 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:08:02 And I wanna say it's news track. News TRAK. If you don't know, then ask the producer or the admin or whoever answers the phone over at the TV station that you were on. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:08:17 And say I'd like to get a copy of a file and I think it's called News Track. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:08:17 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:08:22 To buy the file of the interview that I was on. So I, in case you guys you know, take it off your website at some point. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:08:29 I wanna make sure I have that interview. And so do you know where to contact to do that? So really try to find that. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:08:32 Yeah. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:08:36 Okay, cause I at least have a contact for the one lady. That was interviewed interviewed me on the morning but then the one that Stop by and interviewed me at the show. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:08:37 Okay. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:08:47 I didn't know they were coming. Can you hear that? Do I need to close the door? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:08:48 Okay, contact them both. You contact them both and you. And you just ask whoever you have the contact And if it's 1 of the anchors or whatever, you'd say, I know you probably don't know this, but who do I talk to? [Suzanne Stafford] 10:08:58 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:09:04 To get the recording of this. And do you have a producer's name and number? Yeah. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:09:06 Yeah. Okay, yeah, because I definitely want to keep that. Forever on my website. I've got to go close this store. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:09:12 Yep, yep, I always tell people that they never know this unless they've done it before. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:09:18 Okay. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:09:19 One [Suzanne Stafford] 10:09:22 Got it. Okay. Alright, I'm back and I can hear they're vacuuming. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:09:28 Okay. So then. I did get a bunch of things, bunch of people to fill out my little enter to win thing with the form that you had suggested with all of the checking all of the things. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:09:40 Okay. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:09:44 So now I need to follow up. With all those people. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:09:46 Okay. Okay, hold. So then you have mailing addresses and phone numbers too. Okay, so figure out what you can send in the mail and work on getting something out. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:09:53 Yes. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:10:01 It can just be a note card with your business card inside. It could it could you could create a postcard if you want to, but I don't want to prolong the follow up. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:10:09 We could send them something else later perhaps. And then, I don't know if you have sell or if you know it's a cell phone or not, but You could attempt to text them. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:10:20 Just one off, not in a group, of course. But like, hey, and just copy and paste the message to people. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:10:23 Yeah. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:10:27 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:10:28 And if they get, they get it if they don't, they don't. But, the text message would say, you know, something like, thank you for attending our event. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:10:36 We're excited. Hopefully you got some good finds. I'm adding you to the email list to hear about upcoming events. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:10:46 Please watch for emails from. Email address. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:10:52 Let me know if you have any questions. About anything we're doing over here. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:11:02 And I just put the. Transcript on so that's Okay, so that's would be a quick text. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:11:05 Yeah. Okay. Yeah, so I've got that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:11:09 It could also be a quick thank you email that you could just now the thank you email. Obviously you want to enter them all into a spreadsheet and then upload it to your database, which database you're using. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:11:20 Yeah, I'm now using Wix contact. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:11:24 Contacts and you're sending emails from there. Okay, and you can upload a spreadsheet with fields. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:11:27 Yes. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:11:31 Yes, yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:11:31 I don't know. Okay. So just figure out what the fields are first.st And then just hurry up and sit there and enter all the stuff and then upload them and then go send them an email as soon as you can. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:11:36 Yeah. Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:11:43 So that follow up is critical and a lot of people put it off and So I know and you can write. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:11:47 Yeah, now I know. Soon after would be good. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:11:51 Yeah, and you can write a little note cards while you're sitting watching TV or whatever like I just you know whatever you need to do Okay, and then what? [Suzanne Stafford] 10:12:02 Then I guess. Probably my next thing is I've got to. Figure out, what my marketing plan is for the ferry ball. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:12:14 Because, like some of the magazines and things, their deadlines were like May first.st So I need to figure out which ones of those would be good to use the marketing budget. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:12:29 The grant that I got. Was for out. Out of market area so not my local area but it could go regional. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:12:39 So I didn't know if, you know, maybe. Some of those triple A magazines would get good reach depending upon their cost. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:12:48 Or if it would be better to just do Facebook ads outside of my. Market, you know, I That was a matching grant. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:12:58 So and I they have to approve the image, which is fine, but I just wasn't sure what. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:13:04 The best way to reach people was. I was really surprised how many people said they saw me on TV. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:13:11 I didn't think anybody watched TV. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:13:13 Okay. Well, the TV thing definitely go after that. That would be free publicity though that we'd want. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:13:19 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:13:21 We wouldn't want to pay for that. As far as add budget spend, I don't think A magazine, that doesn't sound like. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:13:31 Who so think of your target audience. They're women mostly. In there. 40 50. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:13:36 It would be mostly women from probably 40 to 70. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:13:41 40 to 70 who want to do costuming and dress up and have more fun. Those women are on Facebook. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:13:49 Okay, you probably don't need to go anywhere else because there's billions of people on Facebook. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:13:49 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:13:54 So I would. But the thing is with Facebook ads. You don't wanna try to figure that out. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:13:55 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:14:01 I was literally in there yesterday. And it's freaking insanity in there. And if you don't have a good compelling ad with the right wording, I mean, they can shut down or refuse you or, like so, I mean, I have a dot for that if you want. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:14:06 Yeah. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:14:16 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:14:18 I just talked to her yesterday. I think she has like a reasonable small package. To help you. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:14:25 Okay, yeah, because I have tried, tried to understand that I've done those the boot camps and it makes a little bit more sense but I would rather not deal with that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:14:26 Figure out a plan. Oh god. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:14:35 Facebook ads is not one of those things that you should ever try to figure out yourself unless that is what you do for a living for other people. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:14:43 Because it changes all the time and Zuckerberg and Zuckerberg. Okay, so I'm sending you her information. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:14:48 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:14:54 And See, might wanna reach out to her. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:14:59 Yeah, and then I. Oh, it was there's a few ladies that happened to be. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:15:06 In my mastermind, my small group mastermind that are travel agents and I thought I would try to reach out to some of them to see if I could work on a package. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:15:14 Okay, let me just. Let me just rattle off a couple other marketing things that I think you need. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:15:18 Okay. Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:15:20 Okay, so number one, you need to reach out to all your friends and connections for them to share it. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:15:26 And maybe, they can earn a ticket maybe if they, refer 3 people, they get a free ticket or refer for people, they get a free ticket. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:15:36 So if find all, so collaborative partnership. Promotions. That's number one. Okay, and figure out what the incentive might be for them and how to track that. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:15:40 Yeah. Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:15:49 So if on your online sales where people go buy a ticket it has to say how did you hear about me or who referred you so that you can track who or they can use a code or whatever. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:15:56 Yes. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:16:00 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:16:00 Their name or whatever. So that's 1. As far as other local advertising, marketing wise, are there any ideal magazines that go in your area? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:16:11 Because magazines full color, they're more exciting. They're sometimes they're, you know, not as affordable, but they make a SAM. Like there's a couple local magazines here that post all the events. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:16:16 You know. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:16:24 So if you want to know anything that's going on, you go to that magazine and you see all the upcoming events. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:16:27 There are 2 of them. They're more expensive. I have tried. I wasn't sure if it did anything, but maybe it was one of those where they saw me in there and they thought it was a legit event. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:16:38 So then, you know, I don't. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:16:38 Yeah, you're gonna have much more credibility if you're in there. Now the thing is the way you design your ad is critical. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:16:46 You cannot design it like a Facebook post. You cannot design it like a Facebook post. You can, I mean, you have to design it like a Facebook post. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:16:50 You can, I mean, you have to, we have to put some kind of like a Facebook post. You can, I mean, you have to, we have to put some kind of tracking in there. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:16:53 We have to put some kind of code that they have to enter. So we know it came. From there so we can track it number one, we have to put who's the 4 way I should care and how fun and some pictures obviously but you're probably gonna need at least a quarter page and so just go maybe figure out, okay, how much is it? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:17:09 What are the deadlines and let me know in the Facebook group and we can help you decide if or how to do those. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:17:14 Okay, yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:17:16 And they, those. I know the ones I have, I can actually go online and submit an event for free on their online calendar too. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:17:22 Yes, yeah, yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:17:24 Oh, you must do that. As soon as possible, because a lot of times when you do that, they'll actually publish it in their calendar in their magazine. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:17:31 Yes. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:17:31 And you may not need an ad and see. So, you've got to take advantage of that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:17:37 You need to put it in all the places that are events like events.com, Eventbrite. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:17:43 Dot com. As well as your web page. And meet up if you have a meetup. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:17:48 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:17:50 Meetup will be huge because. Do you have a meetup account? You do. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:17:54 Yes, yes I do. Yeah. I mean, only have one account. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:17:55 So you're already paying for a meetup account. Do you have more than 3 meet ups right now? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:18:00 Different groups. One account but one group. You can have up to 3 groups in one account for the same price. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:18:05 One group. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:18:08 Oh, okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:18:09 Unless they've changed it, but that's. So you can add another group just for the fairy ball if you want. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:18:15 Okay, because that's that's why I had started it's mostly fairy ball, but I could add one specifically for the consignment then So because I wasn't sure if I needed to cancel the meetup if nobody was seeing it, but maybe they're seeing it and just. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:18:24 Yeah, you could add. Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:18:31 Just make it very specific. So if The one meetup is for people who wanna do costuming in general. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:18:31 Weren't interacting with it. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:18:39 That's for like coaching and connecting and getting ideas. And where you can share all the stuff. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:18:45 So that might be a good general one. You might want one just for the fairy ball. Events. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:18:55 You might want one. For all your consignment market events. If you could have 3. I would maybe have it's a lot to manage though. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:19:02 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:19:05 I don't know like Either that or we have to come up with one big one where everything goes and that might be a little bit more, I mean, it's easier to manage one than it is 3. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:19:12 Yeah. Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:19:17 So I don't know. I'm just thinking out loud right now. I don't know. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:19:18 Yeah. Okay. Okay, yeah, I didn't realize you could add more groups. So I think that would be good and I will it was coming up. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:19:26 I don't know, maybe June or July and I wasn't sure if I should renew it, but I'll probably try it for another year and see. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:19:26 So. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:19:29 Hold on. One more idea for you. So the only other thing besides magazines And the promoters and the Facebook ads in your local area are not local area. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:19:41 Is direct. So you can buy an email or a mailing list. Of the right target audience, the right age group and the right geographical. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:19:53 Parameters and then you can do something in the mail to them like a postcard and inexpensive postcard you can print those on got print.com or canva. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:20:04 And, you can use a mailhouse to send them, they way you get bulk postage. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:20:10 And the printing, it just might, I don't know, it could be anywhere from. For a postcard, you know, like. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:20:18 60 to a dollar 60 cents to a dollar 20 maybe per piece. For printing and and everything if you go through mail house. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:20:29 I'm just bring out a guesstimate. But if you think about it that way, otherwise you have to print them and you have to hand address them or label them and then you have to stick them in the mail. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:20:30 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:20:39 So it's a lot more manual labor. So sometimes we don't have that manual labor time. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:20:43 Yeah. Yeah, and so any suggestions for, you know, a male house or where you bought those before because I've had people approach me but they were more of the scammy. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:20:43 And I, so yeah. Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:20:49 Yeah. Yeah. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:20:55 Ones. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:20:55 Yeah. So, 1st check with your local chamber. And just ask the people at the chamber. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:21:02 Hey, do you have any male house? In the chamber, cause sometimes they do. Or they'll have a printer. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:21:07 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:21:10 Ask the printers and ask the printer if they know any local male houses. They know what you mean. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:21:15 Okay, so start there because those are more credible sources. Then info U.S.A, change the link. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:21:26 I'll put the link in the chat. It used to be info. U.S.A. Now it's data Alexa U.S.A. or something. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:21:33 I have't looked at this site since they switched it over, but business mailing addresses all that kind of thing. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:21:40 Okay, and I did buy the list from the chamber. So I have. Their stickers. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:21:40 So we're talking direct mail. Again. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:21:46 Okay. Right, but careful because we only want to answer the people you have the stickers. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:21:53 Well, they gave me stickers, but I made copies so I can. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:21:55 Okay, perfect. So someone has the day to enter those. So you might go to Fiber and have someone data enter those so you can actually have a spreadsheet of them. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:22:04 Okay. And print them again on labels. But, the you don't wanna send to everybody so be discerning who you Right, cause it's mostly women. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:22:17 Now granted, some men will have wives and all that, but. Don't send it to a business address or a big hospital or any of those kind of places, of course. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:22:25 Alright, so those are the main marketing I see besides other networking that you would do locally. And maybe posting flyers and looking for places that you could drop fires in local businesses that would buy like, you know, crystal, healing shops and costume shops or fun boutiques you know anything like that [Suzanne Stafford] 10:22:42 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:22:49 Alright, I wanna move on, cause I wanna see if Jill needs anything, but. Awesome. [Suzanne Stafford] 10:22:51 Okay, thank you. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:22:55 Jill, you're very quiet and I'm trimming up. What are we working on today? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:22:59 Yeah. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:23:01 Hi there, sorry I'm on the road. Yeah, so mine was just what I put in the chat at the very beginning of the, basically. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:23:04 Oh, okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:23:09 Okay. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:23:13 So I took on a 1099. At the end of 2,022. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:23:17 Yes. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:23:20 So primarily just all throughout 2023 and it ended up being just much more time consuming and intensive pressure. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:23:28 Wise than I had anticipated. So I'm just trying to figure out, I know it's kind of off topic from what you're talking about through this. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:23:35 Oh, it's fine. It's everything. Yeah. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:23:37 But I figured you had experience with people in this kind of. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:23:40 Everybody has challenges. They're all different, right? We're never living the same path. So, so 1st of all. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:23:43 Yeah. Yeah, so just trying to figure out like some tips on how to kinda balance it because I found that my natural tendency thus far has been putting My business on the back burner. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:23:51 Right. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:23:59 Yeah. And so 1st of all, you're making good money over there. Do you like what you're doing? [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:24:06 It's, decent. I like it, but it's just been challenging. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:24:13 It honestly ended up just feeling like a job and a lot of the pressure that you would get for and then I haven't had a job for gosh well over 15 years 20 years maybe so it's been very interesting that it just feels like that typical job with the pressure and the kind of the corporate vibe. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:24:37 So it's okay. The money is decent. I do feel like I've learned new skills that I can definitely apply to my business, which is great. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:24:47 Okay. And so, you're gonna continue, right? [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:24:48 But. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:24:52 I think for now I do foresee that at some point. I would say definitely within a year. I do foresee myself phasing that out. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:25:04 Okay, so maybe you just need to set a date for yourself, a mental date so that you have this in your you know in your body like let's set that date and I'm gonna do and then the second thing is. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:25:15 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:25:20 Whatever it is you're doing over there, make sure you're doing just what you need to do. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:25:25 Don't go like 10 times above and beyond. Because you're gonna be short term there, right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:25:30 So like, I know sometimes we want to because we want to please. So. I don't I'm just guessing I'm just guessing that could be one thing like make sure you're just doing the thing and then you're just You have to maybe reset expectations with them that I can't do this. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:25:34 That's true. Yes. For sure. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:25:46 I can't do that. This is what I'm set to do and this is what I can do. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:25:50 And then I can't, you know what I mean? So there's that possibly. I don't know. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:25:54 I'm just throwing that out there. And then, I'm sure you're pretty good at setting. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:25:58 Boundaries and self care because that's what you're all about. So you're probably doing so much there that that's all you can do is the self care next and there's not a lot of time for the business. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:26:07 I'm guessing, right? [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:26:10 Right, and that is an interesting topic, which is I can very much apply to what I do in my business is because I did end up letting myself care slip, which was actually really wonderful because now I see. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:26:18 Yeah. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:26:26 Only what other people with more busy lives, you know, like a more full job or what have you, I see now what they go through and the challenges. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:26:30 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:26:37 Yes. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:26:40 And what and why and how people can put self-care side and then how to bring it back in. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:26:44 Yeah. So I see. A whole service. On helping those people get realigned. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:26:44 So that's actually been a benefit. So yeah, that's something I've Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:26:53 With balance and self-care. And frankly, I don't know how much you have to worry about selling ads in the in the magazine and all that. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:26:56 Right. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:27:04 Or the membership stuff that you're doing. But what if you brought in? Some bigger income with the coaching and the That kind of stuff. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:27:14 Because that will give you more freedom to then leave the job. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:27:21 Yeah, sorry, I was just writing notes of what you were just saying. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:27:24 What do you think? Like, I don't think you sell a lot of high end. Let me help you realign your self care and get your life back. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:27:26 Yeah. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:27:34 No, I don't. Primarily I didn't. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:27:35 You need to you are fucking amazing at that [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:27:39 Oh, thank you. Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:27:40 Okay, you need to put a big giant price tag. On yourself. And you need to value what it is you can help people. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:27:47 Oh. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:27:54 Okay, I'll do. And you need to start preaching it, girl. You need to start preaching it, teaching it and selling it. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:27:55 Yeah. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:27:57 Okay, and another idea that just came, thank you. Yes, I am gonna watch this replay so I can hear that again over and over and also one thing that just came to mind as you were talking is I Need to even if it's privately for now starting to document my experience. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:28:01 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:28:04 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:28:17 Yeah. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:28:19 You know, what I went through, now I let it fall back again. Oh, I brought it back in. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:28:22 You know, just so that I can. I remember I had Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:28:24 And then you can write a book about it. Of course, you need, you honestly, a book would be great. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:28:30 You could put it on a blog if you have a blog. You could voice record it so you can put it on the blog, but then you also have the audio. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:28:38 You could do it on Zoom and just go, what if you went live every other day or whenever you feel like it? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:28:44 And start voicing it, you transcribe those, the transcription or the voice text becomes the book content. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:28:52 We take all those pieces when it's done or when you feel like you are complete with that content and then we format it into a quick book and get that book done. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:29:02 Hmm, okay. Okay, way to think big Katrina. Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:29:08 Yeah, for you it's not the holes, it's the opportunities. Opportunities. You have huge opportunities to make a lot more money. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:29:11 It is, that's exactly right. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:29:18 Doing the stuff you really love to do [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:29:22 And to believe that I actually have something of value to share. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:29:25 You do have something of value. And you, everybody that knows you, Joe, I'm sure. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:29:32 Knows you as the healing like. Person of all times. And so then when you share a story, how you did this and it changed and then you had to get it back and I have the tool to show you how to get it back if you blast yours. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:29:49 Let me help you. That's your story. That's now a speaking gig. That's now, I mean, shit. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:29:49 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:29:56 Okay, and you should speak from my business. I'm imagined in January with that topic. You have plenty of time to B that. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:30:05 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:30:06 There's a lot on your plate. In 7 min, but like. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:30:11 I love it. I love it. No fluff, Katrina. Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:30:14 I mean, hi in coaching, speaking, book. Because it goes hand in hand with your guide. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:30:24 The guide is more lower end. I know there's ad costs and all that. But then if they want the next level. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:30:31 They need you. You could even have a mastermind or retreat or you could do whatever the hell you want, start envisioning what that, what you want that to look like. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:30:33 Okay. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:30:42 Okay. And you know, something that did come to mind, of course, for many years now was, you know, the, I'm not sure what they're called, the group, the collaborative books. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:30:55 I was thinking, oh, that would be perfect, you know, for some of the people that are in well being resource to be able to contribute something like that. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:31:04 But I. But it sounds like you're talking about more just. A single. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:31:04 Yes. I am talking about your own book, but you can do a collaborative book. I love helping people with collaborative books. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:31:13 You can make money. I help you. I do all the work. You make money. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:31:16 It all works out. Okay, so we just need to schedule a call to talk about that one on one because yes, you could probably upsell that to your advertisers pretty quickly. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:31:26 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:31:27 Pretty easily. Yeah, we can do a health and wellbeing like expert book and you bring in all your advertisers who, you know, are confident and they talk about their error modality and then you've got this 12 chapter book which authors or whatever and you're in there too of course. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:31:43 But if they pay you $2,000 each or 2,400 or something like that times 10 authors It's 20 grand. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:31:54 Yes, you pay me to do the book. You're still making some money though and it gets done and it takes that next level. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:32:00 Right. Okay, perfect. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:32:01 Yeah, and then you can have that model every year. Every year you could find 10 or 20 authors to be in the book on top of the advertising spend. [Jill @iLoveWellBEing] 10:32:10 Okay, great. Thank you so much. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:32:11 Yeah, love that. It's a whole different avenue. A guide is one thing, but a book is totally different. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:32:17 And your people in the guide probably need a book if they don't have one or they need more, right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:32:21 It's always gonna have more books. I do have to wrap up our call because I have another call, but. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:32:27 You guys have been awesome today. I'm so glad that you showed up. Play full out, did all the things. [Sasha Sabbeth] 10:32:33 I have, I have a. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:32:34 You're gonna have to email me because I really have to wrap a call up. But I have any emails from you, Sasha. [Sasha Sabbeth] 10:32:37 Bye. [Rhonda Liebig] 10:32:38 The transcript. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:32:41 So just email me from the other email. I don't know what your regular I can't. [Sasha Sabbeth] 10:32:43 What other email? [Rhonda Liebig] 10:32:47 How do we get the transcript? Katrina