[Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:40:13 Hmm. Okay, welcome everybody. I was just kind of laying some ground rules and now I'm gonna start the recording. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:40:23 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:40:24 Alright, hey welcome everybody to the jump start your sales and systems boot camp. This is call number one of 7 technically over the next 4 and a half months we have 4 weeks of calls every Monday, except for next week which is Easter money we're gonna do it on Tuesday same time same zoom so hopefully you can change your schedule around if you didn't see that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:40:48 So 4 weeks of calls in a row where we're gonna Go over all of the things. All the things from big picture goals, what you're selling to how you're running your business, your marketing, your systems, your website, your technology, your team, marketing, all the things. [Sasha Sabbeth-Intuition Success Strategist,Healer,Soul Guide] 10:41:03 Thank you. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:41:05 So it's a lot to cover in a short amount of time. But then we're gonna have those monthly calls May June and July second Monday. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:41:15 I want to say it's on the thank you page. Is are those calls and those are an hour if we need more time or. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:41:22 Honestly, if we need another month or something, I'm happy to add it in. I just wanna make sure all of you and there's about 18 of you, all of you go. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:41:29 Some stuff done and you have an understanding of what else needs to be done so you have like a little checklist in order of importance which is the topic of today's call. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:41:40 Order of importance. Too many people I see are not doing things in order of importance. And, Okay, and you can come and go in these calls. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:41:51 They will all be recorded. They'll all be on that thank you page along with the transcripts along with any slides and any resources that might come up. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:42:00 Sometimes I'm talking to clients or people like this on a call and someone's like, oh, I need blah, blah, blah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:42:06 And I'll be like, oh, well, I can put that over there for you. Or it might be a checklist. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:42:09 I might add in to the thank you page. I'm gonna put it all on that one page. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:42:14 So it's only one link you have to remember. Okay. And thank you, Elana. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:42:20 You're so sweet. For putting stuff in there. I appreciate that. The times and stuff are all on that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:42:24 Thank you page. Everything should be there. But if you need anything, what I want you to do today is try to, open up an, oh, word dock or whatever for notes. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:42:37 You might have a separate one for questions. Okay. And then we're gonna get to your questions. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:42:42 If I can't get to all your questions in the 90 min today, we're gonna have you post them in in the chat. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:42:50 You can actually upload a Word document into the chat and I'll open it, download it and answer fully in the Word document and put it back. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:42:57 Okay, so that would be the best way to do it. But I can obviously answer the questions in full in the comments too, but either way I'm happy to share. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:43:06 Some of you I know really well and I've known for years and years and years and some of you I just met like the other day. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:43:13 So I'm gonna have to get to know some of you a little bit more on what you do and how you work and just know that I'm kind of a someone said it in the chat a little no fluff very practical tactical you know results oriented, I want you to get the right stuff done so you can reach more people and make more money and have a better life. [Sasha Sabbeth-Intuition Success Strategist,Healer,Soul Guide] 10:43:24 Hmm [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:43:36 So if I answer questions quickly or I don't give you a lot of background is because I want to help more people and I want to just give you the answer. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:43:44 If I know the answer, I'm absolutely sure that that is exactly what you should be doing. I will tell you, please trust me. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:43:51 I've been doing this for 22 years in my own business and 2 or 3 years prior to that with other business owners as well. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:43:58 I've worked with brick and mortars. I've worked with network marketing. I work with coaches online sales. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:44:03 I work with all kinds of different. People, therapists, organizers, nonprofits, it doesn't matter. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:44:10 It doesn't matter what kind of business you have because I think about who you are, what you do, who you're working with. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:44:15 What they care about in regards to what you do and how you and what you want your lifestyle to look like. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:44:22 So I'm not gonna I may advise some of you differently than others because Some of you, for example, like Christy has a full-time job and she just wants a to do a few things on the side in a business. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:44:34 Okay, whereas Sasha this is her full-time thing, right? And, Tom too is a little bit. Hi, Tom. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:44:41 I see you. You're like, just wanna do a little bit of coaching. So you, I might tell them something different than I would tell somebody working 40 h or more in their business. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:44:53 Okay? So just know that I'm gonna keep track of those things about each of you. So that I advise you appropriately. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:45:00 This is not a group program. I'm gonna advise everybody the same thing, the same tool, the same software. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:45:05 No, because that is not a realistic expectation of any of you. So it's I'm not like that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:45:13 I will get to know you. I will look at your websites. I will look at your socials. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:45:17 I will read more. I will that's why I want more information from you in that the biz quiz and also I'm going to be asking at the end of the day today for you to fill out like a little funnel for me. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:45:29 Okay, so I know what you're selling. I really need to know what you're selling and that is the biggest thing people don't have clarity on, specifically when we try to figure out how to get more clients. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:45:40 We want our clients, I have to know you're selling. And you have to know what you're selling because a lot of times I see people going into sales calls without even knowing what they're doing, like what they're selling or what they want to offer somebody. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:45:50 So we're gonna make sure you're super clear on that today or you're going to be working on it over the next week because, without that you won't make a lot of money. So that's just how it works. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:46:00 But I am kind of a blunt gal. I say, I mean, everything would love you guys. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:46:06 I mean, I really do. My goal is for you to have your happiest life ever with more love in your life and money in your business. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:46:12 That is why I'm here. That is why I do what I do. So I might talk fast because I want to get more in. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:46:19 I might, say things quickly and or ask you to hold the comments or ask you to be more brief because I don't need all the background story in order to advise you on the thing. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:46:32 Okay, just know that if I need more information, I will ask you. And then, this isn't necessarily a mastermind. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:46:40 I have masterminds where everybody kind of helps each other out and if people are in the hot seat and then everybody gets to give opinions and ideas. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:46:49 We don't really have time for that much of that here. I would rather you stick some thoughts into the chat, but be careful because if you're giving advice to someone and you don't know all the things that I may know or that I'm learning, be careful giving advice, please. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:47:04 Please don't give advice on software or anything like that because you don't know what those people, everybody in here is using or what kind of budget they have or what kind of technology. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:47:14 Sabiness they have, please don't give advice on softwares and technology. If I can ask you that, that would be great. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:47:24 Let's see, I had some other notes I wanted to share. I'm super excited. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:47:30 I mean, I I think running a business can be a roller coaster, but if we, I mean really, right, of emotions but also a cash flow and I want to avoid the roller coaster of cash flow with you. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:47:46 So I want to really get you into a smooth running money making machine. Whether we fill the holes and take advantage of opportunities and really change up your business in this next 4 and a half months or you need more time. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:47:56 It depends. It depends on how much time you have to work on your business. It depends where you are right now. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:48:01 It depends if you even have a website. I know some of you don't. So that might take longer to get going, but you're gonna know exactly what to do to get it going from this. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:48:11 Okay. So. I just know that you guys can be, you guys can be resources for each other. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:48:19 I know what a lot of you do. So please make sure you are in the Facebook group and maybe get to know each other over there and feel free to do a video or do a longer explanation so people can get to know you more. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:48:30 All right, so you can network just please do it in the Facebook group. Don't put a bunch of salesy stuff in the chat. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:48:38 This is for training. Okay. So, let's see. I wanna see what else. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:48:45 We're gonna talk about tech. We might get a little nitty-gritty again when I'm saying something that you want to remember or, you, you didn't really catch what I said or you want to hear it again. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:48:59 Right down the time stamp on the video, right? So you can look and so right now we're at 19 min in, 19 min in is when you would write down. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:49:09 19 min you talked about blanket blank and write that in your notes so you know to be more efficient. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:49:15 To go through and which video you're talking about what? So that's just a tip for you. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:49:23 Okay, we're gonna go through, some strategy and immediate fixes and changes. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:49:31 So when I say you need to fix this or whatever, it's not that you're broken. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:49:35 I also tend to look at the stuff that is broken and not the stuff that's good. So just, you know, I will try my hardest to give you compliments on stuff, but that's not why I'm here. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:49:43 I want you to fix the stuff that can make a difference in your cash flow. Okay, so please don't take offense if I don't say anything good. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:49:52 I'm sure there's good things that you're doing. I don't know. I will try. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:49:55 Really hard, but with so many of you in a short amount of program know that I'm trying to help. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:50:02 Fix the things that are broken. That's what I want because that'll change or move the needle for you for cash flow. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:50:08 Alright, so hopefully I don't mean any disrespect. I mean it all with love and don't compare yourself to others in this program please. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:50:20 You are all on different journeys and different stages of business perhaps. Everyone will be able to give suggestions like I said, but just try to do it in the chat. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:50:28 We don't want a bunch of comments and add-ons. In here, because there's, I gotta work with each of you and listening to me work on somebody else is going to be, very helpful for those of you too because we might look at a web page or someone social and point out a couple of things that they need to fix. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:50:48 And then you look at yours at the same time, you should always do that. So if I'm working on someone's Facebook profile and I'm looking at their thing, you should be looking at your Facebook profile and see what you can change. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:50:58 And be logged in to these places, be logged into your computer, be logged into your CRM. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:51:04 If you know how to make changes, make it now. Why would you wait till later and make a list of things you have to do. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:51:09 Just do it while we're talking. Okay? Like, if you can. If you're not able to do that, then that's okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:51:15 Some of you need to learn and think and then go and do later. And I just want to respect that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:51:19 I'm just saying you're able to do that while you're here. Now, My expectations of you. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:51:29 Treat this program as you paid thousands of dollars for it not hundreds because I promise that's what this is gonna be worth to you okay I highly recommend you take notes in your computer think efficient. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:51:41 I would also recommend that your if you're capable of making changes like I said to your automation and stuff, do it while we're on the call. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:51:49 If you're not techie. Again, write down what we talked about and when and you can give this video or give a link to your video to your techie person and then they can watch it back. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:52:00 Because if they don't, if you don't understand what I'm saying, they will understand what I'm saying and what to do, right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:52:06 So and so there's no mistakes you might just give them the video all right or show them the video. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:52:13 You want to be organized as much as possible. We don't want you to have to find stuff. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:52:20 So find it now if you want me to look at something. Let's see. Do be careful. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:52:27 Things. Too long, right? The fascinating could be, you know, just Be careful. We money follows speed you guys. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:52:36 So the faster you can make some changes, the faster you'll see more income, right? And I truly believe that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:52:42 So. Just trust that if I'm gonna give you a specific advice. You, I would run with it. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:52:49 You can always change things too, by the way. Let's see. Let's see, I do expect you to listen to the replays if something doesn't make sense. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:52:58 Please don't come back the next week and say, what did you say about the, again? I will expect you go and watch the replay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:53:05 So those questions are minimized. Okay. If you need me to explain it more deeply, that's different. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:53:12 But if you need to be reminded of something that I'm saying today, or in any of the cause, please make a note to go listen on your own so you're not wasting other people's time. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:53:20 That would be great. Let's see. And I would say let go of the I know that thinking or it won't work for me thinking because you just don't know what you don't know and I might see something that you've never seen because you're too close to it. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:53:35 Okay. So just remember you don't know what you don't know. And I'm here to help you up level in your business, which will also catapult into your life, right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:53:46 Hopefully gonna help you get more clarity, focus, and less overwhelm and more productive. And I'm not just passionate about. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:53:57 Your business, but you creating your happiest life ever. I have a lot of clients who are single and we want to get them dating, for example. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:54:05 So we're not going to talk about that during this program. But you need to be able to take advantage of the things in the areas that you want more self care, more travel, more whatever. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:54:14 Okay, so that's part of your goals and you should put them there, not just money goals and business goals. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:54:19 And then what I promise to you over our time together is that I will make sure you understand what it is you need to do to try to transform your business. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:54:31 Okay, I will go into depth in the Facebook. I'll do a video for you if need be to make you understand something. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:54:38 If you don't. Okay, so just write down, I don't understand something. I will help you understand and do screen shares to show you. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:54:44 I will show you the how of as much as I can during our time together. You won't have to wonder how to accomplish something. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:54:52 Okay. I'm going to show you. I'm going to tell you the how. I will help you make decisions quicker on what you need some people wait and him and ha too long or do too much research and we need to make. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:55:03 Them faster. Okay, Sasha, if you could put your question in the chat, that'd be great. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:55:08 I will be accessible in the Facebook group the whole time. I will learn about your business and lifestyle goals so that I could advise you correctly based on many factors because sometimes it's your personality or tech savvy. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:55:20 If you participate fully, I will not let you fall because you can't flake out or no show because then I can't help you. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:55:28 If you flake out or no show because then I can't help you. If you flake out or no show and don't watch recordings and don't do anything, I can't help you. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:55:33 If you show up and you play Yeah, and you ask questions and you participate, I can help you and I will help you as much as humanly possible, okay, of our time together. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:55:42 This is not going to be some random group program where you're left on your own to figure it out. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:55:46 This is not that. Okay. I don't work like that. And if I'm not sure about something or needs to advise you on, I will go figure it out or learn more or have a sidebar with you. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:56:03 Okay, so I promise I will put some effort into it. If I'm not sure. Which is rare, but it may happen. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:56:10 And some of you may not be able to get as much done as others because maybe you don't do your own tech or you don't have an assistant and you have to learn more to do stuff. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:56:18 But Well, don't compare, okay, because some people are gonna move quicker because they can do everything themselves to do or they can pass it off to an assistant they already have. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:56:29 Okay, so please don't compare. You're on your own journey and it's all good and you will get as much as you can get done in this time together and You can always do more, okay? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:56:39 Like, I mean, we're never done in our business, you guys. We're never done. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:56:43 There's always more to do. And, I'm just gonna wanna be here to help you hone in and focus on the right things I think. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:56:50 That are really important for you to move the needle and make more money. All right. So Facebook account suspended. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:56:58 I did not know why it shows that my account is hacked. Okay. Alright. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:57:03 Right now the only thing in the Facebook group is the stuff that I've already emailed you so you shouldn't have to worry about that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:57:11 Given that I do not have access. For, everything will be on the Facebook pay or the thank you page for sure. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:57:21 Okay, only Q&A and stuff will be in the Facebook that's not gonna be on the page. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:57:24 Just say you know Sasha, okay. And anybody else who's having a problem with Facebook. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:57:28 Alright, any other questions on that? I try to be quick, cause I want to get to the stuff. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:57:36 Anything, anything else? You guys are good? Okay. Alright, cool. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:57:41 All right, in the chat, I would love to [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:57:50 I would love for you while I'm going through this if you if you're able if you can't do it at the same time because you're really listening and maybe you're new and you don't know all this stuff. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:58:02 I would love it if you could put, the stuff that I just put in the chat. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:58:07 So your name, your business name. Your goals so like if you wanna make a hundred 1,000 this year or 300,000 what other lifestyle goals you might have could be work 3 days a week it could be only work you know Monday through Thursday it could be whatever like how do you want your lifestyle to be? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:58:32 Cause we wanna design the business around the kind of life you want to live, not fit your. Life in around your business. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:58:34 You may not know your need number or your want number yet if you didn't do my need number worksheet. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:58:41 You definitely want to do that. And I put the link in earlier, let me find it again. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:58:47 But you it might take a little while to go do research on all the money that you're putting in there. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:58:54 Or for the need number worksheet, I just put the link back in the chat. And then a funnel. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:58:59 I'll go over the funnel a little bit, but if you I need to know what you're selling, like I need to know if you have 3 books at $20 each a low-end membership for $99 a month. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:59:09 And a 6 week program for a thousand. Do you see what I'm saying? Like that kind of stuff. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:59:15 I need to know what it is. What you're selling, how long it is. I don't need to know specifics, but yet, okay, so When you start typing it onto a Word doc before you put it in the chat and then put it in organized. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:59:28 But you may not know all of that by the end, just as much as you can would be great. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:59:32 Any questions on that? I might be going fast. Is there anybody I'm going really best? And they're confused because they don't know too much stuff. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:59:43 I think some of you have been in, You. [Anne Kenney] 10:59:46 Can you just repeat the list of what we want you want us to the the needs? No, I know that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 10:59:52 It's in the chat. [Anne Kenney] 10:59:54 I'm the Did needs worksheet the sales funnel [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:00:03 Yeah, it's in the chat. Need number, want number, funnel, lifestyle goals, business name. [Anne Kenney] 11:00:03 Yes, sir [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:00:09 Just the overview. Yeah. Again, it doesn't have to be right the second, something you can be working on. [Anne Kenney] 11:00:09 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:00:18 Okay. Alright. So now I'm gonna jump into PowerPoint and I'm gonna go through it pretty quickly because it's kind of the overview on all the things. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:00:29 And hopefully, and then at the end, I'm gonna have you figure out, okay, where do I really need to focus? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:00:35 I really want you to be thinking and listening to all this stuff. And determining yourself if there, if you know there's holes here, not here. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:00:44 Pulls here, not here, right? So we're gonna go through a bunch of different things. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:00:48 And I'd like you to really pay attention to which things. That you need to work on and then we're gonna put them in order of importance. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:00:55 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:01:00 Anybody already lost? Just wanna make sure we're not already lost. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:01:06 And you can see my slides? Bad. Yes. Anybody? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:01:12 Not. Can you see my slides? Okay, thank you. All right. [Jodie Huston] 11:01:13 Yeah. Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:01:17 Okay, this is call number one and we're talking about your UI, your order of importance. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:01:21 That's the biggest thing. So hopefully you're not too overwhelmed right now are working too hard but all of you probably want to make more money. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:01:31 I'm still working on growing my revenue as well just so you know and creating better systems always be working on creating better systems and efficiency. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:01:39 And navigating the world of online marketing and our websites. You should always be working on those things to continue fine-tuning them and making them better. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:01:48 So we're going to talk about a lot of this today. Today the goal is though to had it some of you are highly motivated, but some of you might need to tap into a little bit more of your motivation in order to really go after bigger, better, better dreams. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:02:06 And because I don't want you to settle for mediocre, I want you to go big or go home. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:02:12 I want you to think about the big dreams. Okay, big dreams of what you want, how much money you want, and you gotta think about, after you do the need number, you'll understand, but when if you're 90 and you need a retirement home it could be $10,000 a month. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:02:27 I'm just saying so we need to make a hell of a lot of money now so we have to get motivated now to make money now so that we are set up for when we are in our eighties, nineties or even a hundred. My goodness, right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:02:39 You never know what you're going to need later. So please don't settle for this is enough right now. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:02:45 Alright. We need to figure out your unique order of importance. All of you will have a different order of importance on what you need to focus on, develop, create, or how to market in order to reach a big money and lifestyle goals. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:02:55 And most people don't see the order of importance that I see. So let's be open-minded to what that could be. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:03:03 Okay. These are some areas that a lot of entrepreneurs need to either hung their skills on or focus on a little bit more. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:03:13 Copyrighting is huge. Right? How to write sales and marketing copywriting for your web pages, even social media, all kinds of stuff. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:03:21 And then creating funnels and effective web pages. I'm constantly fixing some web pages on my site and I think I'm pretty good at how to create good ones, okay? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:03:33 And so we, wanna just be there nothing is ever done. I can't stop saying that enough. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:03:40 Foundational automation, email marketing, what technology, I might have to switch technologies again just because I'm really frustrated with the one I'm in right now, which is a pain in the ass to switch. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:03:52 And oh yeah, I might cuss a couple times. Sorry about that if you don't know me very well. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:03:58 Tips, I'm having a virtual assistant if you don't have one, I have lots of resources and referrals. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:04:03 Okay, so don't go off willy-nilly just trying to figure out who to hire. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:04:05 Let's talk about it. Let's get you somebody before we're done here. Okay, so we get them working on some of this stuff. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:04:12 Social marketing strategies, online marketing and video marketing. These are things that people tell me all the time they want to work on all the time. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:04:20 Maybe not all of you. Okay. And then getting started with speaking if you're not already systems, a new website getting visible and charging what you're worth, please. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:04:29 That's what some of the things we're going to talk about. Okay. This is just kind of an overview. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:04:34 You could take a snapshot. I mean, you'll get the slides, but this is something that you might want to look at, often, like, because this helps determine your order of importance. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:04:43 I think. You wanna make sure that you're looking at all these areas and we're kind of talking about all of them a little bit here today. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:04:52 Okay. So it, this is gonna be a speed business training because again, sometimes some of you I know are super super skilled at this stuff already, some of it. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:05:05 Sorry, I'm pulling at my clock, so ISI can't see my clock here. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:05:10 Okay. I'm not gonna go to and so what motivates you? You've gotta be motivated to make more money whatever your money goal is I bet it's too low. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:05:19 Okay, add $2,000 a month, add $5,000 a month to your money goal because in the long run You need to make a lot more to do all the things you want to do. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:05:31 I'm sure most of you want to travel. I'm sure most of you have some kind of charity you want to give back to or donate time to. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:05:38 I'm sure most of you have some family members you want to hang out with and things you want to buy or repair on your house, etc, right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:05:44 So we got to get excited about making more money. That's why I gave you a need number worksheet. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:05:48 You can fill that out between now and next week. These are the 6 stage of the business development that I talk about. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:05:56 So one is the lifestyle business design figuring out what you really want long-term big picture and then we in stages and phases we help you create and implement the things to get that lifestyle. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:06:07 It may not happen overnight. It may not even happen in the next 3 years if you're not even halfway there yet. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:06:12 So just you have to be patient. This is not a quick money make him get rich quick thing. This is building a business which takes time. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:06:22 Okay. Sales strategy. You gotta get clear on what you're selling, which is why I want your funnel, why I want to know what you're selling, the pricing and the transformation. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:06:31 If you aren't clear on the pricing, then you don't you won't spit it out and ask somebody to buy if you aren't clear on the transformation then you won't convince them to buy either. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:06:42 So sales is focusing on the transformation. Primarily not the logistics kind of thing. Marketing systems creating and implementing the most current proven and reliable strategies and they change often okay building a following focusing on your list building an email list building your CRM with all contact information perhaps a group a community. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:07:05 And people that love to buy your stuff and or refer you, right? And then outsourcing for freedom, learn how to get more done by doing less, we've got to get you doing less so you're staying in the sales of marketing and other people are doing some of the behind the scenes stuff. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:07:22 And then I can't see this last one because this little thing is in the way. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:07:28 The boxes in the way. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:07:33 Shoot. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:07:39 I can't move the transcribe there. Alright, your growth strategy. What's next after the consistent money making business? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:07:48 We've got to grow and scale even bigger. Sometimes we have to, we're gonna exit, we're gonna sell the business. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:07:54 Sometimes we're gonna train the trainer. Sometimes we're gonna train people to run the business. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:07:57 We're gonna elevate ourselves to the CEO. There might be some things you decide to do later, but you may not even know what that looks like yet. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:08:04 Right now we have to get you to where ever you think you need to get now. Okay. I'm not gonna go into too much of this characteristic of successful entrepreneurs. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:08:14 I can tell you they rely and trust others to help them support them. They always keep side of the big picture. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:08:20 They're constantly learning. They always think how to leverage an automate. They take calculated risks and I'm reading the third column because these are the most important. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:08:28 They kick fear and doubt to the curb when it arises. They take ample time to work on their business every day, week, month, but they do not attend events that won't be productive. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:08:38 Seriously, right? You don't have to be an introvert or an extrovert. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:08:42 You don't want to do the things in column number one as much as possible, right? Procrastinate, get squirrel to overthink things, waste time, avoid your numbers, ignore advice for mentors. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:08:54 I did that for years. It did not serve me. Trust me, don't do that. So you can. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:08:59 Read more that that in the replay. So why I motivated and what I'm motivated to do is I'm motivated to be with family more. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:09:07 I'm motivated to be with you guys and do trainings and masterminds and events. And I motivated for vacation. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:09:12 Just family vacation, girlfriends, and inspiring others in their business. That's if that is my life. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:09:19 That's all I really care about doing. I don't have huge bucket lists. This is my focus. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:09:24 So this is what motivates me. To make more money so I gotta have more free time to do all of this. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:09:29 Or travel all over the country on my own dime because I'm making more money and I can go inspire people in different cities. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:09:35 That is why I'm motivated. So you have to get motivated, right? Some of you who don't know me the slides I've been on a lot of different TV shows. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:09:43 I've been on a lot of podcasts and I've been on a lot of stages and I've been doing my own events since 28. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:09:48 And I've been doing this for 22 years. So, and I like to make it fun and easy and I love to show you the how. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:09:56 Okay, I love to make you want more and I love to show you how to do the things you need to do. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:10:00 I have a book publishing company now and I have the business coaching. I have retreats. And that's about it. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:10:07 That's really why I want to do everything that help you in your business. I can do it. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:10:12 In these types of group calls, I can do it in in person masterminds, in person VIP days, one on one coaching. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:10:20 And I can also do book stuff. So I do it on myself and I speak so I can teach speaking. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:10:25 It's I'm very broad. A lot of business coaches are not as broad as I am. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:10:29 And that's what makes me different, okay? Yes, I've been where a lot of you had. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:10:34 I've been on a job that I hated. I had an unsportive marriage. My first one, I let him go. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:10:40 I wasted time with some of the wrong people as well. I've worked way too hard and way too many hours. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:10:45 In my entrepreneurial journey and I burnt out along the way, I've not had balance. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:10:51 I have more balance now. And I've even ignored my coaches and said, I'm smart. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:10:56 I can figure it out on my own. Thank you very much for that $25,000 program but I'm not going to do what you say to do. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:11:02 And it didn't serve me. So I'm just saying like please try to take my advice because I think you will get farther faster. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:11:12 Alright. Okay, and I've had roadblocks in doing it too. I've had 2 total hip replacement surgeries. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:11:17 My dad died. I got a divorce. My mom went into a retirement home. I had to move her. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:11:25 My sister got cancer. My husband got cancer before we got married. A lot of stuff has happened to me too you guys so I don't take excuses as much as how are you gonna get through the thing? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:11:37 How are you gonna get through what you're going through? Right? If you sit in it for a long period of time, it's okay to experience grief or a trauma or whatever. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:11:47 But if you're really motivated and passionate about building a successful business for your life. For the future of your family then you gotta figure out a way to go through go through the thing okay so I'm gonna help you go through the thing and the more you can automate delegate and systematize The less time you have to spend when things go bad, okay? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:12:08 Cause inevitably something happens to someone somewhere somehow. And you know, you just can't avoid it sometimes. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:12:13 I created this 3 year live big entrepreneur evolution plan a long time ago probably back in 2,009 for my first event I think. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:12:22 And it takes about 3 years for someone when they first start hiring a coach to look at their business. It takes about 3 years to get through all the things we need to do. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:12:33 Now, it can be shorter. You can make money short in a short amount of time for sure. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:12:36 But to get it to a smooth running straightaway, I call it on that third year, a smooth running money making business where you're working a lot last maybe 3 days a week and you have a team and everything's working smoothly, it might take a while. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:12:50 If you don't have a lot set up. Okay, so don't think it's gonna happen in 6 months. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:12:54 It's definitely not gonna happen in 4 and a half months of this program. You're gonna need more. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:13:00 So just own it, face it, make more money, and invest more time. Okay. So I'm just telling you like it is. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:13:05 If you are closer to the first couple of years of your business, I say year one, but some of you may already be in 5 years and still not have some of this set up. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:13:15 Basic business setup, big picture vision, and clarity of offerings. Sometimes we're changing our offerings within the first few years anyways because something didn't feel right. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:13:25 Now we're interested in this. And it's okay to change your offerings, by the way. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:13:28 So don't, don't hang on to something that's not serving you anymore. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:13:32 Jumpstart, you're marketing. Always be marketing. Network like crazy. Some of you may not want to network in person or online, but it is faster and so is speaking. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:13:43 Okay, so I'm just gonna say those are the 2 most fastest, most fastest, that's not the word, but. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:13:49 And then self-care love mindset shifts are gonna all happen right in your one for sure year 2 typically it's you focus more on website and technology delegating for efficiency, doubling your marketing for big money, restructuring your business models and pricing and changing things. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:14:05 Up a little bit, maybe have more confidence, you're charging more. You're gonna simplify system, ties and speak more hopefully. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:14:15 So be writing down the things that are missing, remember. So in your notes, be writing down the things that you need to be focusing on more of all of these because most everybody is going to need to focus on all of these things for sure. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:14:26 Alright, year 3 or later is focus on positioning yourself. As a more of an expert, right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:14:35 You have to up level your positioning, your platform, your influence, expanding your team, automating more of the marketing. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:14:43 Restructuring business models and pricing again, consistent revenue generation that really is really so year 3 could be year 15 for some of you. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:14:53 I'm just saying if you're not here yet, then we need to work on these things. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:14:57 Alright. What to simplify so I'm all about like we gotta stop making it so hard for us to do business and for people to find us or buy from us. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:15:06 We have to make it easy for us and for them. So we gotta really get clear on what you're selling. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:15:13 Don't have 4 different offers of one thing. Like don't have 4 different, you have one on one coaching. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:15:19 Don't have, I have this package, this package, this package of this package. Yeah, that's too. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:15:23 No, you don't need that probably. Okay, so clarity, simplifying what you're selling, how you're marketing. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:15:29 There's a list of 34 things that we can do in our marketing and I have it and I'll give it to you. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:15:36 And I'm gonna write that down just so I don't forget. I'll put that in the thank you page. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:15:43 It's a marketing checklist. But I'm not gonna want you doing. Each of you are gonna be doing different things probably. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:15:50 You might only do 3 to 5 things. I've actually, I'm doing less marketing in less things. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:15:57 And more in specific areas. Okay. And then, lead gen and follow up systems. Oh, so, and so critical. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:16:08 Your lead gen and follow up systems are probably the single most important thing that you need to do. For most of you. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:16:14 Technology website team, we want to. Simplify more and your calendar scheduling getting organized with that This is stuff to work on. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:16:24 So just be writing the topics down of the things that you know you need to work on and then we'll put them in order of importance. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:16:30 Okay. So. Let me go back. Let me go back to your one. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:16:37 So. Here's your one again. And again, if you're in your 10, you still might not be, you still may not have business basic setups. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:16:45 If you have a bunch of landing pages and no website, then you need business basic. Basic business setup. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:16:51 Okay. If you network but don't get clients from networking, you need to fight networking down or monetize networking. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:17:00 Okay? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:17:02 If you don't have a big picture vision on why you want to make a lot of money, then you need to put vision. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:17:09 Alright, if you don't take any time for yourself, you need to put self care. If you don't have an assistant yet or a techie person or a VA, put. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:17:19 Team put put the word team down. If you don't have a website, you know, you put website. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:17:25 If you don't have a place to send email marketing through a And actually a software that sends email marketing, then you need to put like CRM just put something short. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:17:37 And Okay, your 3 positioning. If. If you did your own website, please put positioning. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:17:47 Please put positioning down. If you don't really, if you know you need to work on your website positioning and website. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:17:54 Alright, if you need more cash flow, put cash flow or consistent revenue, something like that. Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:18:02 You get it? Alright. So what do you sell? Right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:18:06 Here's a bunch of business models. There's the free staff or low risk stuff which is like books or free consult, a free, and freebie that people are gonna sign in to get on your list. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:18:19 There's the low end membership like, $17 to $97, there's that kind of stuff. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:18:25 Okay, so you do want a few things under a hundred dollars that are easy for people to try out. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:18:31 You want something around this price, right? This was a 397 training. Actually, originally it was $1,500. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:18:37 So it was kind of more of a medium. Program. But I made it more of an easy yes, program at 3 97, right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:18:48 So it's more of an easy yes, easy yes is like only a couple 100 bucks perhaps. Could be a do it yourself course from 2 to $400. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:18:56 Some of you if you're not a an online marketer will We'll talk about your offerings. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:19:02 When we get to it. But, cause not everybody works like this. I get that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:19:06 You might have a workshop. You might have a training. You might have a mentor program. You might have something. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:19:12 Kind of what you want to get everybody into so they experience you a little bit like this you're gonna experience me a little bit and all the things and knowledge that I have right in order to hopefully maybe want more right so this is a get to know me experience me with a lot of great information in a lower end program. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:19:31 You might have, a live event, like I said, okay, so high risk is one-on-one. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:19:38 It should be your highest thing that you offer. One of the highest things you offer is one-on-one access. Why? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:19:43 Because it's your time. Okay, and there's nothing wrong with doing one on one. I would say most Most of my clients right now, besides you guys, are one on one. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:19:52 You'd think in 22 years in business I would have like a big group program or something and I did I have had a mastermind program a high end mastermind since 2,009. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:20:01 But I restructured my own offerings last year. And that is now gone. And I'm deciding when to launch the next one. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:20:14 Okay. Don't let anybody tell you that you shouldn't do one on one. You should only have leverage programs because that's bullshit. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:20:22 Okay, you can do whatever the hell you want. Hi, and fulfillment retreat event, mastermind group programs, certification. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:20:30 Some of you will do a certification. I've even had someone want to create a franchise of what it is they're building. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:20:35 Okay, so VIP day. So I just want you to think about other things. These are gonna go in your funnel. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:20:41 You wanna think about like I'm just throwing an average of 10,000 month. Then you don't wanna sell something for the $250, you're gonna have to sell 40 of them to make 10,000 a month. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:20:53 That's a lot of work. It's much easier to sell one person at 10,000 than it is 40 people at $250. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:21:02 I'm just telling you I got 18 of you in this thing. Right for 300 or 2 or 2 to $400. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:21:06 It's crazy. How many you have to sell and how much marketing you have to do or networking or sales calls or whatever. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:21:13 Just the South, $4,250 thing. So please, we've got to get you confident enough to charge a higher rate for some of your stuff. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:21:21 Okay. Okay. Did I do that? Oh, I'm going too fast. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:21:27 Alright, so this is just an example of things you could put into a high end program. You can do one on one calls added VIP day. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:21:35 You could give people exposure opportunities like doing videos or having them on a podcast. You could do a group retreat or a trip. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:21:42 You could do QA calls, you could give them stuff in the mail like swag or books or gifts or templates or a workbook. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:21:50 You could have text access to you and other materials. You could pre give them a whole bunch of other pre recorded materials that you've already done or other courses, you can have an online community or a forum. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:22:04 There's a lot of things you can do in a higher end program. We just have to figure out what that looks like if you don't have one. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:22:08 Okay, some of you I know do. Alright, so this is kind of what the funnel would look like if you could just you could just draw it on a piece of paper and take a picture of it if you would. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:22:18 You don't have to write the second, but this is kind of what I need to see. I need to see what are your free things to get people in. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:22:25 What are your low level stuff, you know, under 100 or few $100 and then what are your things in like the 1,000 to $4,000 range? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:22:35 And then what are the things for 5,000 or more? Or high end. If you could do that for me, that would make my life giving you advice so much. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:22:45 More easier. Okay, so just get it to me when you can get it to me. It doesn't have to be today or right now. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:22:51 Okay. We're gonna talk a lot about marketing strategies if you wanted to say you can look at back at this but if you wanted to take a snapshot we are not going to go over these all today this again this is just an overview. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:23:03 Of the things. So this is all the things that I work with people on over the course sometimes of 7 to 10 years. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:23:10 So a lot of my clients are with me from anywhere from 2 to 7 years on average, cause there's so much to do and set up. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:23:17 Alright, so these is these are the 6 areas to review and advise on your website. So we want to look at your website and we're going to get deep into this on a different call. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:23:27 You're branding and look and feel. And I don't want you spending a lot of money on branding actually so that you can if you want to if you have the money, but it's not necessary anymore and I'll show you how to do it for a low budget. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:23:40 Okay, creative content, we have to get people interested in your stuff. Cannot just be pretty and plain and boring. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:23:48 Cause people won't, won't sit and look at it. Layout and functionality has to be there. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:23:54 Marketing copy and offers. And engagement and personal touch. And I mean, I don't care who's website I look like. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:24:06 I look at my own website right now and I'm still could upgrade a lot of these things. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:24:07 Okay, so don't feel bad if I pick some of your stuff of your website. And because don't you want to learn what you could do better and how to fix it then you know made a whole back I don't think you want me to hold back I don't think you want me to fall back I don't think you want me to hold back I don't think you want me to fall back I know those of you who [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:24:22 signed up for this program don't want me to hold back on what to do. Oh and conversion and call to action is the last one. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:24:26 Okay, 16 website must have you take a screenshot of this one. We're not going to go onto each one of these, but when we look at all your websites, this is the stuff that I'm looking for. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:24:38 And so what you can do between now and next call or the call that we talked about the website. If you know the website is something that you need to work on a little bit more, then please, please, please. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:24:49 Go through this checkbook checklist and circle the things you think I might want to look deeper into or that you might want help on or that you think need help and maybe even fix them before we talk again. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:25:01 Right? Go fix them. Just. And listen, it doesn't have to be perfect. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:25:06 Just keep improving it. If you go fix something and then we have to fix it again, it's okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:25:11 Just go add some stuff. Add a video. Don't get approval of the sales page copy before you put it on the page just put it on the page. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:25:19 How many people are realistically going to your website right now? Anyways, is it thousands and thousands? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:25:25 Probably not. I'm guessing for most of you, maybe some of you, I don't know, but it's not like a whole bunch of eyeballs are gonna see it, you know, with unless you promote your page. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:25:36 So just go change it and change it up or tell your assistant if you know, if you know what to do, right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:25:44 If you don't, the wait for me and I'll tell you what to do. Alright, 6 areas that we want you to automate first, if you don't already have these things in place. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:25:51 We're going to talk about follow up marketing from live or virtual events. So important. If you spend the time to go to a live event. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:25:58 Or even go to a virtual networking event where you're sharing who you are, what you do, you're trying to find people in the chat to work with, etc. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:26:07 Then You need to have the systems to follow up. Efficiently and quickly. Like I've sent an email out yesterday from the event I was at on Friday with all the people that entered my drawing already. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:26:22 Okay, now I'm still gonna get them in and send them additional things, but I sent them an email already and some of them I already friended on Facebook and sent a private message on Facebook to as well. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:26:31 Okay, so we have to have these things in place for you to move faster to get more clients and faster while they're hot, especially from an event. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:26:39 Hotter, a hotter prospect. Social media marketing. Let's face it, it's not working as well as it used to. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:26:48 It's I wish, you know, in 2,008 when, when I went on Facebook in the very first time and you put a post out every single person you were connected to saw that post that is like oh that would be a dream to go back to right how many of you wish I just wish they would like charge me I don't care charge me on $100 a month Try me a hundred dollars a month, but [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:27:09 show my damn friends, my posts is all I have to say. Okay, I don't care. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:27:13 I would rather pay for it then. Then have to deal with all their stuff. Funnels for, we have to have more systems and, automated responses and links and click here to do that and that kind of thing. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:27:28 Okay. Affiliate and partner, marketing. Nowadays it's even more important to get other people to promote you to their people. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:27:36 It's faster than you doing it one on one to people, right? So we might need to set systems for that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:27:42 If you are still billing or invoicing in some way or another where you have to fill that out, then we need to fix that quickly. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:27:50 And customer onboarding. We want to make sure people, feel valued. I'm always working on this. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:27:57 I still need to work on this, you guys, okay? Because there's just not enough time in the day to do all the things I want to do either. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:28:03 So. As you talk about it, I'm gonna work on my own stuff this week, cause I'm telling you guys what to do. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:28:09 Alright, automate your business for more profit. These are things that you can automate your follow up, lead gen, email, social. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:28:17 Your free call freebie opt in process. Using thank you pages, please and video video is gonna be huge put video on some different pages. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:28:26 I'm gonna we're gonna talk a lot about video and why you want video on different pages on your website because that makes it easier for people to buy or get your energy, etc. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:28:36 Hi, hiring a team, client intake and communication. All of this is important to automate. Right, again, be writing the things down that you're hearing, but you know you're not doing or you're hearing and And if If I hear what you do and say, oh, well, you don't need to worry about that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:28:53 Then you can cross it off your list. Okay, but better have it on your list than not on your list. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:28:59 As far as what to delegate. These are some things that typically I obviously You could delegate more often than not a lot of the follow-up task, bookkeeping, graphic and web design, some of the social posting research. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:29:12 Perhaps blogging, copyrighting, repurposing your content, organizing, filing, errands, housekeeping, charge, all that kind of stuff. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:29:21 And the worrying, please stop worrying. Most entrepreneurs, some of them, not all the ones I work with, but some do get uncomfortable stretching themselves to higher rates or learning a new technology and you get frozen and you give up and I don't want you to do that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:29:38 That's why I'm here. I'm gonna show you how to get through some of that stuff. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:29:42 So if you have any resistance to anything that we're talking about, please write it down. I'm resistant to X. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:29:47 So we can help you through it. Because it is not gonna serve you. Just say resistant or to avoid something. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:29:56 Here's the 8 things again if you guys need to take a quick snapshot [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:30:02 Just know that this is an old side and my website is not jumpstart your marketing.com. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:30:07 Although it used to be and it'll still go there but if you type in that whole thing that won't get you there. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:30:13 It's dumbstart your business.com forward slash free trainings so Okay, so now we want to talk about your UI. What's your UI? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:30:23 Share what your businesses. Some of you or IC have put that in the. In the chat, I know I went super fast you guys. It's all recorded. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:30:33 You're gonna be able to rewatch this whenever you want. This is kind of the overview, right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:30:37 All the little things you have look at and do in your business. And now we're gonna stick them in order of importance. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:30:43 We still might have to do more of this on the next call as well for some of you, or if you can do it. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:30:50 We'll put it in the Facebook group. You'll say, I think my order of importance is this. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:30:55 These are the things that are missing. What I'll need to evaluate if that's true is your website, all the links to your social might be good to get those from you as well. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:31:06 And and then what you're selling and what your goals are. So. When I work one on one with someone, those are always the things we look at first. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:31:14 I look at what kind of lifestyle you want to live. What your real true money goal is. What you're good at what you're not good at Those kinds of things. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:31:25 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:31:27 And then so the call today's assignment. Is to review this if you need to. Take some notes. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:31:35 You can pause the recordings, right? So you can stop and take notes. You can outline your funnel of offerings in that, like a diamond shape. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:31:45 Funnel for me. Again, it can be handwritten and just make sure I can read it. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:31:49 Take a snapshot with your phone and upload it into the Facebook group and say, here's my funnel, okay? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:31:55 That would be fantastic. The better, the more you do this kind of stuff for me, the more I can help you faster in this program. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:32:02 Hmm. Plot some time on your calendar to look at everything you have and what's missing out of all of that we talked about today. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:32:09 Post your funnel and that's in the Facebook group and tag me to review. Okay, and so then I want to come back. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:32:18 We have a good half an hour. And I wanna talk, I know that was fast. More water required. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:32:26 Is there anybody that's like completely lost? This was business 1 0 1 basically, but you're brand new you're completely lost and cause that might require a separate conversation. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:32:40 Good. Nobody. Okay, good. That's good. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:32:44 I'm glad there's okay so is there and Let's talk some questions. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:32:53 Yes, Sasha, you can email me your assignment since the Facebook group, since you can't get in there. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:33:01 The Facebook group isn't down, is it? No, you just can't get it. [Sasha Sabbeth-Intuition Success Strategist,Healer,Soul Guide] 11:33:03 I've my account is down. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:33:05 I gotcha, yeah. Okay. And let me go in there right now just to see if anybody is waiting to be added. [Sasha Sabbeth-Intuition Success Strategist,Healer,Soul Guide] 11:33:07 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:33:12 There might be some of you. Okay, good. I'm getting you in right now. Okay, those of you who just requested or just came award. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:33:22 And now you're in. Alright, so let's who's like What more overwhelmed than when they got here. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:33:31 Anybody? It's okay. Okay, couple. All right. [Jodie Huston] 11:33:35 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:33:36 That's okay. Alright. But do you see, do you see my how my brain works? I look at all the things. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:33:43 And some things, it's okay, some things are probably working. All of you have some amount of clients, right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:33:51 Is there anybody that doesn't have any clients whatsoever? Okay, Christy, I know when and Sharon, okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:33:57 Alright, and I know your situation, Christy. Sharon, I don't know, so I need to know more, but For those of you who have some clients already, something's working, right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:34:10 To get the clients. Where do you see first thing to look at is the client generating process. So if you're not, if you don't have enough clients. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:34:21 We have to look at the volume where you bring them in. If you're not making enough money from the current clients you have, we might want to look at your offerings and the pricing. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:34:31 And stuff like that, right? Because there's a lot of times we have clients that are underpaying maybe because you didn't think that you were working and you charge less or something like that or you or you're not quite confident about charging more. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:34:47 Yet, which we wanna get you to very quickly. Okay, so. I'm gonna look at the chat here, but any particular questions? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:34:59 Oh, okay, I see. I'm looking at the chat. Are the want numbers. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:35:06 I just lost it. Or the want need numbers before after expenses. So I put them as before. So your total revenue now I mix my personal and my business together. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:35:20 Because I up until a couple of months ago I was like the primary breadwinner in the house. Now my husband has a job making a lot more money than he was. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:35:30 So whoo, little bit of stress taking off me. But. I like to assume. We want to bring, X dollars into the household, not just to cover the remainder of the bills. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:35:42 And you gotta think about the savings, you gotta think of having a slush fund, right? We need to probably have a good $30,000 in a fund that we can access just in case. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:35:53 Let's just $30,000 is a logical thing to have. So first we have to build that up, then we have to get even more in because then we need to invest. [Sasha Sabbeth-Intuition Success Strategist,Healer,Soul Guide] 11:35:56 Hmm. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:36:02 In something, right? Because you need your money to be making your money. Right? So you need, I'm at that level where I need my money to be making money. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:36:10 And so I need to be finding other things. Some of you were just trying to make a buck and make pay the rent. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:36:14 I get it. So we need to inch up your need number, inch up your pricing, get you clear on what you're offering. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:36:21 But that makes sense, but I put all my expenses. So when I'm figuring out what I need to make every month, I do it as if Jason doesn't bring in any money actually to the household because his is really as well. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:36:37 So mine is more consistent than his at this point. It's great, but what if it's not great for a month, right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:36:44 So mine's more I can make. So just think of it that way. I would. Because what if something happens too you want to be prepared in case you become a single single income household, right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:36:59 And it's all stuck on you. So I would. Create your need number based on that. As soon as you can. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:37:08 May not be the first need number. You might just keep changing your need number. Questions? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:37:12 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:37:20 I'm looking at your stuff, but feel free to unmute and ask a question if you have a specific question about something that I shared today. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:37:31 I see all your stuff in the chat. That's good. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:37:36 Yeah. It's good to put it in the chat and then we'll save the chat too and I'll put that on the thank you page, because you can also be encouraging people along, right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:37:44 We want you all to, you're going to be with each other for 4 and a half months. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:37:49 We want you to get to know each other, but also encourage people along. But my goal here is to give each one of you the advice you need to take your business to the next level. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:38:00 It is not to facilitate a mastermind with this group. Okay, I have other things for that. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:38:05 Yeah, Marlene. [Marline Duroseau] 11:38:05 Okay, so, one of the things I made my list, when you were going through the slides and said, write down or take notes of what what you need based on everything you were sharing your one year 2 year 3. [Marline Duroseau] 11:38:18 And one of the main things, oh, you also asked us to give to you, if not today, what's in our funnel. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:38:26 Yeah. [Marline Duroseau] 11:38:27 So part of what's on my list on your year 1 2 and 3 and on that funnel is what my free item is because That type of business that I have, I am a fertility, coach. [Marline Duroseau] 11:38:39 So. A lot of it would have to like resolve myself to know that okay I have to engage in social media so that means if I post something then I would want to drive them to the website where they can, you know, sign up on the email list, but also download something for free. [Marline Duroseau] 11:38:58 And I think that's not I think I know that's what I need help on because I don't have a free item yet. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:39:02 Okay. Hmm. [Marline Duroseau] 11:39:03 And then from there, something else that happened is when you mentioned trying to be comfortable with raising your prices. [Marline Duroseau] 11:39:10 So because I'm not really getting consistent clients, what I've been doing is people that reach out for questions or advice or just that initial thing I want us charge them because the few clients that I had last year I had 5 clients. [Marline Duroseau] 11:39:25 And I'm not embarrassed to say, embarrassed is not the right word, but I'm feeling like that's where my light bulb is ticking and where. [Marline Duroseau] 11:39:32 I did a quote unquote free consultation call that was supposed to last 30 min, right? I did that. [Marline Duroseau] 11:39:40 It ended up lasting a hour, hour and a half because you know you got to get that background on what their fertility issue is, whatever you're trying to get to know them and then because I care and I've been there I'm just giving information so I'm learning after doing a lot of these type of sessions that as much as it's uncomfortable for you to charge or maybe cut the call off, that's what I [Marline Duroseau] 11:39:59 have to do. And I'm happy to say out of my 5 clients, 4 of them are pregnant. [Marline Duroseau] 11:40:05 The other one is, you know, on her way of going into the next step, but I'm like, I have to know something because. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:40:11 Okay. [Marline Duroseau] 11:40:11 Because I haven't crafted a offer yet. I wanna try to do, okay, get them to the side, get the freebie charge at least for my consultation and then ultimately get them to this is what it will be or this is how much it will cost to work with me, you know. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:40:24 Yes. Yes, and it could be that you charge for that session and then definitely if they become a client that you can, you know, work it into the payments or whatever, you can do that. [Marline Duroseau] 11:40:35 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:40:35 But it's very common. To over share and over give in that initial sales conversation just I said it to someone the other day said this is a sales conversation she's like. [Marline Duroseau] 11:40:39 Okay. [Marline Duroseau] 11:40:42 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:40:46 A lightbulb. Lifebo, it's a sales conversation. I don't have to come to the table and do all the, figuring out the whole plan for somebody in that call. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:40:55 No, this is just to decide if you want to work together and if you have what they need and there will and they trust and, wanna come work with you, right? [Marline Duroseau] 11:41:02 Right, right. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:41:03 So it's a sales conversation. And there's a lot of things you can do to get all that information upfront. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:41:09 I don't know if you have a questionnaire. So, okay, so this is part of the system, right? [Marline Duroseau] 11:41:11 I don't. [Marline Duroseau] 11:41:15 Right. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:41:15 This is we have to use our website as the hub of our business. Our website, so for example, when someone wants to have a call with me, they go here and it has a video and it tells them what they get. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:41:28 And it has all these questions they have to fill out. Just to have a phone call with me. Okay, so it gets me all the information that you guys are giving me right here today before I have that call. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:41:39 So I get a lot of the background so I can move quickly. Through the report building into figuring out what they need. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:41:45 Does that make sense? So you have to use systems for everything and ideally they you want them to lay on your website and I understand that sometimes we have the software for, scheduling a call, right? [Marline Duroseau] 11:41:46 Yes, it does. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:42:00 So this is the call. That someone would sign up after they fill in the questionnaire. And you could perhaps I'm just kinda going through the motions here. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:42:12 You could put questions in here. Yes, but I'd much rather get them on my email list. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:42:17 This is not connected to my email list. So I can't, it'll get an auto responder because it'll come from the calendar. [Marline Duroseau] 11:42:24 Right. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:42:26 But when they sign up here, it goes into an auto responder and I can send them a few different emails and all the emails I sent to everybody. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:42:32 Here it requires. Manual labor to get them in unless you have software that connects to your your scheduler, which some people do, some people don't. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:42:41 I'm just saying. So, but having questions ahead of time will help you. In that initial sales conversation. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:42:48 And if you wanna just say name and email first to get them in and then send them to a page with more questions, cause then you can follow up with them if they don't decide to fill those out. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:42:59 That's up to you. And you also want to give them expectations of what's gonna happen on the call. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:43:07 So if you look at that page, I'll stick it in the chat. If you look at that page, you'll see how I position it. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:43:16 That makes sense? So you could charge or you could do some of these things and see if that makes a difference. [Marline Duroseau] 11:43:16 Okay. Yes. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:43:22 To cutting down the time. But you do need something else for free for sure. So if any of you were in the, and probably everybody could use a new freebie, honestly, I could, you know, so in order to create a new freebie, think about the questions people are asking you today. [Marline Duroseau] 11:43:27 Right. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:43:38 Within the last 3 months, what kind of questions have you gotten? Who are those people? What are their biggest problems that you can ascertain by having known them or seen them? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:43:49 What do you think they need that they might not know they need? What and then what kind of solution could you provide them? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:43:55 Could you do a big giant gigantic marketing checklist? Could you do like one of some of these slides I have have a lot of, what could you offer something like that? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:44:06 In like a graphic of some sort, like an infographic. Can you host a free webinar or even a QA call? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:44:14 A webinar you need to, you know, sometimes we feel like we have to provide all the slides and the presentation and we have to sell them something at the end. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:44:22 But if you just say I'm having an info call on XY, and Z and it's gonna be on this day and I'm gonna record it, come with your questions and then you can do laser coaching and you can just have conversations with people in a smaller group. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:44:35 So that you can have them come to something like that. Those are all examples of free things. [Marline Duroseau] 11:44:41 Now, I like that idea. With the Q&A or info call, is that something that I can? [Marline Duroseau] 11:44:51 So what I'm envisioning is I would create a post right on social or wherever advertising that I'm Oh, on the web page. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:44:54 No, you would create a web page. You're gonna create a web page. Again, everything needs to go in and through your website, ideally. [Marline Duroseau] 11:45:01 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:45:01 And have an opt in box like you saw mine did just name an email though maybe phone number okay and then you on social you need to these days I don't want to get too into it today but you want to create an image with the URL. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:45:18 Because if you put URLs in your post all the time, they're just not going to be seen that much. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:45:24 So you want to talk about what it is you're going to be talking about. Don't put a URL and don't say it's in the comments because that triggers as well. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:45:31 Just put an image that says the name of what you're gonna do when it is and the URL sign up here with an arrow. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:45:37 And you can create all of that in Canberra. You don't know how I can show you, but that's that's what I would do. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:45:42 So social, yes, but there's many other places you can market things like that than just social. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:45:49 Social is you're not your only marketing strategy place. You have to talk to people and tell other people and email people and private message people and so many other things, okay, then posting. [Marline Duroseau] 11:45:53 Right. [Marline Duroseau] 11:46:00 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:46:02 Yeah. Okay. Elon, you have a question and we can keep coming back to you and all that. [ilana Schwartz] 11:46:09 I do. And I'm really glad that you, showed your website and we're talking about that. [ilana Schwartz] 11:46:15 So one of the areas that I know is definitely, order of importance for me is utilizing my website more for event registrations, gathering names. [ilana Schwartz] 11:46:24 I used currently used Squarespace. And I have acuity and I have melted and I'm trying to integrate as much as possible because If it's too hard, I won't do it. [ilana Schwartz] 11:46:33 I have learned that about myself. So trying to see. And I'm not married to Mailchimp. [ilana Schwartz] 11:46:42 I'm not totally married to Acuti. If you have any suggestions or if that's coming down the road. [ilana Schwartz] 11:46:48 Because I know that Squarespace has now got an email marketing option. It does not look like it is super user friendly with integrating it. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:46:55 It's not. [ilana Schwartz] 11:46:58 Like I would love to have it all in one place and I'm not quite ready for like a Kajabi yet. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:47:01 No, and not [ilana Schwartz] 11:47:03 So any suggestions or just if I need to hold please I can hold 2. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:47:08 You might need to hold but I'm writing this down. So Mailchimp, Acuity and Squarespace. [ilana Schwartz] 11:47:14 Yes. Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:47:14 So the ones you're using. Okay, let me look, let me get back to you on that for next week because I want to look at everybody stuff and then I'll know what platforms you're on. [ilana Schwartz] 11:47:17 Okay. [ilana Schwartz] 11:47:21 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:47:24 That would be good to know as well if you can tell me those things like if you're what's your website on? [ilana Schwartz] 11:47:29 My website's on Squarespace. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:47:31 Squarespace. And Mailchimp is for email. [ilana Schwartz] 11:47:36 Yes, but it's not using it the way that I could be. So that is definitely. [ilana Schwartz] 11:47:42 On the top of my list is getting us the arm going. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:47:42 And Acuity, is that Acuity integrates with Mailchimp? Okay. Yeah, that might be. [ilana Schwartz] 11:47:46 Acuity integrates with both. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:47:51 But do you need Squarespace and Mailchimp? I don't know. I don't think so. [ilana Schwartz] 11:47:54 I don't think I do. And Squarespace actually own security, but you have to have separate account. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:47:54 I would not. [ilana Schwartz] 11:47:58 It's the weirdest. Thing. To buy another account on there if I want. Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:47:59 Yeah, yeah. Okay, I'm writing that down so you can, okay. I always recommend having like a separate word, website because You change your website less than sometimes we change our software. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:48:16 So just in general, but let me get back to you on that one. Thank you. Okay. Sasha, do you have a quick question? [ilana Schwartz] 11:48:18 Perfect. Great. Yeah, I definitely need a new CRM. Thank you. [Sasha Sabbeth-Intuition Success Strategist,Healer,Soul Guide] 11:48:25 Yes, yes. So I wanna be able to. Not get overwhelmed in this class. I want to tell you where I'm at and then for you to just tell me right now. [Sasha Sabbeth-Intuition Success Strategist,Healer,Soul Guide] 11:48:38 What would be the best process for me to absorb this information and I will absolutely listen to this replay. [Sasha Sabbeth-Intuition Success Strategist,Healer,Soul Guide] 11:48:46 So my website has not been functional for quite some time. And as you know, I've been in business for about 37, 38 years. [Sasha Sabbeth-Intuition Success Strategist,Healer,Soul Guide] 11:48:57 The website is still present on the web and I, I send people after they have an initial contact with me and they know like and trust me. [Sasha Sabbeth-Intuition Success Strategist,Healer,Soul Guide] 11:49:07 I send them to that with the disclaimer I guess the waiver that says you know visit my website your own risk kind of thing because there's it yeah so but Okay, so I'm done. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:49:18 I got it. I know what it was. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:49:22 No, I know what it looks like. I know what your website looks like. So your question is should you do you, I mean, you need a functional website. [Sasha Sabbeth-Intuition Success Strategist,Healer,Soul Guide] 11:49:29 Yes, so my quick, sorry, I thought you were gonna, yeah, my question is. How should I listen to this program? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:49:30 So. [Sasha Sabbeth-Intuition Success Strategist,Healer,Soul Guide] 11:49:38 So that I am taking the necessary priority steps. And at the moment I don't have the funding. [Sasha Sabbeth-Intuition Success Strategist,Healer,Soul Guide] 11:49:47 To do a huge kind of website. What I'm hoping to do is a beautiful landing page so that people can get into my email funnel. [Sasha Sabbeth-Intuition Success Strategist,Healer,Soul Guide] 11:49:59 And then I will build all the other big pieces. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:50:02 Okay, and what software are you using for email marketing? [Sasha Sabbeth-Intuition Success Strategist,Healer,Soul Guide] 11:50:07 I use get response. And my CRM is. Less annoying C. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:50:09 Okay. [Sasha Sabbeth-Intuition Success Strategist,Healer,Soul Guide] 11:50:14 R. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:50:15 Okay, so those landing pages can be done on one or 2 with one of those platforms. So for now I would, so this is again, take this advice with a grain of salt for those of you. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:50:28 I'm giving it to her because I know her budget. Okay, I specifically know how much she has to spend, which is nothing. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:50:33 So I'm telling you, you need to build landing pages in the software that you already have. You're not to switch softwares for you. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:50:42 And we will figure out how to switch softwares for you. And we will figure out how to do that if you don't know how. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:50:46 So what you want to do is you want to go into get response and and I want you to detail and see what you can do and which ones and which one you like. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:50:54 They might actually duplicate. I don't know that you need both. Okay, so I want you to go and really look at what are the offerings in each one and figure out if you really need both, cause I don't think you do. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:51:04 I think you need one or the other. And so you might be overpaying. So I want you to compare and contrast. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:51:09 See which one you like to work in better, which one definitely has landing pages and email marketing and opt in boxes and auto responders. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:51:17 And CRM like capabilities, right? That's what you need. So I want you to do that first and then [Sasha Sabbeth-Intuition Success Strategist,Healer,Soul Guide] 11:51:25 Do you know, Katrina, Katrina, do you know less annoying CRM? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:51:31 Not off top of my head. I think it's like a go high level, right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:51:34 It's like a 1 of those. So I don't wanna. I want you to look first. [Sasha Sabbeth-Intuition Success Strategist,Healer,Soul Guide] 11:51:34 No, no, no, no, so, but anyway, it's okay. I don't want I know what you Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:51:42 And you can actually give me a snapshot. You can say it has this, this, this, this, this, this, and I will tell you which one if you can just do that little homework, of which one, because I have get response and I don't think you need both because I can do, but get responses and do landing pages, I don't think. [Sasha Sabbeth-Intuition Success Strategist,Healer,Soul Guide] 11:51:59 It does. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:51:59 Okay. Then. It's not the best for landing pages, so less than knowing might be better. [Sasha Sabbeth-Intuition Success Strategist,Healer,Soul Guide] 11:52:04 That's true. No. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:52:07 Okay, so just really look at the differences and then we're gonna help you figure out, I think what you need to do in this program is to create the landing pages that you need that are critical. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:52:17 In order to do more lead gen, more follow-up, more sales. And if you could get that accomplished in the next 4 and a half months, that is your goal, I think, because you do enough of the marketing and reaching out and networking and speaking that you'll bring in the right people but you don't your system is broken in that backend. [Sasha Sabbeth-Intuition Success Strategist,Healer,Soul Guide] 11:52:36 My, my, my system is nonexistent. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:52:36 So that's [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:52:40 It's, I know, it's manual labor, so we can't have that. So that is really your order of importance. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:52:45 Does that make sense? Okay. Good. Does anybody else need anything? [Sasha Sabbeth-Intuition Success Strategist,Healer,Soul Guide] 11:52:47 It does. Thank you. I already feel 20 pounds lighter. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:52:52 Now, and when you make a lot more money, Sasha, like 10 or $20,000 more a month, you need to put it on your goal sheet to get a new website though probably by the end of the year. [Sasha Sabbeth-Intuition Success Strategist,Healer,Soul Guide] 11:53:02 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:53:03 So that would be a goal is to put in your goal to afford to be able to do a new website and just hire it out. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:53:08 You might need $3,500 to do a new website and this is it'll be the best money you ever spent to do that let me chat let me tell you okay Alright. [Sasha Sabbeth-Intuition Success Strategist,Healer,Soul Guide] 11:53:15 Yes. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:53:18 Okay, so like that is her order of importance. I know because I know I've worked with her over here so this is what I want to help you guys do. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:53:25 So the more you can help me help you by giving me these detailed things. I can definitely. Help you put things in order of importance and I can do this via Facebook, I can do it in there if you just help me and give me the stuff and then I will analyze it between now and next call and I'll be able to respond to you guys. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:53:46 You guys get it? Do you guys see that? Okay. [Marline Duroseau] 11:53:47 Yeah, so put all of our stuff in the Facebook for instance tonight or tomorrow just before next call. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:53:53 Yeah, if yes, and if it's a lot of stuff like attachments all stuff, you can email it. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:54:00 Okay, so you can email it to me just put boot camp in the subject so that I know. Then I can find it easy and then I will keep a folder for you guys and and look through all your stuff. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:54:10 I've already started printing out all your quizzes and so I'm gonna have the information. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:54:16 This is just the first call. Okay, so I want to get you to get that order of importance. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:54:22 And your need number your goals I need to know these things like Sasha I need to know all the technologies you're using to help you. [Marline Duroseau] 11:54:26 Oh [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:54:30 Hopefully streamline and simplify what you're doing. Make sense? [Marline Duroseau] 11:54:34 Yeah. [Sasha Sabbeth-Intuition Success Strategist,Healer,Soul Guide] 11:54:35 Yes, oh, I just want to say Katrina and for everyone since we're going to be in this little family for a while. [Sasha Sabbeth-Intuition Success Strategist,Healer,Soul Guide] 11:54:42 I've been off the grid for 6 years doing other things. So this is me getting back on the highway. [Sasha Sabbeth-Intuition Success Strategist,Healer,Soul Guide] 11:54:47 In case anybody cared. Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:54:48 Yes. Yeah. Hey, and. All right, and like life happens, right? [Marline Duroseau] 11:54:49 Hmm. Okay. Yeah. [Jodie Huston] 11:54:52 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:54:56 And sometimes we have to do that. I have a really good friend and she was a client for 3 or 4 years. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:55:01 She just had a niece who died and she's like, I mean, she doesn't wanna do anything, right? I don't blame her. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:55:08 Alright, Suzanne, what's your question? [Suzanne Stafford] 11:55:09 My question is on adding these. The freebies to get people onto the email list. I would think with the things I'm doing, I might have separate ones. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:55:21 So I would just have a different landing page for each one of them. You know, the main page would have one, but then. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:55:24 Yes. Yes. You went. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:55:30 I'll just have to make landing pages for the other ones because I think it'd be too confusing. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:55:36 If there was more than one on there. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:55:37 Yes, for example, you go to my website and there's a bunch of free trainings here. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:55:42 Now you're gonna have some for different reasons, but you if you have a few, then put them all in one. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:55:45 Yeah. Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:55:48 I send people here all the time. And random people sign up for random stuff. I mean, I never know what people want because I talk on so many different topics. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:55:52 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:55:56 If you have that kind of scenario or situation, then do something like this. But for you, Suzanne, you're gonna have more of a a page. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:56:06 You're gonna have a page for a particular target audience, you're gonna have another page for a different target audience and on that inside page is where you're gonna talk about the freebie that's for them. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:56:09 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:56:16 And then on this inside page, you're gonna have the freebie that's for those people. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:56:18 Yeah. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:56:19 Okay, so you need to do it by pages. Not everybody does. I just happen to know what she does. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:56:25 Okay. [Suzanne Stafford] 11:56:25 Okay, okay, thank you. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:56:26 Okay. And if in question, look at my website like there's a lot of things on my website that I'll be suggesting you to do. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:56:38 Not that I'm perfect, I am so not perfect. But I have some good example pages or I can find one if we're having trouble. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:56:42 If you're if you want. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:56:46 I mean, we're gonna be looking at websites a little bit later, but if one of your main reasons for coming here was to get feedback on your website and you want to do that sooner than later. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:56:55 Put the link and a request in the Facebook group. Or you can do it by email and I can go. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:57:02 Look real quick and give you feedback. The reason I kind of want most of the stuff in the Facebook group is for everybody else to see it too. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:57:08 Because what if I give you advice and they can learn from the advice I'm giving you. Okay, so try to refrain from emailing me if you can. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:57:16 I know sometimes you have to, there's too many documents, whatever, whatever, and Sasha can't get into our Facebook. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:57:22 So. But for the most part, that is why I'm saying in the Facebook, not to make you go there. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:57:26 It's so that everybody else can learn. From everybody else's stuff and all the responses I'm giving, okay? [Marline Duroseau] 11:57:32 I had a quick question before we before we go. I'm looking at the time. Okay, so you mentioned, which is a great point I didn't think about having the questionnaire to kind of have more information and preparation for these calls, but then, who's my, Ilana? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:57:49 Hannah [Marline Duroseau] 11:57:50 Iana, she had a, she mentioned something that I wanted to touch upon, which was the I have Mailchimp as well. [Marline Duroseau] 11:57:56 I have Squarespace and then, I have Calendly for my calendar. [Marline Duroseau] 11:58:03 So for creating, for instance, Okay, so now there's a plugin where the Calendly is on my website so they book the appointment. [Marline Duroseau] 11:58:13 Now is it at that point I need another plugin to have? The the questionnaire or is that automation where [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:58:19 Well, you don't necessarily have to do a plugin. Like when someone goes to schedule online, they fill out the questionnaire that is built with the form inside my software first. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:58:32 And then the email that goes gives them the link to the calendar. Okay. [Marline Duroseau] 11:58:32 Okay. [Marline Duroseau] 11:58:38 Okay, okay, so I basically need to update. Let's say where it says sign up for my email page they would be like if someone wanted to know about the free consultation or not free but the with me is there another button they would click that would generate that questionnaire before they can schedule. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:59:00 So homepage, free trainings. One on one call, right? And so if they go here, then it hasn't fill this out. [Marline Duroseau] 11:59:05 Okay. [Marline Duroseau] 11:59:11 I see. So I need to create something like that. I got you. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:59:11 Once they fill this out. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:59:15 Well, ideally because we want to get them on the list. Okay, so the number one goal of your website is to get people on your email list. [Marline Duroseau] 11:59:20 Right. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:59:21 The number 2 goal then is to get them to sign up for a call. So they will usually not sign up for their call if they don't know you. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:59:28 Okay, so you have to have other free stuff first usually. Sometimes the people will go straight to a call, but it's less. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:59:36 Common then going to get free stuff. Right. But then after. [Marline Duroseau] 11:59:38 Yeah, I'm asking this because I'm gonna meet with my website person later this evening. So I wanna fix this. [Marline Duroseau] 11:59:45 So for instance, where we go where people say book a call, we'll just replace that with like a form, right? [Marline Duroseau] 11:59:52 Instead of the regular. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:59:52 No, it's a page. It's a page. So you take them to a page. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 11:59:56 So I took it to a page, I put the link in there earlier, the strategy session page was my page. [Marline Duroseau] 11:59:56 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:00:01 And then once they fill in that form, they get taken here. Thanks for signing up. Different video. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:00:08 This is where they go to my calendar to book the call. Okay. So if you take them to your calendar first. [Marline Duroseau] 12:00:10 I see. Gotcha. Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:00:15 You just need the calendar to be integrated to your email marketing system. So they have to drop into a list or be tagged or somehow into your email. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:00:27 Which this is mine, right? So you have to have different lists in your email system. To coordinate so anybody that's on the strategy session list [Marline Duroseau] 12:00:28 Right. [Marline Duroseau] 12:00:39 Cool. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:00:39 Good is here. Oh, that's a different one. But, it's probably in my Never mind. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:00:47 I don't want that. [Marline Duroseau] 12:00:47 Well, can that be automated too how they went to strategy like oh gosh this is so much oh I got okay cause you see how in your email list [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:00:53 Yes, almost everything you're going to do can be automated. Okay, we just have to talk through it. [Jodie Huston] 12:00:54 Okay [Marline Duroseau] 12:00:58 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:01:00 Don't get overwhelmed. Just the first step you guys since rat time is to tell me the software is in everything you're using. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:01:08 Okay. And tell me the process you want to take someone through. S me ideally I wanna get them here. [Marline Duroseau] 12:01:08 Okay. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:01:15 Cause then I can sell them this, okay? If you tell me the process and you tell me what software is and different technologies you have, I can help you figure this out. [Marline Duroseau] 12:01:25 Okay. Thank you. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:01:26 Okay. I know it's a lot. The lenses, feel you breathe one step at a time. Right. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:01:34 We're not going to come should all in 90 min and 90 min went really quick but hey we did a lot in 90 min honestly. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:01:40 So thank you for putting all your stuff in the chat. I will save the chat. You guys can save the chat. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:01:45 If you want with the 3 buttons on the top of the chat, I'm gonna give it to you but if you want it immediately you would want to click same chat right now because it'll save. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:01:55 And then as soon I will have all of this up later today, okay, and I will post something in the Facebook group and probably even send you an email. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:02:06 Later today when it's all on the thank you page. So the thank you page you're gonna go to to get all of this stuff. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:02:12 Is I'm gonna put it in that thing right now and you can pull it up later. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:02:19 And just maybe just keep it open. Keep it open on your computer. You know, just as one of the tabs that you're working on stuff, right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:02:26 And just keep refreshing it. Like obviously it's it needs to be refreshed if I haven't put stuff there. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:02:32 Anyways. Okay, I know. Yes, I'm a fire hose. I am a fire hose. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:02:36 People call me that all the time. But, I could go slower, but I don't want to because it will be, we won't get as much done. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:02:46 So I can't stand group programs that you don't get anything done and you only learn like one or 2 things. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:02:51 So hopefully you've already learned one or 2 things. You've already got a checklist of things. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:02:56 And and we're moving along at light speed because the faster you make more money the faster you will have a better life, right? [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:03:03 Okay. Alright. Have a wonderful rest of your day and we'll see you next Tuesday, April second, Tuesday, April second. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:03:12 1030 to 12 Pacific time, same time, same zoom link. Okay, and I will see you in the Facebook group. [Katrina Sawa, JumpstartYourBizNow.com & JumpstartPublishing.net] 12:03:21 Okay, bye guys. Thank you for being here and playing full out. [Jodie Huston] 12:03:24 Okay.